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(function (global, factory) {
  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
  (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.photoviewer = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';

  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) {
    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");

  function _defineProperties(target, props) {
    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
      var descriptor = props[i];
      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
      descriptor.configurable = true;
      if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);

  function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
    if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
    if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
    return Constructor;

  // Class D
  var D = function (selector, context) {
    return new D.fn.init(selector, context);

  var document = window.document,
    emptyArray = [],
    concat = emptyArray.concat,
    filter = emptyArray.filter,
    slice = emptyArray.slice,
    elementDisplay = {},
    classCache = {},
    cssNumber = {
      'column-count': 1,
      'columns': 1,
      'font-weight': 1,
      'line-height': 1,
      'opacity': 1,
      'z-index': 1,
      'zoom': 1
    fragmentRE = /^\s*<(\w+|!)[^>]*>/,
    singleTagRE = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,
    tagExpanderRE = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
    rootNodeRE = /^(?:body|html)$/i,
    // special attributes that should be get/set via method calls
    methodAttributes = ['val', 'css', 'html', 'text', 'data', 'width', 'height', 'offset'],

    table = document.createElement('table'),
    tableRow = document.createElement('tr'),
    containers = {
      'tr': document.createElement('tbody'),
      'tbody': table,
      'thead': table,
      'tfoot': table,
      'td': tableRow,
      'th': tableRow,
      '*': document.createElement('div')
    simpleSelectorRE = /^[\w-]*$/,
    class2type = {},
    toString = class2type.toString,
    tempParent = document.createElement('div'),
    isArray = Array.isArray || function (arg) {
      return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';
    contains = document.documentElement.contains
      ? function (parent, node) {
        return parent !== node && parent.contains(node);
      : function (parent, node) {
        while (node && (node = node.parentNode))
          if (node === parent) return true;
        return false;

  function type(obj) {
    return obj == null
      ? String(obj)
      : class2type[toString.call(obj)] || 'object';

  function isFunction(value) {
    return type(value) == 'function';

  function isWindow(obj) {
    return obj != null && obj == obj.window;

  function isDocument(obj) {
    return obj != null && obj.nodeType == obj.DOCUMENT_NODE;

  function isObject(obj) {
    return type(obj) == 'object';

  function isPlainObject(obj) {
    return isObject(obj) && !isWindow(obj) && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) == Object.prototype;

  function likeArray(obj) {
    var length = !!obj && 'length' in obj && obj.length,
      typeRes = type(obj);

    return 'function' != typeRes && !isWindow(obj) && (
      'array' == typeRes || length === 0 ||
      (typeof length == 'number' && length > 0 && (length - 1) in obj)

  function compact(array) {
    return filter.call(array, function (item) {
      return item != null;

  function dasherize(str) {
    return str.replace(/::/g, '/')
      .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')
      .replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')
      .replace(/_/g, '-')

  function maybeAddPx(name, value) {
    return (typeof value == 'number' && !cssNumber[dasherize(name)]) ? value + 'px' : value;

  function camelize(str) {
    return str.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function (match, chr) {
      return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';

  function classRE(name) {
    return name in classCache ?
      classCache[name] : (classCache[name] = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + name + '(\\s|$)'));

  function defaultDisplay(nodeName) {
    var element, display;
    if (!elementDisplay[nodeName]) {
      element = document.createElement(nodeName);
      display = getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('display');
      display == 'none' && (display = 'block');
      elementDisplay[nodeName] = display;
    return elementDisplay[nodeName];

  function flatten(array) {
    return array.length > 0 ? D.fn.concat.apply([], array) : array;

  function isD(object) {
    return object instanceof D;

  function funcArg(context, arg, idx, payload) {
    return isFunction(arg) ? arg.call(context, idx, payload) : arg;

  function setAttribute(node, name, value) {
    value == null ? node.removeAttribute(name) : node.setAttribute(name, value);

  // access className property while respecting SVGAnimatedString
  function className(node, value) {
    var klass = node.className || '',
      svg = klass && klass.baseVal !== undefined;

    if (value === undefined) return svg ? klass.baseVal : klass;
    svg ? (klass.baseVal = value) : (node.className = value);

  D.fn = D.prototype = {
    constuctor: D,
    length: 0,
    // Because a collection acts like an array
    // copy over these useful array functions.
    forEach: emptyArray.forEach,
    reduce: emptyArray.reduce,
    push: emptyArray.push,
    sort: emptyArray.sort,
    splice: emptyArray.splice,
    indexOf: emptyArray.indexOf,
    // D's counterpart to jQuery's `$.fn.init` and
    // takes a CSS selector and an optional context (and handles various
    // special cases).
    init: function (selector, context) {
      var dom;
      // If nothing given, return an empty D collection
      if (!selector) {
        return this;
      // Optimize for string selectors
      else if (typeof selector == 'string') {
        selector = selector.trim();
        // If it's a html fragment, create nodes from it
        // Note: In both Chrome 21 and Firefox 15, DOM error 12
        // is thrown if the fragment doesn't begin with <
        if (selector[0] == '<' && fragmentRE.test(selector)) {
          dom = D.fragment(selector, RegExp.$1, context);
          selector = null;
        // If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
        // nodes from there
        else if (context !== undefined) {
          return D(context).find(selector);
        // If it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
        else {
          dom = D.qsa(document, selector);
      // If a function is given, call it when the DOM is ready
      else if (isFunction(selector)) {
        return D(document).ready(selector);
      // If a D collection is given, just return it
      else if (isD(selector)) {
        return selector;
      // normalize array if an array of nodes is given
      else if (isArray(selector)) {
        dom = compact(selector);
      // Wrap DOM nodes.
      else if (isObject(selector)) {
        dom = [selector], selector = null;
      // If there's a context, create a collection on that context first, and select
      // nodes from there
      else if (context !== undefined) {
        return D(context).find(selector);
      // And last but no least, if it's a CSS selector, use it to select nodes.
      else {
        dom = D.qsa(document, selector);
      // create a new D collection from the nodes found
      return D.makeArray(dom, selector, this);
    // Modify the collection by adding elements to it
    concat: function () {
      var i, value, args = [];
      for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        value = arguments[i];
        args[i] = isD(value) ? value.toArray() : value;
      return concat.apply(isD(this) ? this.toArray() : this, args);
    // `pluck` is borrowed from Prototype.js
    pluck: function (property) {
      return D.map(this, function (el) { return el[property]; });
    toArray: function () {
      return this.get();
    get: function (idx) {
      return idx === undefined
        ? slice.call(this)
        : this[idx >= 0 ? idx : idx + this.length];
    size: function () {
      return this.length;
    each: function (callback) {
      emptyArray.every.call(this, function (el, idx) {
        return callback.call(el, idx, el) !== false;
      return this;
    map: function (fn) {
      return D(D.map(this, function (el, i) { return fn.call(el, i, el); }));
    slice: function () {
      return D(slice.apply(this, arguments));
    first: function () {
      var el = this[0];
      return el && !isObject(el) ? el : D(el);
    last: function () {
      var el = this[this.length - 1];
      return el && !isObject(el) ? el : D(el);
    eq: function (idx) {
      return idx === -1 ? this.slice(idx) : this.slice(idx, +idx + 1);

  D.extend = D.fn.extend = function () {
    var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
      target = arguments[0] || {},
      i = 1,
      length = arguments.length,
      deep = false;

    // Handle a deep copy situation
    if (typeof target === 'boolean') {
      deep = target;

      // Skip the boolean and the target
      target = arguments[i] || {};
    // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
    if (typeof target !== 'object' && !isFunction(target)) {
      target = {};
    // Extend D itself if only one argument is passed
    if (i === length) {
      target = this;
    for (; i < length; i++) {
      // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
      if ((options = arguments[i]) != null) {
        // Extend the base object
        for (name in options) {
          src = target[name];
          copy = options[name];
          // Prevent never-ending loop
          if (target === copy) {
          // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
          if (deep && copy && (isPlainObject(copy) ||
            (copyIsArray = isArray(copy)))) {
            if (copyIsArray) {
              copyIsArray = false;
              clone = src && isArray(src) ? src : [];
            } else {
              clone = src && isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
            // Never move original objects, clone them
            target[name] = D.extend(deep, clone, copy);
            // Don't bring in undefined values
          } else if (copy !== undefined) {
            target[name] = copy;
    // Return the modified object
    return target;

    // Make DOM Array
    makeArray: function (dom, selector, me) {
      var i, len = dom ? dom.length : 0;
      for (i = 0; i < len; i++) me[i] = dom[i];
      me.length = len;
      me.selector = selector || '';
      return me;
    // D's CSS selector
    qsa: function (element, selector) {
      var found,
        maybeID = selector[0] == '#',
        maybeClass = !maybeID && selector[0] == '.',
        // Ensure that a 1 char tag name still gets checked
        nameOnly = maybeID || maybeClass ? selector.slice(1) : selector,
        isSimple = simpleSelectorRE.test(nameOnly);
      return (
        // Safari DocumentFragment doesn't have getElementById
        element.getElementById && isSimple && maybeID)
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
        ? (found = element.getElementById(nameOnly))
          ? [found]
          : []
        : element.nodeType !== 1 && element.nodeType !== 9 && element.nodeType !== 11
          ? []
          : slice.call(
            // DocumentFragment doesn't have getElementsByClassName/TagName
            isSimple && !maybeID && element.getElementsByClassName
              ? maybeClass
                // If it's simple, it could be a class
                ? element.getElementsByClassName(nameOnly)
                // Or a tag
                : element.getElementsByTagName(selector)
              // Or it's not simple, and we need to query all
              : element.querySelectorAll(selector)
    // Html -> Node
    fragment: function (html, name, properties) {
      var dom, nodes, container;

