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# Hooks

> Hooks are a way for one piece of code to interact/modify another piece of code at specific, pre-defined spots. They make up the foundation for how plugins and themes interact with WordPress Core, but they’re also used extensively by Core itself.

## Create hook via object

As Brocooly is still WordPress theme you may register hooks within `functions.php` file but there are plenty ways to do it in brocooly-way. First one - is by creating special hook object

php broccoli new:hook HookName

This will create next file inside `src/Hooks` directory

namespace Theme\Hooks;

class HookName
     * Hook function
     * Hook itself. Call `add_action` or `add_filter` here
     * @return void
    public function load(): void

Write your hook within `load()` method and register it within `config/app.php` file into `hooks` array. That's it.

But you may specify what type of hook do you want to create

### Actions

Pass `-a` flag when creating hook and it will create action hook

php broccoli new:hook HookName -a

namespace Theme\Hooks;

class HookName
     * Action hook name
     * Pass correct hook name as for WordPress `add_action()`
     * @return string
    public function action(): string
        return 'hook_name';

     * Hook callback function
     * Here you may set any action
    public function hook()

`action()` method should return action name, while `hook()` - its callback. There are also two object parameters - `$priority` (hook priority) and `$params` (amount of passed params).

### Filters

Same is valid for filters but the flag is `-f`

php broccoli new:hook HookName -f

namespace Theme\Hooks;

class HookName
     * Filter hook name
     * Pass correct hook name as for WordPress `add_filter()`
     * @return string
    public function filter(): string
        return 'hook_name';

     * Hook callback function
     * Here you may set any action
     * ! Don't forget: filters HAVE TO return something
    public function hook($something)
        return $something;

## Pass hook via ServiceProvider

You may write your hook inside `boot()` method of any registered `ServiceProvider` (any class which inherit `AbstractService` and registered within `providers` array of `config/app.php` file)

!> This method taking more and more place and priority as there is no need in any shenanigans around it