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# Cycle History - [source](

This is the standard Cycle.js driver for dealing with the History API.

This project is 100% compatible with mjackson/history, most notably used to create React-Router. This allows for a Cycle.js application to be embedded inside of an existing React application and share history instances.

Though this library makes use of the interface that the mjackson/history library provides, any other library can be used which satisfies the interface. Also take note of the ServerHistory object we have made to easily allow for server-side rendering of your Cycle application.

npm install @cycle/history


## <a id="makeHistoryDriver"></a> `makeHistoryDriver(options)`

Create a History Driver to be used in the browser.

This is a function which, when called, returns a History Driver for Cycle.js
apps. The driver is also a function, and it takes a stream of new locations
(strings representing pathnames or location objects) as input, and outputs
another stream of locations that were applied. Example:

import {run} from '@cycle/run';
import {makeHistoryDriver} from '@cycle/history';

function main(sources){
  return {
    // updates the browser URL every 500ms
    history: xs.periodic(500).map(i => `url-${i}`)

const drivers = {
  history: makeHistoryDriver()

run(main, drivers);

#### Arguments:

- `options: object|History|MemoryHistory` an object with some options specific to this driver. These options are the same as for the corresponding
`createBrowserHistory()` function in History v4. Check its
[docs]( for a good
description on the options. Alternatively, a History object can also be sent
in case the external consumer needs direct access to any of the direct History

#### Returns:

*(Function)* the History Driver function

## <a id="makeHashHistoryDriver"></a> `makeHashHistoryDriver(options)`

Create a History Driver for older browsers using hash routing.

This is a function which, when called, returns a History Driver for Cycle.js
apps. The driver is also a function, and it takes a stream of new locations
(strings representing pathnames or location objects) as input, and outputs
another stream of locations that were applied.

#### Arguments:

- `options: object` an object with some options specific to this driver. These options are the same as for the corresponding
`createHashHistory()` function in History v4. Check its
[docs]( for a good
description on the options.

#### Returns:

*(Function)* the History Driver function

## <a id="captureClicks"></a> `captureClicks(driver)`

Wraps a History Driver to add "click capturing" functionality.

If you want to intercept and handle any click event that leads to a link,
like on an `<a>` element, you pass your existing driver (e.g. created from
`makeHistoryDriver()`) as argument and this function will return another
driver of the same nature, but including click capturing logic. Example:

import {captureClicks, makeHistoryDriver} from '@cycle/history';

const drivers = {
  history: captureClicks(makeHistoryDriver())

#### Arguments:

- `driver: Function` an existing History Driver function.

#### Returns:

*(Function)* a History Driver function

## <a id="makeServerHistoryDriver"></a> `makeServerHistoryDriver(options)`

Create a History Driver to be used in non-browser enviroments such as
server-side Node.js.

This is a function which, when called, returns a History Driver for Cycle.js
apps. The driver is also a function, and it takes a stream of new locations
(strings representing pathnames or location objects) as input, and outputs
another stream of locations that were applied.

#### Arguments:

- `options: object` an object with some options specific to this driver. These options are the same as for the corresponding
`createMemoryHistory()` function in History v4. Check its
[docs]( for a good
description on the options.

#### Returns:

*(Function)* the History Driver function


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