      // A special case optimization for a single tag
      if (singleTagRE.test(html)) dom = D(document.createElement(RegExp.$1));

      if (!dom) {
        if (html.replace) html = html.replace(tagExpanderRE, '<$1></$2>');
        if (name === undefined) name = fragmentRE.test(html) && RegExp.$1;
        if (!(name in containers)) name = '*';

        container = containers[name];
        container.innerHTML = '' + html;
        dom = D.each(slice.call(container.childNodes), function () {

      if (isPlainObject(properties)) {
        nodes = D(dom);
        D.each(properties, function (key, value) {
          if (methodAttributes.indexOf(key) > -1) nodes[key](value);
          else nodes.attr(key, value);

      return dom;
    matches: function (element, selector) {
      if (!selector || !element || element.nodeType !== 1) return false;
      var matchesSelector = element.matches || element.webkitMatchesSelector ||
        element.mozMatchesSelector || element.oMatchesSelector ||
      if (matchesSelector) return matchesSelector.call(element, selector);
      // fall back to performing a selector:
      var match, parent = element.parentNode,
        temp = !parent;
      if (temp) (parent = tempParent).appendChild(element);
      match = ~D.qsa(parent, selector).indexOf(element);
      temp && tempParent.removeChild(element);
      return match;
    each: function (elements, callback) {
      var i, key;
      if (likeArray(elements)) {
        for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
          if (callback.call(elements[i], i, elements[i]) === false) return elements;
      } else {
        for (key in elements)
          if (callback.call(elements[key], key, elements[key]) === false) return elements;

      return elements;
    map: function (elements, callback) {
      var value, values = [],
        i, key;
      if (likeArray(elements))
        for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
          value = callback(elements[i], i);
          if (value != null) values.push(value);
        for (key in elements) {
          value = callback(elements[key], key);
          if (value != null) values.push(value);
      return flatten(values);

  // Populate the class2type map
  D.each('Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error'.split(' '), function (i, name) {
    class2type['[object ' + name + ']'] = name.toLowerCase();

  D.fn.init.prototype = D.fn;

  function noop() {

  function css(property, value) {
    if (arguments.length < 2) {
      var element = this[0];
      if (typeof property == 'string') {
        if (!element) return;
        return element.style[camelize(property)] || getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue(property);
      } else if (isArray(property)) {
        if (!element) return;
        var props = {};
        var computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element, '');
        D.each(property, function (_, prop) {
          props[prop] = (element.style[camelize(prop)] || computedStyle.getPropertyValue(prop));
        return props;

    var css = '';
    if (type(property) == 'string') {
      if (!value && value !== 0) {
        this.each(function () {
      } else {
        css = dasherize(property) + ':' + maybeAddPx(property, value);
    } else {
      for (var key in property) {
        if (!property[key] && property[key] !== 0) {
          this.each(function () { this.style.removeProperty(dasherize(key)); });
        } else {
          css += dasherize(key) + ':' + maybeAddPx(key, property[key]) + ';';

    return this.each(function () { this.style.cssText += ';' + css; });

  function hasClass(name) {
    if (!name) return false;
    return emptyArray.some.call(this, function (el) {
      return this.test(className(el));
    }, classRE(name));

  function addClass(name) {
    var classList = [];
    if (!name) return this;
    return this.each(function (idx) {
      if (!('className' in this)) return;
      classList = [];
      var cls = className(this),
        newName = funcArg(this, name, idx, cls);
      newName.split(/\s+/g).forEach(function (klass) {
        if (!D(this).hasClass(klass)) classList.push(klass);
      }, this);
      classList.length && className(this, cls + (cls ? ' ' : '') + classList.join(' '));

  function removeClass(name) {
    var classList = [];
    return this.each(function (idx) {
      if (!('className' in this)) return;
      if (name === undefined) return className(this, '');
      classList = className(this);
      funcArg(this, name, idx, classList).split(/\s+/g).forEach(function (klass) {
        classList = classList.replace(classRE(klass), ' ');
      className(this, classList.trim());

  function offset(coordinates) {
    if (coordinates) return this.each(function (index) {
      var $this = D(this),
        coords = funcArg(this, coordinates, index, $this.offset()),
        parentOffset = $this.offsetParent().offset(),
        props = {
          top: coords.top - parentOffset.top,
          left: coords.left - parentOffset.left

      if ($this.css('position') == 'static') props['position'] = 'relative';
    if (!this.length) return null;
    if (document.documentElement !== this[0] && !contains(document.documentElement, this[0]))
      return { top: 0, left: 0 };
    var obj = this[0].getBoundingClientRect();
    return {
      left: obj.left + window.pageXOffset,
      top: obj.top + window.pageYOffset,
      width: Math.round(obj.width),
      height: Math.round(obj.height)

  function position() {
    if (!this.length) return;

    var elem = this[0],
      // Get *real* offsetParent
      offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),
      // Get correct offsets
      offset = this.offset(),
      parentOffset = rootNodeRE.test(offsetParent[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();

    // Subtract element margins
    // note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft
    // are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
    offset.top -= parseFloat(D(elem).css('margin-top')) || 0;
    offset.left -= parseFloat(D(elem).css('margin-left')) || 0;

    // Add offsetParent borders
    parentOffset.top += parseFloat(D(offsetParent[0]).css('border-top-width')) || 0;
    parentOffset.left += parseFloat(D(offsetParent[0]).css('border-left-width')) || 0;

    // Subtract the two offsets
    return {
      top: offset.top - parentOffset.top,
      left: offset.left - parentOffset.left

  function scrollTop(value) {
    if (!this.length) return;
    var hasScrollTop = 'scrollTop' in this[0];
    if (value === undefined) return hasScrollTop
      ? this[0].scrollTop
      : isWindow(this[0])
        ? this[0].pageYOffset
        : this[0].defaultView.pageYOffset;
    return this.each(hasScrollTop ?
      function () { this.scrollTop = value; } :
      function () { this.scrollTo(this.scrollX, value); });

  function scrollLeft(value) {
    if (!this.length) return;
    var hasScrollLeft = 'scrollLeft' in this[0];
    if (value === undefined) return hasScrollLeft
      ? this[0].scrollLeft
      : isWindow(this[0])
        ? this[0].pageXOffset
        : this[0].defaultView.pageXOffset;
    return this.each(hasScrollLeft ?
      function () { this.scrollLeft = value; } :
      function () { this.scrollTo(value, this.scrollY); });

  function offsetParent() {
    return this.map(function () {
      var parent = this.offsetParent || document.body;
      while (parent && !rootNodeRE.test(parent.nodeName) && D(parent).css('position') == 'static')
        parent = parent.offsetParent;
      return parent;

  function attr(name, value) {
    var result;
    return (typeof name == 'string' && !(1 in arguments))
      ? (0 in this && this[0].nodeType == 1 && (result = this[0].getAttribute(name)) != null
        ? result
        : undefined)
      : this.each(function (idx) {
        if (this.nodeType !== 1) return;
        if (isObject(name))
          for (var key in name) setAttribute(this, key, name[key]);
        else setAttribute(this, name, funcArg(this, value, idx, this.getAttribute(name)));

  function removeAttr(name) {
    return this.each(function () {
      this.nodeType === 1 && name.split(' ').forEach(function (attribute) {
        setAttribute(this, attribute);
      }, this);

  function find(selector) {
    var result, $this = this;
    if (!selector) result = D();
    else if (typeof selector == 'object')
      result = D(selector).filter(function () {
        var node = this;
        return emptyArray.some.call($this, function (parent) {
          return contains(parent, node);
    else if (this.length == 1) result = D(D.qsa(this[0], selector));
    else result = this.map(function () { return D.qsa(this, selector); });
    return result;

  function closest(selector, context) {
    var nodes = [],
      collection = typeof selector == 'object' && D(selector);
    this.each(function (_, node) {
      while (node && !(collection ? collection.indexOf(node) >= 0 : D.matches(node, selector)))
        node = node !== context && !isDocument(node) && node.parentNode;
      if (node && nodes.indexOf(node) < 0) nodes.push(node);
    return D(nodes);

  function isIE() {
    var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
    var msie = ua.indexOf('MSIE ');
    return msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv:11\./);

  function subtract(el, dimen) {
    var offsetMap = {
      width: ['padding-left', 'padding-right', 'border-left-width', 'border-right-width'],
      height: ['padding-top', 'padding-bottom', 'border-top-width', 'border-bottom-width']
    return el.css('box-sizing') === 'border-box' && !isIE()
      ? parseFloat(el.css(dimen))
        - parseFloat(el.css(offsetMap[dimen][0]))
        - parseFloat(el.css(offsetMap[dimen][1]))
        - parseFloat(el.css(offsetMap[dimen][2]))
        - parseFloat(el.css(offsetMap[dimen][3]))
      : parseFloat(el.css(dimen));

  function calc(dimension, value) {
    var dimensionProperty =
      dimension.replace(/./, function (m) { return m[0].toUpperCase(); });

    var el = this[0];
    if (value === undefined) return isWindow(el)
      ? el['inner' + dimensionProperty]
      : isDocument(el)
        ? el.documentElement['scroll' + dimensionProperty]
        : subtract(this, dimension);
    else return this.each(function (idx) {
      el = D(this);
      el.css(dimension, funcArg(this, value, idx, el[dimension]()));

  // Export
  function width(value) {
    return calc.call(this, 'width', value);

  function height(value) {
    return calc.call(this, 'height', value);

  var traverseNode = function (node, fn) {
    for (var i = 0, len = node.childNodes.length; i < len; i++)
      traverseNode(node.childNodes[i], fn);

