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export {HTMLSource} from './HTMLSource';
 * A factory for the HTML driver function.
 * Takes an `effect` callback function and an `options` object as arguments. The
 * input to this driver is a stream of virtual DOM objects, or in other words,
 * Snabbdom "VNode" objects. The output of this driver is a "DOMSource": a
 * collection of Observables queried with the methods `select()` and `events()`.
 * The HTML Driver is supplementary to the DOM Driver. Instead of producing
 * elements on the DOM, it generates HTML as strings and does a side effect on
 * those HTML strings. That side effect is described by the `effect` callback
 * function. So, if you want to use the HTML Driver on the server-side to render
 * your application as HTML and send as a response (which is the typical use
 * case for the HTML Driver), you need to pass something like the
 * `html => response.send(html)` function as the `effect` argument. This way,
 * the driver knows what side effect to cause based on the HTML string it just
 * rendered.
 * The HTML driver is useful only for that side effect in the `effect` callback.
 * It can be considered a sink-only driver. However, in order to serve as a
 * transparent replacement to the DOM Driver when rendering from the server, the
 * HTML driver returns a source object that behaves just like the DOMSource.
 * This helps reuse the same application that is written for the DOM Driver.
 * This fake DOMSource returns empty streams when you query it, because there
 * are no user events on the server.
 * `` returns a new DOMSource with scope restricted to
 * the element(s) that matches the CSS `selector` given.
 * `, options)` returns an empty stream. The returned
 * stream is an *xstream* Stream if you use `@cycle/xstream-run` to run your app
 * with this driver, or it is an RxJS Observable if you use `@cycle/rxjs-run`,
 * and so forth.
 * `DOMSource.elements()` returns the stream of HTML string rendered from your
 * sink stream of virtual DOM. The alternative method `DOMSource.element()` does
 * the same (it only exists to be compatible with DOMSource from `@cycle/dom`).
 * @param {Function} effect a callback function that takes a string of rendered
 * HTML as input and should run a side effect, returning nothing.
 * @param {HTMLDriverOptions} options an object with two optional properties:
 * - `transposition: boolean` enables/disables transposition of inner streams in
 *   the virtual DOM tree.
 * - `reportSnabbdomError: (err: any) => void` overrides the default error reporter function.
 * @return {Function} the HTML driver function. The function expects a stream of
 * VNode as input, and outputs the DOMSource object.
 * @function makeHTMLDriver
export {makeHTMLDriver, HTMLDriverOptions} from './makeHTMLDriver';