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export {thunk, Thunk, ThunkData} from './thunk';
export {VNode, VNodeData} from 'snabbdom';
export {DOMSource, EventsFnOptions} from './DOMSource';
export {MainDOMSource} from './MainDOMSource';
 * A factory for the DOM driver function.
 * Takes a `container` to define the target on the existing DOM which this
 * driver will operate on, and an `options` object as the second argument. The
 * input to this driver is a stream of virtual DOM objects, or in other words,
 * Snabbdom "VNode" objects. The output of this driver is a "DOMSource": a
 * collection of Observables queried with the methods `select()` and `events()`.
 * **``** returns a new DOMSource with scope
 * restricted to the element(s) that matches the CSS `selector` given. To select
 * the page's `document`, use `.select('document')`. To select the container
 * element for this app, use `.select(':root')`.
 * **`, options)`** returns a stream of events of
 * `eventType` happening on the elements that match the current DOMSource. The
 * event object contains the `ownerTarget` property that behaves exactly like
 * `currentTarget`. The reason for this is that some browsers doesn't allow
 * `currentTarget` property to be mutated, hence a new property is created. The
 * returned stream is an *xstream* Stream if you use `@cycle/xstream-run` to run
 * your app with this driver, or it is an RxJS Observable if you use
 * `@cycle/rxjs-run`, and so forth.
 * **options for**
 * The `options` parameter on `, options)` is an
 * (optional) object with two optional fields: `useCapture` and
 * `preventDefault`.
 * `useCapture` is by default `false`, except it is `true` for event types that
 * do not bubble. Read more here
 * about the `useCapture` and its purpose.
 * `preventDefault` is by default `false`, and indicates to the driver whether
 * `event.preventDefault()` should be invoked. This option can be configured in
 * three ways:
 * - `{preventDefault: boolean}` to invoke preventDefault if `true`, and not
 * invoke otherwise.
 * - `{preventDefault: (ev: Event) => boolean}` for conditional invocation.
 * - `{preventDefault: NestedObject}` uses an object to be recursively compared
 * to the `Event` object. `preventDefault` is invoked when all properties on the
 * nested object match with the properties on the event object.
 * Here are some examples:
 * ```typescript
 * // always prevent default
 *'input').events('keydown', {
 *   preventDefault: true
 * })
 * // prevent default only when `ENTER` is pressed
 *'input').events('keydown', {
 *   preventDefault: e => e.keyCode === 13
 * })
 * // prevent defualt when `ENTER` is pressed AND target.value is 'HELLO'
 *'input').events('keydown', {
 *   preventDefault: { keyCode: 13, ownerTarget: { value: 'HELLO' } }
 * });
 * ```
 * **`DOMSource.elements()`** returns a stream of arrays containing the DOM
 * elements that match the selectors in the DOMSource (e.g. from previous
 * `select(x)` calls).
 * **`DOMSource.element()`** returns a stream of DOM elements. Notice that this
 * is the singular version of `.elements()`, so the stream will emit an element,
 * not an array. If there is no element that matches the selected DOMSource,
 * then the returned stream will not emit anything.
 * @param {(String|HTMLElement)} container the DOM selector for the element
 * (or the element itself) to contain the rendering of the VTrees.
 * @param {DOMDriverOptions} options an object with two optional properties:
 *   - `modules: array` overrides `@cycle/dom`'s default Snabbdom modules as
 *     as defined in [`src/modules.ts`](./src/modules.ts).
 *   - `reportSnabbdomError: (err: any) => void` overrides the default error reporter function.
 * @return {Function} the DOM driver function. The function expects a stream of
 * VNode as input, and outputs the DOMSource object.
 * @function makeDOMDriver
export {makeDOMDriver, DOMDriverOptions} from './makeDOMDriver';
 * A factory function to create mocked DOMSource objects, for testing purposes.
 * Takes a `mockConfig` object as argument, and returns
 * a DOMSource that can be given to any Cycle.js app that expects a DOMSource in
 * the sources, for testing.
 * The `mockConfig` parameter is an object specifying selectors, eventTypes and
 * their streams. Example:
 * ```js
 * const domSource = mockDOMSource({
 *   '.foo': {
 *     'click': xs.of({target: {}}),
 *     'mouseover': xs.of({target: {}}),
 *   },
 *   '.bar': {
 *     'scroll': xs.of({target: {}}),
 *     elements: xs.of({tagName: 'div'}),
 *   }
 * });
 * // Usage
 * const click$ ='.foo').events('click');
 * const element$ ='.bar').elements();
 * ```
 * The mocked DOM Source supports isolation. It has the functions `isolateSink`
 * and `isolateSource` attached to it, and performs simple isolation using
 * classNames. *isolateSink* with scope `foo` will append the class `___foo` to
 * the stream of virtual DOM nodes, and *isolateSource* with scope `foo` will
 * perform a conventional `'.__foo')` call.