  // inside => append, prepend
  var domMani = function (elem, args, fn, inside) {
    // arguments can be nodes, arrays of nodes, D objects and HTML strings
    var argType,
      nodes = D.map(args, function (arg) {
        var arr = [];
        argType = type(arg);
        if (argType == 'array') {
          arg.forEach(function (el) {
            if (el.nodeType !== undefined) return arr.push(el);
            else if (isD(el)) return arr = arr.concat(el.get());
            arr = arr.concat(D.fragment(el));
          return arr;
        return argType == 'object' || arg == null ? arg : D.fragment(arg);
      copyByClone = elem.length > 1;

    if (nodes.length < 1) return elem;

    return elem.each(function (_, target) {
      parent = inside ? target : target.parentNode;
      var parentInDocument = contains(document.documentElement, parent);

      nodes.forEach(function (node) {
        if (copyByClone) node = node.cloneNode(true);
        else if (!parent) return D(node).remove();

        fn.call(target, node);

        if (parentInDocument) {
          traverseNode(node, function (el) {
            if (el.nodeName != null && el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' &&
              (!el.type || el.type === 'text/javascript') && !el.src) {
              var target = el.ownerDocument ? el.ownerDocument.defaultView : window;
              target['eval'].call(target, el.innerHTML);

  // Export
  function remove() {
    return this.each(function () {
      if (this.parentNode != null)

  function empty() {
    return this.each(function () { this.innerHTML = ''; });

  function html(html) {
    return 0 in arguments
      ? this.each(function (idx) {
        var originHtml = this.innerHTML;
        D(this).empty().append(funcArg(this, html, idx, originHtml));
      : (0 in this ? this[0].innerHTML : null);

  function append() {
    return domMani(this, arguments, function (elem) {
      this.insertBefore(elem, null);
    }, true);

  var _zid = 1;
  function zid(element) {
    return element._zid || (element._zid = _zid++);

  function isString(obj) {
    return typeof obj == 'string';

  var returnTrue = function () { return true; },
    returnFalse = function () { return false; },
    eventMethods = {
      preventDefault: 'isDefaultPrevented',
      stopImmediatePropagation: 'isImmediatePropagationStopped',
      stopPropagation: 'isPropagationStopped'

  function compatible(event, source) {
    if (source || !event.isDefaultPrevented) {
      source || (source = event);

      D.each(eventMethods, function (name, predicate) {
        var sourceMethod = source[name];
        event[name] = function () {
          this[predicate] = returnTrue;
          return sourceMethod && sourceMethod.apply(source, arguments);
        event[predicate] = returnFalse;

      try {
        event.timeStamp || (event.timeStamp = Date.now());
      } catch (ignored) {

      if (source.defaultPrevented !== undefined ? source.defaultPrevented :
        'returnValue' in source ? source.returnValue === false :
          source.getPreventDefault && source.getPreventDefault())
        event.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
    return event;

  var handlers = {},
    focusinSupported = 'onfocusin' in window,
    focus = { focus: 'focusin', blur: 'focusout' },
    hover = { mouseenter: 'mouseover', mouseleave: 'mouseout' },
    ignoreProperties = /^([A-Z]|returnValue$|layer[XY]$|webkitMovement[XY]$)/;

  function parse(event) {
    var parts = ('' + event).split('.');
    return { e: parts[0], ns: parts.slice(1).sort().join(' ') };
  function matcherFor(ns) {
    return new RegExp('(?:^| )' + ns.replace(' ', ' .* ?') + '(?: |$)');

  function findHandlers(element, event, fn, selector) {
    event = parse(event);
    if (event.ns) var matcher = matcherFor(event.ns);
    return (handlers[zid(element)] || []).filter(function (handler) {
      return handler
        && (!event.e || handler.e == event.e)
        && (!event.ns || matcher.test(handler.ns))
        && (!fn || zid(handler.fn) === zid(fn))
        && (!selector || handler.sel == selector);

  function eventCapture(handler, captureSetting) {
    return handler.del &&
      (!focusinSupported && (handler.e in focus)) ||

  function realEvent(type) {
    return hover[type] || (focusinSupported && focus[type]) || type;

  function add(element, events, fn, data, selector, delegator, capture) {
    var id = zid(element), set = (handlers[id] || (handlers[id] = []));
    events.split(/\s/).forEach(function (event) {
      if (event == 'ready') return D(document).ready(fn);
      var handler = parse(event);
      handler.fn = fn;
      handler.sel = selector;
      // emulate mouseenter, mouseleave
      if (handler.e in hover) fn = function (e) {
        var related = e.relatedTarget;
        if (!related || (related !== this && !contains(this, related)))
          return handler.fn.apply(this, arguments);
      handler.del = delegator;
      var callback = delegator || fn;
      handler.proxy = function (e) {
        e = compatible(e);
        if (e.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) return;
        e.data = data;
        var result = callback.apply(element, e._args == undefined ? [e] : [e].concat(e._args));
        if (result === false) e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation();
        return result;
      handler.i = set.length;
      if ('addEventListener' in element)
        element.addEventListener(realEvent(handler.e), handler.proxy, eventCapture(handler, capture));

  function remove$1(element, events, fn, selector, capture) {
    var id = zid(element);
    (events || '').split(/\s/).forEach(function (event) {
      findHandlers(element, event, fn, selector).forEach(function (handler) {
        delete handlers[id][handler.i];
        if ('removeEventListener' in element)
          element.removeEventListener(realEvent(handler.e), handler.proxy, eventCapture(handler, capture));

  function createProxy(event) {
    var key, proxy = { originalEvent: event };
    for (key in event)
      if (!ignoreProperties.test(key) && event[key] !== undefined) proxy[key] = event[key];

    return compatible(proxy, event);

  var on = function (event, selector, data, callback, one) {
    var autoRemove, delegator, $this = this;
    if (event && !isString(event)) {
      D.each(event, function (type, fn) {
        $this.on(type, selector, data, fn, one);
      return $this;

    if (!isString(selector) && !isFunction(callback) && callback !== false)
      callback = data, data = selector, selector = undefined;
    if (callback === undefined || data === false)
      callback = data, data = undefined;

    if (callback === false) callback = returnFalse;

    return $this.each(function (_, element) {
      if (one) autoRemove = function (e) {
        remove$1(element, e.type, callback);
        return callback.apply(this, arguments);

      if (selector) delegator = function (e) {
        var evt, match = D(e.target).closest(selector, element).get(0);
        if (match && match !== element) {
          evt = D.extend(createProxy(e), { currentTarget: match, liveFired: element });
          return (autoRemove || callback).apply(match, [evt].concat(slice.call(arguments, 1)));

      add(element, event, callback, data, selector, delegator || autoRemove);

  var off = function (event, selector, callback) {
    var $this = this;
    if (event && !isString(event)) {
      D.each(event, function (type, fn) {
        $this.off(type, selector, fn);
      return $this;

    if (!isString(selector) && !isFunction(callback) && callback !== false)
      callback = selector, selector = undefined;

    if (callback === false) callback = returnFalse;

    return $this.each(function () {
      remove$1(this, event, callback, selector);

  var prefix = '',
    vendors = { Webkit: 'webkit', Moz: '', O: 'o' },
    testEl = document.createElement('div'),
    testTransitionProperty = testEl.style.transitionProperty;

  if (testEl.style.transform === undefined) D.each(vendors, function (vendor, event) {
    if (testEl.style[vendor + 'TransitionProperty'] !== undefined) {
      prefix = '-' + vendor.toLowerCase() + '-';
      eventPrefix = event;
      return false;

  testEl = null;

  // fx cannot seperate
  function normalizeEvent(name) {
    return eventPrefix ? eventPrefix + name : name.toLowerCase();

  D.fx = {
    off: (eventPrefix === undefined && testTransitionProperty === undefined),
    speeds: { _default: 400, fast: 200, slow: 600 },
    cssPrefix: prefix,
    transitionEnd: normalizeEvent('TransitionEnd'),
    animationEnd: normalizeEvent('AnimationEnd')

  var supportedTransforms = /^((translate|rotate|scale)(X|Y|Z|3d)?|matrix(3d)?|perspective|skew(X|Y)?)$/i,
    transitionProperty, transitionDuration, transitionTiming, transitionDelay,
    animationName, animationDuration, animationTiming, animationDelay,
    cssReset = {};

  function dasherize$1(str) { return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase(); }

  transform = prefix + 'transform';
  cssReset[transitionProperty = prefix + 'transition-property'] =
    cssReset[transitionDuration = prefix + 'transition-duration'] =
    cssReset[transitionDelay = prefix + 'transition-delay'] =
    cssReset[transitionTiming = prefix + 'transition-timing-function'] =
    cssReset[animationName = prefix + 'animation-name'] =
    cssReset[animationDuration = prefix + 'animation-duration'] =
    cssReset[animationDelay = prefix + 'animation-delay'] =
    cssReset[animationTiming = prefix + 'animation-timing-function'] = '';

  var anim = function (properties, duration, ease, callback, delay) {
    var key, cssValues = {}, cssProperties, transforms = '',
      that = this, wrappedCallback, endEvent = D.fx.transitionEnd,
      fired = false;

    if (duration === undefined) duration = D.fx.speeds._default / 1000;
    if (delay === undefined) delay = 0;
    if (D.fx.off) duration = 0;

    if (typeof properties == 'string') {
      // keyframe animation
      cssValues[animationName] = properties;
      cssValues[animationDuration] = duration + 's';
      cssValues[animationDelay] = delay + 's';
      cssValues[animationTiming] = (ease || 'linear');
      endEvent = D.fx.animationEnd;
    } else {
      cssProperties = [];
      // CSS transitions
      for (key in properties)
        if (supportedTransforms.test(key)) transforms += key + '(' + properties[key] + ') ';
        else cssValues[key] = properties[key], cssProperties.push(dasherize$1(key));

      if (transforms) cssValues[transform] = transforms, cssProperties.push(transform);
      if (duration > 0 && typeof properties === 'object') {
        cssValues[transitionProperty] = cssProperties.join(', ');
        cssValues[transitionDuration] = duration + 's';
        cssValues[transitionDelay] = delay + 's';
        cssValues[transitionTiming] = (ease || 'linear');

    wrappedCallback = function (event) {
      if (typeof event !== 'undefined') {
        if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) return; // makes sure the event didn't bubble from "below"
        D(event.target).off(endEvent, wrappedCallback);
      } else
        D(this).off(endEvent, wrappedCallback); // triggered by setTimeout

      fired = true;
      callback && callback.call(this);
    if (duration > 0) {
      this.on(endEvent, wrappedCallback);
      // transitionEnd is not always firing on older Android phones
      // so make sure it gets fired
      setTimeout(function () {
        if (fired) return;
      }, ((duration + delay) * 1000) + 25);

