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export {Getter, Setter, Lens, Scope, Reducer, MainFn} from './types';
export {StateSource, isolateSource, isolateSink} from './StateSource';
export {Instances, CollectionOptions} from './Collection';

 * Given a Cycle.js component that expects a state *source* and will
 * output a reducer *sink*, this function sets up the state management
 * mechanics to accumulate state over time and provide the state source. It
 * returns a Cycle.js component which wraps the component given as input.
 * Essentially, it hooks up the reducers sink with the state source as a cycle.
 * Optionally, you can pass a custom name for the state channel. By default,
 * the name is 'state' in sources and sinks, but you can change that to be
 * whatever string you wish.
 * @param {Function} main a function that takes `sources` as input and outputs
 * `sinks`.
 * @param {String} name an optional string for the custom name given to the
 * state channel. By default, it is the string 'state'.
 * @return {Function} a component that wraps the main function given as input,
 * adding state accumulation logic to it.
 * @function withState
export {withState} from './withState';

 * Returns a Cycle.js component (a function from sources to sinks) that
 * represents a collection of many item components of the same type.
 * Takes an "options" object as input, with the required properties:
 * - item
 * - collectSinks
 * And the optional properties:
 * - itemKey
 * - itemScope
 * - channel
 * The returned component, the Collection, will use the state source passed to
 * it (through sources) to guide the dynamic growing/shrinking of instances of
 * the item component.
 * Typically the state source should emit arrays, where each entry in the array
 * is an object holding the state for each item component. When the state array
 * grows, the collection will automatically instantiate a new item component.
 * Similarly, when the state array gets smaller, the collection will handle
 * removal of the corresponding item instance.
 * @param {Object} opts a configuration object with the following fields:
 *   - `item: function`, a Cycle.js component for each item in the collection.
 *   - `collectSinks: function`, a function that describes how to collect the
 *      sinks from all item instances.
 *   - `itemKey: function`, a function from item state to item (unique) key.
 *   - `itemScope: function`, a function from item key to isolation scope.
 *   - `channel: string`, choose the channel name where the StateSource exists.
 * @return {Function} a component that displays many instances of the item
 * component.
 * @function makeCollection
export {makeCollection} from './Collection';