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# Cycle HTML - [source](

A Cycle.js driver to render virtual DOM streams as HTML. This is based on the DOM driver and [snabbdom](, and is intended for server-side rendered HTML that mirrors what the DOM driver would render client-side.

npm install @cycle/html


## <a id="makeHTMLDriver"></a> `makeHTMLDriver(effect, options)`

A factory for the HTML driver function.

Takes an `effect` callback function and an `options` object as arguments. The
input to this driver is a stream of virtual DOM objects, or in other words,
Snabbdom "VNode" objects. The output of this driver is a "DOMSource": a
collection of Observables queried with the methods `select()` and `events()`.

The HTML Driver is supplementary to the DOM Driver. Instead of producing
elements on the DOM, it generates HTML as strings and does a side effect on
those HTML strings. That side effect is described by the `effect` callback
function. So, if you want to use the HTML Driver on the server-side to render
your application as HTML and send as a response (which is the typical use
case for the HTML Driver), you need to pass something like the
`html => response.send(html)` function as the `effect` argument. This way,
the driver knows what side effect to cause based on the HTML string it just

The HTML driver is useful only for that side effect in the `effect` callback.
It can be considered a sink-only driver. However, in order to serve as a
transparent replacement to the DOM Driver when rendering from the server, the
HTML driver returns a source object that behaves just like the DOMSource.
This helps reuse the same application that is written for the DOM Driver.
This fake DOMSource returns empty streams when you query it, because there
are no user events on the server.

`` returns a new DOMSource with scope restricted to
the element(s) that matches the CSS `selector` given.

`, options)` returns an empty stream. The returned
stream is an *xstream* Stream if you use `@cycle/xstream-run` to run your app
with this driver, or it is an RxJS Observable if you use `@cycle/rxjs-run`,
and so forth.

`DOMSource.elements()` returns the stream of HTML string rendered from your
sink stream of virtual DOM. The alternative method `DOMSource.element()` does
the same (it only exists to be compatible with DOMSource from `@cycle/dom`).

#### Arguments:

- `effect: Function` a callback function that takes a string of rendered HTML as input and should run a side effect, returning nothing.
- `options: HTMLDriverOptions` an object with two optional properties: - `transposition: boolean` enables/disables transposition of inner streams in
  the virtual DOM tree.
- `reportSnabbdomError: (err: any) => void` overrides the default error reporter function.

#### Returns:

*(Function)* the HTML driver function. The function expects a stream of VNode as input, and outputs the DOMSource object.


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