    // trigger page reflow so new elements can animate
    this.size() && this.get(0).clientLeft;


    if (duration <= 0) setTimeout(function () {
      that.each(function () { wrappedCallback.call(this); });
    }, 0);

    return this;

  var animate = function (properties, duration, ease, callback, delay) {
    if (isFunction(duration))
      callback = duration, ease = undefined, duration = undefined;
    if (isFunction(ease))
      callback = ease, ease = undefined;
    if (isPlainObject(duration))
      ease = duration.easing, callback = duration.complete, delay = duration.delay, duration = duration.duration;
    if (duration) duration = (typeof duration == 'number' ? duration :
      (D.fx.speeds[duration] || D.fx.speeds._default)) / 1000;
    if (delay) delay = parseFloat(delay) / 1000;
    return this.anim(properties, duration, ease, callback, delay);

  var origShow = function () {
    return this.each(function () {
      this.style.display == 'none' && (this.style.display = '');
      if (getComputedStyle(this, '').getPropertyValue('display') == 'none')
        this.style.display = defaultDisplay(this.nodeName);

  var origHide = function () {
    return this.css('display', 'none');

  function anim$1(el, speed, opacity, scale, callback) {
    if (typeof speed == 'function' && !callback) callback = speed, speed = undefined;
    var props = { opacity: opacity };
    if (scale) {
      props.scale = scale;
      el.css(D.fx.cssPrefix + 'transform-origin', '0 0');
    return el.animate(props, speed, null, callback);

  function hideHelper(el, speed, scale, callback) {
    return anim$1(el, speed, 0, scale, function () {
      callback && callback.call(this);

  // Export
  var show = function (speed, callback) {
    if (speed === undefined) speed = 0;
    else this.css('opacity', 0);
    return anim$1(this, speed, 1, '1,1', callback);

  var hide = function (speed, callback) {
    if (speed === undefined) return origHide.call(this);
    else return hideHelper(this, speed, '0,0', callback);

  var fadeTo = function (speed, opacity, callback) {
    return anim$1(this, speed, opacity, null, callback);

  var fadeIn = function (speed, callback) {
    var target = this.css('opacity');
    if (target > 0) this.css('opacity', 0);
    else target = 1;
    return origShow.call(this).fadeTo(speed, target, callback);

  var $ = D;
  var methods = {
    isArray: isArray,
    noop: noop
  var fnMethods = {
    find: find,
    closest: closest,
    css: css,
    addClass: addClass,
    hasClass: hasClass,
    removeClass: removeClass,
    attr: attr,
    removeAttr: removeAttr,
    append: append,
    remove: remove,
    empty: empty,
    html: html,
    width: width,
    height: height,
    scrollTop: scrollTop,
    scrollLeft: scrollLeft,
    offset: offset,
    offsetParent: offsetParent,
    position: position,
    on: on,
    off: off,
    show: show,
    hide: hide,
    anim: anim,
    animate: animate,
    fadeTo: fadeTo,
    fadeIn: fadeIn

  var DEFAULTS = {
    // Enable modal to drag
    draggable: false,
    // Enable modal to resize
    resizable: false,
    // Enable image to move
    movable: true,
    // Enable keyboard navigation
    keyboard: true,
    // Shows the title
    title: true,
    // Min width of modal
    modalWidth: 320,
    // Min height of modal
    modalHeight: 320,
    // Enable the page content fixed
    fixedContent: true,
    // Disable the modal size fixed
    fixedModalSize: false,
    // Disable the image viewer maximized on init
    initMaximized: false,
    // Threshold of modal to browser window
    gapThreshold: 0.02,
    // Threshold of image ratio
    ratioThreshold: 0.1,
    // Min ratio of image when zoom out
    minRatio: 0.05,
    // Max ratio of image when zoom in
    maxRatio: 16,
    // Toolbar options in header
    headerToolbar: [''],
    // Toolbar options in footer
    footerToolbar: ['zoomIn', 'zoomOut','actualSize', 'rotateRight'],
    // Customize button icon
    icons: {
      minimize: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M20,14H4V10H20\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      maximize: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M4,4H20V20H4V4M6,8V18H18V8H6Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      close: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M13.46,12L19,17.54V19H17.54L12,13.46L6.46,19H5V17.54L10.54,12\n        L5,6.46V5H6.46L12,10.54L17.54,5H19V6.46L13.46,12Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      zoomIn: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M15.5,14L20.5,19L19,20.5L14,15.5V14.71L13.73,14.43\n        C12.59,15.41 11.11,16 9.5,16A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,1 16,9.5\n        C16,11.11 15.41,12.59 14.43,13.73L14.71,14H15.5M9.5,14C12,14 14,12 14,9.5C14,7 12,5 9.5,5\n        C7,5 5,7 5,9.5C5,12 7,14 9.5,14M12,10H10V12H9V10H7V9H9V7H10V9H12V10Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      zoomOut: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M15.5,14H14.71L14.43,13.73C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5\n        A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,3A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 3,9.5A6.5,6.5 0 0,0 9.5,16\n        C11.11,16 12.59,15.41 13.73,14.43L14,14.71V15.5L19,20.5L20.5,19L15.5,14M9.5,14\n        C7,14 5,12 5,9.5C5,7 7,5 9.5,5C12,5 14,7 14,9.5C14,12 12,14 9.5,14M7,9H12V10H7V9Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      prev: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M6,18V6H8V18H6M9.5,12L18,6V18L9.5,12Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      next: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M16,18H18V6H16M6,18L14.5,12L6,6V18Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      fullscreen: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M8.5,12.5L11,15.5L14.5,11L19,17H5M23,18V6A2,2 0 0,0 21,4H3\n        A2,2 0 0,0 1,6V18A2,2 0 0,0 3,20H21A2,2 0 0,0 23,18Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      actualSize: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M9.5,13.09L10.91,14.5L6.41,19H10V21H3V14H5V17.59L9.5,13.09\n        M10.91,9.5L9.5,10.91L5,6.41V10H3V3H10V5H6.41L10.91,9.5M14.5,13.09L19,17.59V14H21V21H14V19\n        H17.59L13.09,14.5L14.5,13.09M13.09,9.5L17.59,5H14V3H21V10H19V6.41L14.5,10.91\n        L13.09,9.5Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      rotateLeft: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M13,4.07V1L8.45,5.55L13,10V6.09C15.84,6.57 18,9.03 18,12\n        C18,14.97 15.84,17.43 13,17.91V19.93C16.95,19.44 20,16.08 20,12C20,7.92 16.95,4.56 13,4.07\n        M7.1,18.32C8.26,19.22 9.61,19.76 11,19.93V17.9C10.13,17.75 9.29,17.41 8.54,16.87L7.1,18.32\n        M6.09,13H4.07C4.24,14.39 4.79,15.73 5.69,16.89L7.1,15.47C6.58,14.72 6.23,13.88 6.09,13\n        M7.11,8.53L5.7,7.11C4.8,8.27 4.24,9.61 4.07,11H6.09C6.23,10.13 6.58,9.28 7.11,8.53Z\"></path>\n      </svg>",
      rotateRight: "<svg viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" class=\"svg-inline-icon\">\n        <path fill=\"currentColor\" d=\"M16.89,15.5L18.31,16.89C19.21,15.73 19.76,14.39 19.93,13H17.91\n        C17.77,13.87 17.43,14.72 16.89,15.5M13,17.9V19.92C14.39,19.75 15.74,19.21 16.9,18.31\n        L15.46,16.87C14.71,17.41 13.87,17.76 13,17.9M19.93,11C19.76,9.61 19.21,8.27 18.31,7.11\n        L16.89,8.53C17.43,9.28 17.77,10.13 17.91,11M15.55,5.55L11,1V4.07C7.06,4.56 4,7.92 4,12\n        C4,16.08 7.05,19.44 11,19.93V17.91C8.16,17.43 6,14.97 6,12C6,9.03 8.16,6.57 11,6.09V10\n        L15.55,5.55Z\"></path>\n      </svg>"
    // Customize language of button title
    i18n: {
      minimize: 'minimize',
      maximize: 'maximize',
      close: 'close',
      zoomIn: 'zoom-in(+)',
      zoomOut: 'zoom-out(-)',
      actualSize: 'actual-size(Ctrl+Alt+0)',
      rotateLeft: 'rotate-left(Ctrl+,)',
      rotateRight: 'rotate-right(Ctrl+.)'
    // Enable multiple instances
    multiInstances: true,
    // Enable animation
    initAnimation: true,
    // Disable modal position fixed when change images
    fixedModalPos: false,
    // Modal z-index
    zIndex: 1090,
    // Selector of drag handler
    dragHandle: false,
    // Callback events
    callbacks: {
      beforeOpen: $.noop,
      opened: $.noop,
      beforeClose: $.noop,
      closed: $.noop,
      beforeChange: $.noop,
      changed: $.noop
    // Start images index
    index: 0,
    // Load the image progressively
    progressiveLoading: true,
    // The DOM element to which viewer will be added
    insertInto: 'div.d3preview-image-content', // div.th-modal-content
    // Custom Buttons
    customButtons: {}

