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# Parata

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Component based styles for the web. Parata enforces you to build re-usable components for the web and generates a component wise styleguide.

## Getting Started
Parata is packaged as a `grunt` plugin. So, make sure you install [GruntJS]( There is a generator included which is packaged as a `yeoman` generator. Refer here to get started on the generator:

Or simply run: `$ npm install -g generator-parata`. You may require root permissions for it. Also make sure you have yeoman installed. Make sure you read the docs:

## Quick example
Generate a `button` component if you haven't created one using the generator.
Open `components/button/` in your editor.

#### Add some styling
  * @component button
  * @description Button.
  * @variants primary | secondary | default

button {
  color: #F5F5F5;
  padding: 10px;
  &:hover {
    cursor: pointer;
  &.primary {
    background: blue;
  &.secondary {
    background: red;
  &.default {
    background: yellow;
#### Import the component to `components/app.scss`
  * Bootstrap file for all styles

  @import 'button/style'

#### Create an HTML sample / example for the component in example.html
<example for="button">
<button class="{{ variant }}">{{ variant }}</button>

#### Create a javascript snippet for the component in example.html
<script for="button">
alert("Hello I'm a component!");

#### Build
$ grunt parata --build

#### Serve
$ grunt serve

This will start a server at `http://localhost:8888`.