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# Site options and customizer

## Customizer

Customizer is a great way to dealing with WordPress theme options but it is quite a bit of work to do to register and apply it. Fortunately Brocooly uses the power of [Kirki Framework]( to build quick and extended theme options. 

### Configuration

Configuration file for customizer is located at `config/customizer.php` file. `Panels`, `sections` and `options` will register your settings, `config` will set default configuration to handle them all and `prefix` - is simply theme prefix for your settings.

### Panels

Customizer panels - is the collection of sections. You may group any Sections within Panels

To create customizer panel run

php broccoli new:customizer:panel <PanelName>

It will create `PanelName.php` inside `src/Customizer/Panels` with the following content

namespace Theme\Customizer\Panels;

use Brocooly\Customizer\AbstractPanel;

class TestPanel extends AbstractPanel
     * Panel id
     * Same as `id` setting for `Kirki::add_panel()
     * @var string
    public const PANEL_ID = 'test_panel';

     * Panel settings
     * Create panel for customizer sections
     * Same array as arguments for `Kirki::add_panel()` or string if only title required
     * @return array|string
    public function options(): array|string
        return esc_html__( 'Test Panel', 'brocooly' );

where `PANEL_ID` - is id for your panel. It used to group sections within this panel and it must be unique across all panels and sections. It is generated in a snake_case format, but feel free to change it. `options()` method accepts [same params]( as `Kirki::add_panel()` but in a most cases there are no need to pass them all. So if you return string value, it will be considered as a title for your section.

Next step is to register panel. Go into `customizer.php` and inside `panels` param just pass the panel class name

use Theme\Customizer\Panels\TestPanel;


'panels'   => [

But nothing will happen. Why? Because panel has not any .
setting so it will not be rendered. That being said, let's register first section.

### Sections

You may create 'orphan' section without a panel or link it with `-p` flag

php broccoli new:customizer:section <SectionName>

namespace Theme\Customizer\Sections;

use Brocooly\Customizer\AbstractSection;
use Brocooly\Support\Facades\Mod;

class SimpleSection extends AbstractSection
     * Section id
     * Same as `id` setting for `Kirki::add_section()
     * @var string
    public const SECTION_ID = 'simple_section';

     * Panel settings
     * Create panel for customizer sections
     * Same array as arguments for `Kirki::add_panel()` or string if only title required
     * @return array|string
    public function options(): array|string
        return esc_html__( 'Simple Section', 'brocooly' );

     * Section controls
     * @see
     * @return array
    public function controls(): array
        return [
            // Mod::text( 'example_setting', ['label' => esc_html__( 'Example setting', 'brocooly' ) ]),


It contains two general methods - `options()` and `controls()`. First one is for section options, like label, priority or parent panel. Second one is current section controls - like inputs, textarea, checkboxes, etc - basically, this is the WordPress theme mods, but extended by Kirki Framework and simplified by Brocooly.

!> Remember to register section inside `config/customizer.php` `sections` key.

If you uncomment `Mod` facade with `example_setting` inside Customizer panels you will see

## Site options

Options - is an "orphan" setting without custom section - in fact, no option can be set without section, so the only use case where it will be useful to generate option - is to register it within native WordPress customizer section such as "Title and tagline" etc

To generate it simply run
php broccoli new:customizer:option <OptionName>

namespace Theme\Customizer\Options;

use Brocooly\Customizer\AbstractOption;
use Brocooly\Customizer\WPSection;
use Brocooly\Support\Facades\Mod;

class HappyNewYear extends AbstractOption
     * Create option instance
     * This will create simple text option
     * You need to specify WordPress section id
     * For `Site Title & Tagline` it is `title_tagline`
     * @link
     * @link
     * @return array
    public function settings(): array
        return Mod::text(
                // 'section' => WPSection::TITLE_TAGLINE,
                'label'   => esc_html__( 'Example text', 'brocooly' ),

This will generate text option inside "Title adn Tagline" section. The full list of nativae sections is

| Constant | Section id |
| ----- | ----- |
| `TITLE_TAGLINE` | `title_tagline` |
| `COLORS` | `colors` |
| `HEADER_IMAGE` | `header_image` |
| `BACKGROUND_IMAGE` | `background_image` |
| `NAV_MENUS` | `nav_menus` |
| `WIDGETS` | `widgets` |
| `STATIC_FRONT_PAGE` | `static_front_page` |
| `CUSTOM_CSS` | `custom_css` |