  var document$1 = window.document;
   * Throttle function
   * @param {Function} fn - The function will be triggered
   * @param {Number} delay - The throttle delay time
   * @return {Function}

  function throttle(fn, delay) {
    var timer = null;
    return function () {
      var context = this;
      var args = arguments;
      timer = setTimeout(function () {
        fn.apply(context, args);
      }, delay);
   * Preload a image
   * @param {String} src - The image src
   * @param {Function} success - The callback of success
   * @param {Function} error - The callback of error

  function preloadImage(src, success, error) {
    var img = new Image();

    img.onload = function () {

    img.onerror = function () {

    img.src = src;
   * Request fullscreen
   * @param {type} element

  function requestFullscreen(element) {
    if (element.requestFullscreen) {
    } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) {
    } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
    } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) {
   * Get the image name from its url
   * @param {String} url- The image src
   * @return {String}

  function getImageNameFromUrl(url) {
    var reg = /^.*?\/*([^/?]*)\.[a-z]+(\?.+|$)/gi;
    var txt = url.replace(reg, '$1');
    return txt;
   * Check if the document has a scrollbar
   * @return {Boolean}

  function hasScrollbar() {
    return document$1.body.scrollHeight > (window.innerHeight || document$1.documentElement.clientHeight);
   * Get the scrollbar width
   * @return {Number}

  function getScrollbarWidth() {
    var scrollDiv = document$1.createElement('div');
    scrollDiv.style.cssText = 'width: 99px; height: 99px; overflow: scroll; position: absolute; top: -9999px;';
    var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
    return scrollbarWidth;
   * Set grab cursor when move image
   * @param {Object} imageData - The image data
   * @param {Object} stageData - The stage data
   * @param {Object} stage - The stage element
   * @param {Boolean} isRotate - The image rotated flag

  function setGrabCursor(imageData, stageData, stage, isRotated) {
    var imageWidth = !isRotated ? imageData.w : imageData.h;
    var imageHeight = !isRotated ? imageData.h : imageData.w;

    if (imageHeight > stageData.h || imageWidth > stageData.w) {

    if (imageHeight <= stageData.h && imageWidth <= stageData.w) {
   * Check if browser support touch event
   * @return {Boolean}

  function supportTouch() {
    return !!('ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document$1 instanceof window.DocumentTouch);

  var $W = $(window);
  var $D = $(document$1);
  var CLICK_EVENT = 'click';
  var RESIZE_EVENT = 'resize';
  var KEYDOWN_EVENT = 'keydown';
  var WHEEL_EVENT = 'wheel mousewheel DOMMouseScroll';
  var TOUCH_START_EVENT = supportTouch() ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
  var TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT = supportTouch() ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove';
  var TOUCH_END_EVENT = supportTouch() ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
  var NS = 'photoviewer';
  var CLASS_NS = '.' + NS;
  var EVENT_NS = '.' + NS;
  var PUBLIC_VARS = {
    // Image moving flag
    isMoving: false,
    // Modal resizing flag
    isResizing: false,
    // Modal z-index setting
    zIndex: 0

  var draggable = {
     * Draggable
     * @param {Object} modal - The modal element
     * @param {Object} dragHandle - The handle element when dragging
     * @param {Object} dragCancel - The cancel element when dragging
    draggable: function draggable(modal, dragHandle, dragCancel) {
      var _this = this;

      var isDragging = false;
      var startX = 0;
      var startY = 0;
      var left = 0;
      var top = 0;

      var dragStart = function dragStart(e) {
        e = e || window.event; // Must be removed
        // e.preventDefault();
        // Get clicked button

        var elemCancel = $(e.target).closest(dragCancel); // Stop modal moving when click buttons

        if (elemCancel.length) {
          return true;

        if (_this.options.multiInstances) {
          modal.css('z-index', ++PUBLIC_VARS['zIndex']);

        isDragging = true;
        startX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
        startY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;
        left = $(modal).offset().left;
        top = $(modal).offset().top;
        $D.on(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove).on(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);

      var dragMove = function dragMove(e) {
        e = e || window.event;

        if (isDragging && !PUBLIC_VARS['isMoving'] && !PUBLIC_VARS['isResizing'] && !_this.isMaximized) {
          var endX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
          var endY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;
          var relativeX = endX - startX;
          var relativeY = endY - startY;
            left: relativeX + left + 'px',
            top: relativeY + top + 'px'

      var dragEnd = function dragEnd() {
        $D.off(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove).off(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);
        isDragging = false;

      $(dragHandle).on(TOUCH_START_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragStart);

  var ELEMS_WITH_GRABBING_CURSOR = "html, body, .".concat(NS, "-modal, .").concat(NS, "-stage, .").concat(NS, "-button, .").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle");
  var movable = {
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * 1. No movable
     * 2. Vertical movable
     * 3. Horizontal movable
     * 4. Vertical & Horizontal movable
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Image movable
     * @param {Object} stage - The stage element
     * @param {Object} image - The image element
    movable: function movable(stage, image) {
      var _this = this;

      var isDragging = false;
      var startX = 0;
      var startY = 0;
      var left = 0;
      var top = 0;
      var widthDiff = 0;
      var heightDiff = 0;
      var δ = 0;

      var dragStart = function dragStart(e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        var imageWidth = $(image).width();
        var imageHeight = $(image).height();
        var stageWidth = $(stage).width();
        var stageHeight = $(stage).height();
        startX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
        startY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY; // δ is the difference between image width and height

        δ = !_this.isRotated ? 0 : (imageWidth - imageHeight) / 2; // Width or height difference can be use to limit image right or top position

        widthDiff = !_this.isRotated ? imageWidth - stageWidth : imageHeight - stageWidth;
        heightDiff = !_this.isRotated ? imageHeight - stageHeight : imageWidth - stageHeight; // Modal can be dragging if image is smaller to stage

        isDragging = widthDiff > 0 || heightDiff > 0 ? true : false;
        PUBLIC_VARS['isMoving'] = widthDiff > 0 || heightDiff > 0 ? true : false; // Reclac the element position when mousedown
        // Fix the issue of stage with a border

        left = $(image).position().left - δ;
        top = $(image).position().top + δ; // Add grabbing cursor

        if (stage.hasClass('is-grab')) {

        $D.on(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove).on(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);

      var dragMove = function dragMove(e) {
        e = e || window.event;

        if (isDragging) {
          var endX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
          var endY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;
          var relativeX = endX - startX;
          var relativeY = endY - startY;
          var newLeft = relativeX + left;
          var newTop = relativeY + top; // Vertical limit

          if (heightDiff > 0) {
            if (relativeY + top > δ) {
              newTop = δ;
            } else if (relativeY + top < -heightDiff + δ) {
              newTop = -heightDiff + δ;
          } else {
            newTop = top;
          } // Horizontal limit

          if (widthDiff > 0) {
            if (relativeX + left > -δ) {
              newLeft = -δ;
            } else if (relativeX + left < -widthDiff - δ) {
              newLeft = -widthDiff - δ;
          } else {
            newLeft = left;

            left: newLeft + 'px',
            top: newTop + 'px'
          }); // Update image initial data

          $.extend(_this.imageData, {
            left: newLeft,
            top: newTop

      var dragEnd = function dragEnd() {
        $D.off(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove).off(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);
        isDragging = false;
        PUBLIC_VARS['isMoving'] = false; // Remove grabbing cursor


      $(stage).on(TOUCH_START_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragStart);

  var ELEMS_WITH_RESIZE_CURSOR = "html, body, .".concat(NS, "-modal, .").concat(NS, "-stage, .").concat(NS, "-button");
  var resizable = {
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * 1. Modal resizable
     * 2. Keep image in stage center
     * 3. Other image limitations
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Resizable
     * @param {Object} modal - The modal element
     * @param {Object} stage - The stage element
     * @param {Object} image - The image element
     * @param {Number} minWidth - The option of modalWidth
     * @param {Number} minHeight - The option of modalHeight
    resizable: function resizable(modal, stage, image, minWidth, minHeight) {
      var _this = this;

      var resizableHandleE = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-e\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleW = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-w\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleS = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-s\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleN = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-n\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleSE = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-se\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleSW = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-sw\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleNE = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-ne\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandleNW = $("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-resizable-handle ").concat(NS, "-resizable-handle-nw\"></div>"));
      var resizableHandles = {
        e: resizableHandleE,
        s: resizableHandleS,
        se: resizableHandleSE,
        n: resizableHandleN,
        w: resizableHandleW,
        nw: resizableHandleNW,
        ne: resizableHandleNE,
        sw: resizableHandleSW
      $(modal).append(resizableHandleE, resizableHandleW, resizableHandleS, resizableHandleN, resizableHandleSE, resizableHandleSW, resizableHandleNE, resizableHandleNW);
      var isDragging = false;
      var startX = 0;
      var startY = 0;
      var modalData = {
        w: 0,
        h: 0,
        l: 0,
        t: 0
      var stageData = {
        w: 0,
        h: 0,
        l: 0,
        t: 0
      var imageData = {
        w: 0,
        h: 0,
        l: 0,
        t: 0
      }; // δ is the difference between image width and height

      var δ = 0;
      var imgWidth = 0;
      var imgHeight = 0;
      var direction = ''; // Modal CSS options