 * @param {Object} mockConfig an object where keys are selector strings
 * and values are objects. Those nested objects have `eventType` strings as keys
 * and values are streams you created.
 * @return {Object} fake DOM source object, with an API containing `select()`
 * and `events()` and `elements()` which can be used just like the DOM Driver's
 * DOMSource.
 * @function mockDOMSource
export {mockDOMSource, MockConfig, MockedDOMSource} from './mockDOMSource';
export {CycleDOMEvent} from './EventDelegator';
 * The hyperscript function `h()` is a function to create virtual DOM objects,
 * also known as VNodes. Call
 * ```js
 * h('div.myClass', {style: {color: 'red'}}, [])
 * ```
 * to create a VNode that represents a `DIV` element with className `myClass`,
 * styled with red color, and no children because the `[]` array was passed. The
 * API is `h(tagOrSelector, optionalData, optionalChildrenOrText)`.
 * However, usually you should use "hyperscript helpers", which are shortcut
 * functions based on hyperscript. There is one hyperscript helper function for
 * each DOM tagName, such as `h1()`, `h2()`, `div()`, `span()`, `label()`,
 * `input()`. For instance, the previous example could have been written
 * as:
 * ```js
 * div('.myClass', {style: {color: 'red'}}, [])
 * ```
 * There are also SVG helper functions, which apply the appropriate SVG
 * namespace to the resulting elements. `svg()` function creates the top-most
 * SVG element, and `svg.g`, `svg.polygon`, ``, `svg.path` are for
 * SVG-specific child elements. Example:
 * ```js
 * svg({attrs: {width: 150, height: 150}}, [
 *   svg.polygon({
 *     attrs: {
 *       class: 'triangle',
 *       points: '20 0 20 150 150 20'
 *     }
 *   })
 * ])
 * ```
 * @function h
export {h} from 'snabbdom';
import hh, {HyperScriptHelperFn, SVGHelperFn} from './hyperscript-helpers';

export const svg: SVGHelperFn = hh.svg;
export const a: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.a;
export const abbr: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.abbr;
export const address: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.address;
export const area: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.area;
export const article: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.article;
export const aside: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.aside;
export const audio: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const b: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.b;
export const base: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.base;
export const bdi: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.bdi;
export const bdo: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.bdo;
export const blockquote: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.blockquote;
export const body: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.body;
export const br: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const button: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.button;
export const canvas: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.canvas;
export const caption: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.caption;
export const cite: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.cite;
export const code: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.code;
export const col: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.col;
export const colgroup: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.colgroup;
export const dd: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.dd;
export const del: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.del;
export const dfn: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.dfn;
export const dir: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.dir;
export const div: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.div;
export const dl: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.dl;
export const dt: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.dt;
export const em: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.em;
export const embed: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.embed;
export const fieldset: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.fieldset;
export const figcaption: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.figcaption;
export const figure: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.figure;
export const footer: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.footer;
export const form: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.form;
export const h1: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.h1;
export const h2: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.h2;
export const h3: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.h3;
export const h4: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.h4;
export const h5: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.h5;
export const h6: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.h6;
export const head: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.head;
export const header: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.header;
export const hgroup: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.hgroup;
export const hr: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const html: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.html;
export const i: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.i;
export const iframe: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.iframe;
export const img: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.img;
export const input: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.input;
export const ins: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.ins;
export const kbd: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.kbd;
export const keygen: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.keygen;
export const label: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.label;
export const legend: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.legend;
export const li: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const link: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const main: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.main;
export const map: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const mark: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.mark;
export const menu: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const meta: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.meta;
export const nav: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.nav;
export const noscript: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.noscript;
export const object: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.object;
export const ol: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.ol;
export const optgroup: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.optgroup;
export const option: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.option;
export const p: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.p;
export const param: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.param;
export const pre: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.pre;
export const progress: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.progress;
export const q: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.q;
export const rp: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.rp;
export const rt: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.rt;
export const ruby: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.ruby;
export const s: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.s;
export const samp: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.samp;
export const script: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.script;
export const section: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.section;
export const select: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const small: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.small;
export const source: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.source;
export const span: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.span;
export const strong: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.strong;
export const style: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const sub: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.sub;
export const sup: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.sup;
export const table: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.table;
export const tbody: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.tbody;
export const td: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const textarea: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.textarea;
export const tfoot: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.tfoot;
export const th: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const thead: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.thead;
export const title: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.title;
export const tr: HyperScriptHelperFn =;
export const u: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.u;
export const ul: HyperScriptHelperFn = hh.ul;
export const video: HyperScriptHelperFn =;