      var getModalOpts = function getModalOpts(dir, offsetX, offsetY) {
        // Modal should not move when its width to the minwidth
        var modalLeft = -offsetX + modalData.w > minWidth ? offsetX + modalData.l : modalData.l + modalData.w - minWidth;
        var modalTop = -offsetY + modalData.h > minHeight ? offsetY + modalData.t : modalData.t + modalData.h - minHeight;
        var opts = {
          e: {
            width: Math.max(offsetX + modalData.w, minWidth) + 'px'
          s: {
            height: Math.max(offsetY + modalData.h, minHeight) + 'px'
          se: {
            width: Math.max(offsetX + modalData.w, minWidth) + 'px',
            height: Math.max(offsetY + modalData.h, minHeight) + 'px'
          w: {
            width: Math.max(-offsetX + modalData.w, minWidth) + 'px',
            left: modalLeft + 'px'
          n: {
            height: Math.max(-offsetY + modalData.h, minHeight) + 'px',
            top: modalTop + 'px'
          nw: {
            width: Math.max(-offsetX + modalData.w, minWidth) + 'px',
            height: Math.max(-offsetY + modalData.h, minHeight) + 'px',
            top: modalTop + 'px',
            left: modalLeft + 'px'
          ne: {
            width: Math.max(offsetX + modalData.w, minWidth) + 'px',
            height: Math.max(-offsetY + modalData.h, minHeight) + 'px',
            top: modalTop + 'px'
          sw: {
            width: Math.max(-offsetX + modalData.w, minWidth) + 'px',
            height: Math.max(offsetY + modalData.h, minHeight) + 'px',
            left: modalLeft + 'px'
        return opts[dir];
      }; // Image CSS options

      var getImageOpts = function getImageOpts(dir, offsetX, offsetY) {
        // Image should not move when modal width to the min width
        // The minwidth is modal width, so we should clac the stage minwidth
        var widthDiff = offsetX + modalData.w > minWidth ? stageData.w - imgWidth + offsetX - δ : minWidth - (modalData.w - stageData.w) - imgWidth - δ;
        var heightDiff = offsetY + modalData.h > minHeight ? stageData.h - imgHeight + offsetY + δ : minHeight - (modalData.h - stageData.h) - imgHeight + δ;
        var widthDiff2 = -offsetX + modalData.w > minWidth ? stageData.w - imgWidth - offsetX - δ : minWidth - (modalData.w - stageData.w) - imgWidth - δ;
        var heightDiff2 = -offsetY + modalData.h > minHeight ? stageData.h - imgHeight - offsetY + δ : minHeight - (modalData.h - stageData.h) - imgHeight + δ; // Get image position in dragging

        var imgLeft = (widthDiff > 0 ? $(image).position().left : $(image).position().left < 0 ? $(image).position().left : 0) - δ;
        var imgTop = (heightDiff > 0 ? $(image).position().top : $(image).position().top < 0 ? $(image).position().top : 0) + δ;
        var imgLeft2 = (widthDiff2 > 0 ? $(image).position().left : $(image).position().left < 0 ? $(image).position().left : 0) - δ;
        var imgTop2 = (heightDiff2 > 0 ? $(image).position().top : $(image).position().top < 0 ? $(image).position().top : 0) + δ;
        var opts = {
          e: {
            left: widthDiff >= -δ ? (widthDiff - δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgLeft > widthDiff ? imgLeft + 'px' : widthDiff + 'px'
          s: {
            top: heightDiff >= δ ? (heightDiff + δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgTop > heightDiff ? imgTop + 'px' : heightDiff + 'px'
          se: {
            top: heightDiff >= δ ? (heightDiff + δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgTop > heightDiff ? imgTop + 'px' : heightDiff + 'px',
            left: widthDiff >= -δ ? (widthDiff - δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgLeft > widthDiff ? imgLeft + 'px' : widthDiff + 'px'
          w: {
            left: widthDiff2 >= -δ ? (widthDiff2 - δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgLeft2 > widthDiff2 ? imgLeft2 + 'px' : widthDiff2 + 'px'
          n: {
            top: heightDiff2 >= δ ? (heightDiff2 + δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgTop2 > heightDiff2 ? imgTop2 + 'px' : heightDiff2 + 'px'
          nw: {
            top: heightDiff2 >= δ ? (heightDiff2 + δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgTop2 > heightDiff2 ? imgTop2 + 'px' : heightDiff2 + 'px',
            left: widthDiff2 >= -δ ? (widthDiff2 - δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgLeft2 > widthDiff2 ? imgLeft2 + 'px' : widthDiff2 + 'px'
          ne: {
            top: heightDiff2 >= δ ? (heightDiff2 + δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgTop2 > heightDiff2 ? imgTop2 + 'px' : heightDiff2 + 'px',
            left: widthDiff >= -δ ? (widthDiff - δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgLeft > widthDiff ? imgLeft + 'px' : widthDiff + 'px'
          sw: {
            top: heightDiff >= δ ? (heightDiff + δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgTop > heightDiff ? imgTop + 'px' : heightDiff + 'px',
            left: widthDiff2 >= -δ ? (widthDiff2 - δ) / 2 + 'px' : imgLeft2 > widthDiff2 ? imgLeft2 + 'px' : widthDiff2 + 'px'
        return opts[dir];

      var dragStart = function dragStart(dir, e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        isDragging = true;
        PUBLIC_VARS['isResizing'] = true;
        startX = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
        startY = e.type === 'touchstart' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY; // Reclac the modal data when mousedown

        modalData = {
          w: $(modal).width(),
          h: $(modal).height(),
          l: $(modal).offset().left,
          t: $(modal).offset().top
        stageData = {
          w: $(stage).width(),
          h: $(stage).height(),
          l: $(stage).offset().left,
          t: $(stage).offset().top
        imageData = {
          w: $(image).width(),
          h: $(image).height(),
          l: $(image).position().left,
          t: $(image).position().top
        }; // δ is the difference between image width and height

        δ = !_this.isRotated ? 0 : (imageData.w - imageData.h) / 2;
        imgWidth = !_this.isRotated ? imageData.w : imageData.h;
        imgHeight = !_this.isRotated ? imageData.h : imageData.w;
        direction = dir; // Add resizable cursor

        $(ELEMS_WITH_RESIZE_CURSOR).css('cursor', dir + '-resize');
        $D.on(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove).on(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd);

      var dragMove = function dragMove(e) {
        e = e || window.event;

        if (isDragging && !_this.isMaximized) {
          var endX = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageX : e.clientX;
          var endY = e.type === 'touchmove' ? e.targetTouches[0].pageY : e.clientY;
          var relativeX = endX - startX;
          var relativeY = endY - startY;
          var modalOpts = getModalOpts(direction, relativeX, relativeY);
        //  $(modal).css(modalOpts);
          var imageOpts = getImageOpts(direction, relativeX, relativeY);
          _this.isDoResize = true;

      var dragEnd = function dragEnd() {
        $D.off(TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragMove).off(TOUCH_END_EVENT + EVENT_NS, dragEnd); // Set grab cursor

        if (PUBLIC_VARS['isResizing']) {
            w: imgWidth,
            h: imgHeight
          }, {
            w: $(stage).width(),
            h: $(stage).height()
          }, stage);

        isDragging = false;
        PUBLIC_VARS['isResizing'] = false; // Remove resizable cursor

        $(ELEMS_WITH_RESIZE_CURSOR).css('cursor', ''); // Update image initial data

        var scale = _this.getImageScaleToStage($(stage).width(), $(stage).height());

        $.extend(_this.imageData, {
          initWidth: _this.img.width * scale,
          initHeight: _this.img.height * scale,
          initLeft: ($(stage).width() - _this.img.width * scale) / 2,
          initTop: ($(stage).height() - _this.img.height * scale) / 2

      $.each(resizableHandles, function (dir, handle) {
        handle.on(TOUCH_START_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
          dragStart(dir, e);

   * PhotoViewer class

  var PhotoViewer = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
    function PhotoViewer(items, options, el) {
      _classCallCheck(this, PhotoViewer);

      this.options = $.extend(true, {}, DEFAULTS, options);

      if (options && $.isArray(options.footerToolbar)) {
        this.options.footerToolbar = options.footerToolbar;

      if (options && $.isArray(options.headerToolbar)) {
        this.options.headerToolbar = options.headerToolbar;
      } // Store element of clicked

      this.$el = $(el); // As we have multiple instances,
      // so every instance has following variables.
      // Modal open flag

      this.isOpened = false; // Modal maximize flag

      this.isMaximized = false; // Image rotate 90*(2n+1) flag

      this.isRotated = false; // Image rotate angle

      this.rotateAngle = 0; // Whether modal do resize

      this.isDoResize = false; // Store image data in every instance

      this.imageData = {}; // Store modal data in every instance

      this.modalData = {
        width: null,
        height: null,
        left: null,
        top: null
      this.init(items, this.options);

    _createClass(PhotoViewer, [{
      key: "init",
      value: function init(items, opts) {
        this.groupData = items;
        this.groupIndex = opts['index']; // Fix: https://github.com/nzbin/photoviewer/issues/7

        PUBLIC_VARS['zIndex'] = PUBLIC_VARS['zIndex'] === 0 ? opts['zIndex'] : PUBLIC_VARS['zIndex']; // Get image src

        var imgSrc = items[this.groupIndex]['src'];
        this.loadImage(imgSrc); // Draggable & Movable & Resizable

        if (opts.draggable) {
          this.draggable(this.$photoviewer, this.dragHandle, CLASS_NS + '-button');

        if (opts.movable) {
          this.movable(this.$stage, this.$image);

        if (opts.resizable) {
          this.resizable(this.$photoviewer, this.$stage, this.$image, opts.modalWidth, opts.modalHeight);
    }, {
      key: "_createBtns",
      value: function _createBtns(toolbar) {
        var _this = this;

        var btns = ['minimize', 'maximize', 'close', 'zoomIn', 'zoomOut', 'prev', 'next', 'fullscreen', 'actualSize', 'rotateLeft', 'rotateRight'];
        var btnsHTML = '';
        $.each(toolbar, function (index, item) {
          var btnClass = "".concat(NS, "-button ").concat(NS, "-button-").concat(item);

          if (btns.indexOf(item) >= 0) {
            btnsHTML += "<button class=\"".concat(btnClass, "\" title=\"").concat(_this.options.i18n[item], "\">\n          ").concat(_this.options.icons[item], "\n          </button>");
          } else if (_this.options.customButtons[item]) {
            btnsHTML += "<button class=\"".concat(btnClass, "\" title=\"").concat(_this.options.customButtons[item].title || '', "\">\n          ").concat(_this.options.customButtons[item].text, "\n          </button>");
        return btnsHTML;
    }, {
      key: "_createTitle",
      value: function _createTitle() {
        return this.options.title ? "<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-title\"></div>") : '';
    }, {
      key: "_createTemplate",
      value: function _createTemplate() {
        // PhotoViewer base HTML
        var photoviewerHTML = "<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-modal\">\n        <div class=\"").concat(NS, "-inner\">\n          <div class=\"").concat(NS, "-header\">\n            <div class=\"").concat(NS, "-toolbar ").concat(NS, "-toolbar-header\">\n            ").concat(this._createBtns(this.options.headerToolbar), "\n            </div>\n            ").concat(this._createTitle(), "\n          </div>\n          <div class=\"").concat(NS, "-stage\">\n            <img class=\"").concat(NS, "-image\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" />\n          </div>\n          <div class=\"").concat(NS, "-footer\">\n            <div class=\"").concat(NS, "-toolbar ").concat(NS, "-toolbar-footer\">\n            ").concat(this._createBtns(this.options.footerToolbar), "\n            </div>\n          </div>\n        </div>\n      </div>");
        return photoviewerHTML;
    }, {
      key: "build",
      value: function build() {
        // Create PhotoViewer HTML string
        var photoviewerHTML = this._createTemplate(); // Make PhotoViewer HTML string to jQuery element

        var $photoviewer = $(photoviewerHTML); // Get all PhotoViewer element

        this.$photoviewer = $photoviewer;
        this.$stage = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-stage');
        this.$image = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-image');
        this.$maximize = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-maximize');
        this.$minimize = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-minimize');
        this.$zoomIn = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-zoomIn');
        this.$zoomOut = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-zoomOut');
        this.$actualSize = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-actualSize');
        this.$rotateLeft = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-rotateLeft');
        this.$rotateRight = $photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-rotateRight');

      //  this.$image.addClass('image-ready'); // Reset modal z-index with multiple instances

        this.$photoviewer.css('z-index', PUBLIC_VARS['zIndex']); // Set handle element of draggable

        if (!this.options.dragHandle || this.options.dragHandle === CLASS_NS + '-modal') {
          this.dragHandle = this.$photoviewer;
        } else {
          this.dragHandle = this.$photoviewer.find(this.options.dragHandle);
        } // Add PhotoViewer to DOM



    }, {
      key: "open",
      value: function open() {
        this._triggerHook('beforeOpen', this);

        if (!this.options.multiInstances) {
          $(CLASS_NS + '-modal').eq(0).remove();
        } // Fixed modal position bug

       // this.setModalPos(this.$photoviewer);

        this._triggerHook('opened', this);
    }, {
      key: "close",
      value: function close() {
        this._triggerHook('beforeClose', this); // Remove instance

        this.isOpened = false;
        this.isMaximized = false;
        this.isRotated = false;
        this.rotateAngle = 0;
        var zeroModal = !$(CLASS_NS + '-modal').length; // Fixed modal position bug

        if (zeroModal && this.options.multiInstances) {
          PUBLIC_VARS['zIndex'] = this.options.zIndex;
        } // Off events

        if (!$(CLASS_NS + '-modal').length) {
          $D.off(KEYDOWN_EVENT + EVENT_NS);
          $W.off(RESIZE_EVENT + EVENT_NS);

        this._triggerHook('closed', this);
    }, {
      key: "setModalPos",
      value: function setModalPos(modal) {
        var winWidth = $W.width();
        var winHeight = $W.height();
        var scrollLeft = $D.scrollLeft();
        var scrollTop = $D.scrollTop();
        var modalWidth = this.options.modalWidth;
        var modalHeight = this.options.modalHeight; // Set modal maximized when init

        if (this.options.initMaximized) {
          modal.addClass(NS + '-maximize');
            width: '100%',
            height: '100%',
            left: 0,
            top: 0
          this.isOpened = true;
          this.isMaximized = true;
        } else {
          // Make the modal in windows center
            width: modalWidth,
            height: modalHeight,
            left: (winWidth - modalWidth) / 2 + scrollLeft + 'px',
            top: (winHeight - modalHeight) / 2 + scrollTop + 'px'
    }, {
      key: "setModalSize",
      value: function setModalSize(img) {
        var _this2 = this;

        var winWidth = $W.width();
        var winHeight = $W.height();
        var scrollLeft = $D.scrollLeft();
        var scrollTop = $D.scrollTop(); // Stage css value

        var stageCSS = {
          left: this.$stage.css('left'),
          right: this.$stage.css('right'),
          top: this.$stage.css('top'),
          bottom: this.$stage.css('bottom'),
          borderLeft: this.$stage.css('border-left-width'),
          borderRight: this.$stage.css('border-right-width'),
          borderTop: this.$stage.css('border-top-width'),
          borderBottom: this.$stage.css('border-bottom-width')
        }; // Modal size should calc with stage css value

        var modalWidth = img.width + parseFloat(stageCSS.left) + parseFloat(stageCSS.right) + parseFloat(stageCSS.borderLeft) + parseFloat(stageCSS.borderRight);
        var modalHeight = img.height + parseFloat(stageCSS.top) + parseFloat(stageCSS.bottom) + parseFloat(stageCSS.borderTop) + parseFloat(stageCSS.borderBottom);
        var gapThreshold = (this.options.gapThreshold > 0 ? this.options.gapThreshold : 0) + 1; // Modal scale to window

        var scale = Math.min(winWidth / (modalWidth * gapThreshold), winHeight / (modalHeight * gapThreshold), 1);
        var minWidth = Math.max(modalWidth * scale, this.options.modalWidth);
        var minHeight = Math.max(modalHeight * scale, this.options.modalHeight);
        minWidth = this.options.fixedModalSize ? this.options.modalWidth : Math.round(minWidth);
        minHeight = this.options.fixedModalSize ? this.options.modalHeight : Math.round(minHeight);
        var modalCSSObj = {
          width: minWidth + 'px',
          height: minHeight + 'px',
          left: (winWidth - minWidth) / 2 + scrollLeft + 'px',
          top: (winHeight - minHeight) / 2 + scrollTop + 'px'
        }; // Add modal init animation

        if (this.options.initAnimation) {
          this.$photoviewer.animate(modalCSSObj, 400, 'ease-in-out', function () {
        } else {

        this.isOpened = true;
    }, {
      key: "getImageScaleToStage",
      value: function getImageScaleToStage(stageWidth, stageHeight) {
        var scale = 1;

        if (!this.isRotated) {
          scale = Math.min(stageWidth / this.img.width, stageHeight / this.img.height, 1);
        } else {
          scale = Math.min(stageWidth / this.img.height, stageHeight / this.img.width, 1);

        return scale;
    }, {
      key: "setImageSize",
      value: function setImageSize(img) {
        var stageData = {
          w: this.$stage.width(),
          h: this.$stage.height()
        var scale = this.getImageScaleToStage(stageData.w, stageData.h);
          width: Math.ceil(img.width * scale) + 'px',
          height: Math.ceil(img.height * scale) + 'px',
          left: (stageData.w - Math.ceil(img.width * scale)) / 2 + 'px',
          top: (stageData.h - Math.ceil(img.height * scale)) / 2 + 'px'
        }); // Store image initial data

        $.extend(this.imageData, {
          initWidth: img.width * scale,
          initHeight: img.height * scale,
          initLeft: (stageData.w - img.width * scale) / 2,
          initTop: (stageData.h - img.height * scale) / 2,
          width: img.width * scale,
          height: img.height * scale,
          left: (stageData.w - img.width * scale) / 2,
          top: (stageData.h - img.height * scale) / 2
        }); // Set grab cursor

          w: this.$image.width(),
          h: this.$image.height()
        }, {
          w: this.$stage.width(),
          h: this.$stage.height()
        }, this.$stage, this.isRotated); // Just execute before image loaded

        if (!this.imageLoaded) {
          // Loader end
          this.$photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-loader').remove(); // Remove class after image loaded

          this.$image.removeClass('image-ready'); // Add image init animation

          if (this.options.initAnimation && !this.options.progressiveLoading) {

          this.imageLoaded = true;
    }, {
      key: "loadImage",
      value: function loadImage(imgSrc, fn, err) {
        var _this3 = this;

        // Reset image
        this.$image.removeAttr('style').attr('src', '');
        this.isRotated = false;
        this.rotateAngle = 0;
        this.imageLoaded = false; // Loader start

     //   this.$photoviewer.append("<div class=\"".concat(NS, "-loader\"></div>")); // Add class before image loaded

      //  this.$image.addClass('image-ready');

        if (this.options.initAnimation && !this.options.progressiveLoading) {

        this.$image.attr('src', imgSrc);
        preloadImage(imgSrc, function (img) {
          // Store HTMLImageElement
          _this3.img = img; // Store original data

          _this3.imageData = {
            originalWidth: img.width,
            originalHeight: img.height

      //    if (_this3.isMaximized || _this3.isOpened && _this3.options.fixedModalPos) {
       //   } else {
          //  _this3.setModalSize(img);
        //  } // Callback of image loaded successfully

          if (fn) {
        }, function () {
          // Loader end
          _this3.$photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-loader').remove(); // Callback of image loading failed

          if (err) {

    }, {
      key: "jump",
      value: function jump(step) {
        this._triggerHook('beforeChange', [this, this.groupIndex]);

        this.groupIndex = this.groupIndex + step;
    }, {
      key: "jumpTo",
      value: function jumpTo(index) {
        var _this4 = this;

        index = index % this.groupData.length;

        if (index >= 0) {
          index = index % this.groupData.length;
        } else if (index < 0) {
          index = (this.groupData.length + index) % this.groupData.length;

        this.groupIndex = index;
        this.loadImage(this.groupData[index].src, function () {
          _this4._triggerHook('changed', [_this4, index]);
        }, function () {
          _this4._triggerHook('changed', [_this4, index]);
    }, {
      key: "wheel",
      value: function wheel(e) {
        var delta = 1;

        if (e.deltaY) {
          delta = e.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
        } else if (e.wheelDelta) {
          delta = -e.wheelDelta / 120;
        } else if (e.detail) {
          delta = e.detail > 0 ? 1 : -1;
        } // Ratio threshold

        var ratio = -delta * this.options.ratioThreshold; // Mouse point position relative to stage

        var pointer = {
          x: e.clientX - this.$stage.offset().left + $D.scrollLeft(),
          y: e.clientY - this.$stage.offset().top + $D.scrollTop()
        this.zoom(ratio, pointer, e);
    }, {
      key: "zoom",
      value: function zoom(ratio, origin, e) {
        // Zoom out ratio & Zoom in ratio
        ratio = ratio < 0 ? 1 / (1 - ratio) : 1 + ratio; // Image ratio

        ratio = this.$image.width() / this.imageData.originalWidth * ratio; // Fixed digital error
        // if (ratio > 0.95 && ratio < 1.05) {
        //   ratio = 1;
        // }

        if (ratio > this.options.maxRatio || ratio < this.options.minRatio) {

        this.zoomTo(ratio, origin, e);
    }, {
      key: "zoomTo",
      value: function zoomTo(ratio, origin, e) {
        var $image = this.$image;
        var $stage = this.$stage;
        var imgData = {
          w: this.imageData.width,
          h: this.imageData.height,
          x: this.imageData.left,
          y: this.imageData.top
        }; // Image stage position
        // We will use it to calc the relative position of image

        var stageData = {
          w: $stage.width(),
          h: $stage.height(),
          x: $stage.offset().left,
          y: $stage.offset().top
        var newWidth = this.imageData.originalWidth * ratio;
        var newHeight = this.imageData.originalHeight * ratio; // Think about it for a while

        var newLeft = origin.x - (origin.x - imgData.x) / imgData.w * newWidth;
        var newTop = origin.y - (origin.y - imgData.y) / imgData.h * newHeight; // δ is the difference between image new width and new height

        var δ = !this.isRotated ? 0 : (newWidth - newHeight) / 2;
        var imgNewWidth = !this.isRotated ? newWidth : newHeight;
        var imgNewHeight = !this.isRotated ? newHeight : newWidth;
        var offsetX = stageData.w - newWidth;
        var offsetY = stageData.h - newHeight; // Zoom out & Zoom in condition
        // It's important and it takes me a lot of time to get it
        // The conditions with image rotate 90 degree drive me crazy alomst!

        if (imgNewHeight <= stageData.h) {
          newTop = (stageData.h - newHeight) / 2;
        } else {
          newTop = newTop > δ ? δ : newTop > offsetY - δ ? newTop : offsetY - δ;

        if (imgNewWidth <= stageData.w) {
          newLeft = (stageData.w - newWidth) / 2;
        } else {
          newLeft = newLeft > -δ ? -δ : newLeft > offsetX + δ ? newLeft : offsetX + δ;
        } // If the image scale get to the critical point

        if (Math.abs(this.imageData.initWidth - newWidth) < this.imageData.initWidth * 0.05) {
        } else {
            width: Math.round(newWidth) + 'px',
            height: Math.round(newHeight) + 'px',
            left: Math.round(newLeft) + 'px',
            top: Math.round(newTop) + 'px'
          }); // Set grab cursor

            w: Math.round(imgNewWidth),
            h: Math.round(imgNewHeight)
          }, {
            w: stageData.w,
            h: stageData.h
          }, this.$stage);
        } // Update image initial data

        $.extend(this.imageData, {
          width: newWidth,
          height: newHeight,
          left: newLeft,
          top: newTop
    }, {
      key: "rotate",
      value: function rotate(angle) {
        this.rotateAngle = this.rotateAngle + angle;

        if (this.rotateAngle / 90 % 2 === 0) {
          this.isRotated = false;
        } else {
          this.isRotated = true;

    }, {
      key: "rotateTo",
      value: function rotateTo(angle) {
          transform: 'rotate(' + angle + 'deg)'
          width: this.imageData.originalWidth,
          height: this.imageData.originalHeight
        }); // Remove grab cursor when rotate

    }, {
      key: "resize",
      value: function resize() {
        var _this5 = this;

        var resizeHandler = throttle(function () {
          if (_this5.isOpened) {
            if (_this5.isMaximized) {
                width: _this5.imageData.originalWidth,
                height: _this5.imageData.originalHeight
            } else {
                width: _this5.imageData.originalWidth,
                height: _this5.imageData.originalHeight
        }, 500);
        return resizeHandler;
    }, {
      key: "maximize",
      value: function maximize() {
        if (!this.isMaximized) {
          // Store modal data before maximize
          this.modalData = {
            width: this.$photoviewer.width(),
            height: this.$photoviewer.height(),
            left: this.$photoviewer.offset().left,
            top: this.$photoviewer.offset().top
          this.$photoviewer.addClass(NS + '-maximize');
            width: '100%',
            height: '100%',
            left: 0,
            top: 0
          this.isMaximized = true;
        } else {
          this.$photoviewer.removeClass(NS + '-maximize');
          var initModalLeft = ($W.width() - this.options.modalWidth) / 2 + $D.scrollLeft();
          var initModalTop = ($W.height() - this.options.modalHeight) / 2 + $D.scrollTop();
            width: this.modalData.width ? this.modalData.width : this.options.modalWidth,
            height: this.modalData.height ? this.modalData.height : this.options.modalHeight,
            left: this.modalData.left ? this.modalData.left : initModalLeft,
            top: this.modalData.top ? this.modalData.top : initModalTop
          this.isMaximized = false;

          width: this.imageData.originalWidth,
          height: this.imageData.originalHeight
    }, {
      key: "fullscreen",
      value: function fullscreen() {
    }, {
      key: "_keydown",
      value: function _keydown(e) {
        if (!this.options.keyboard) {
          return false;

        var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which || e.charCode;
        var ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey;
        var altKey = e.altKey || e.metaKey;

        switch (keyCode) {
          // ←
          case 37:
          // →

          case 39:
          // +

          case 187:
            this.zoom(this.options.ratioThreshold * 3, {
              x: this.$stage.width() / 2,
              y: this.$stage.height() / 2
            }, e);
          // -

          case 189:
            this.zoom(-this.options.ratioThreshold * 3, {
              x: this.$stage.width() / 2,
              y: this.$stage.height() / 2
            }, e);
          // + Firefox

          case 61:
            this.zoom(this.options.ratioThreshold * 3, {
              x: this.$stage.width() / 2,
              y: this.$stage.height() / 2
            }, e);
          // - Firefox

          case 173:
            this.zoom(-this.options.ratioThreshold * 3, {
              x: this.$stage.width() / 2,
              y: this.$stage.height() / 2
            }, e);
          // Ctrl + Alt + 0

          case 48:
            if (ctrlKey && altKey) {
              this.zoomTo(1, {
                x: this.$stage.width() / 2,
                y: this.$stage.height() / 2
              }, e);

          // Ctrl + ,

          case 188:
            if (ctrlKey) {

          // Ctrl + .

          case 190:
            if (ctrlKey) {

          // Q

          case 81:
    }, {
      key: "_addEvents",
      value: function _addEvents() {
        var _this6 = this;

        this.$stage.off(WHEEL_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(WHEEL_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
        this.$zoomIn.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
          _this6.zoom(_this6.options.ratioThreshold * 3, {
            x: _this6.$stage.width() / 2,
            y: _this6.$stage.height() / 2
          }, e);
        this.$zoomOut.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
          _this6.zoom(-_this6.options.ratioThreshold * 3, {
            x: _this6.$stage.width() / 2,
            y: _this6.$stage.height() / 2
          }, e);
        this.$actualSize.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
          _this6.zoomTo(1, {
            x: _this6.$stage.width() / 2,
            y: _this6.$stage.height() / 2
          }, e);
        this.$rotateLeft.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {
        this.$rotateRight.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {
        this.$maximize.off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function () {
        $D.off(KEYDOWN_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(KEYDOWN_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
        $W.on(RESIZE_EVENT + EVENT_NS, this.resize());
    }, {
      key: "_addCustomButtonEvents",
      value: function _addCustomButtonEvents() {
        var _this7 = this;

        var _loop = function _loop(btnKey) {
          _this7.$photoviewer.find(CLASS_NS + '-button-' + btnKey).off(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS).on(CLICK_EVENT + EVENT_NS, function (e) {
            _this7.options.customButtons[btnKey].click.apply(_this7, [_this7, e]);

        for (var btnKey in this.options.customButtons) {
    }, {
      key: "_triggerHook",
      value: function _triggerHook(e, data) {
        if (this.options.callbacks[e]) {
          this.options.callbacks[e].apply(this, $.isArray(data) ? data : [data]);

    return PhotoViewer;
   * Add methods to PhotoViewer

  $.extend(PhotoViewer.prototype, draggable, movable, resizable);
   * Add PhotoViewer to globle

  window.PhotoViewer = PhotoViewer;

  return PhotoViewer;
