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<?php namespace Zephyrus\Core\Session;

class SessionIdentifierManager

     * No automatic refresh algorithm will be used. Would need manual refreshing by the application. To ensure
     * compatibility, this is the default configuration.
    public const MODE_NONE = 'none';

     * Refresh the session identifier based on a probability check. This value range from 0 to 100 and represent a
     * percentage of chance that the session identifier should be refreshed. Meaning a value of 60 have 60% chance to
     * refresh the identifier on each request. Value of 0 would be ignored making it similar to the none mode. Value
     * of 100 would mean each request generate a new session id.
    public const MODE_PROBABILITY = 'probability';

     * Refresh the session after x seconds defined in the refresh rate. During each request, the class will check if
     * the number of seconds allowed before a refresh has passed. Value of 120 would mean to refresh the session id each
     * two minutes.
    public const MODE_INTERVAL = 'interval';

     * Refresh the session after x number of requests by the client. Keeps a counter of the request the associated
     * client has made and check if it needs to refresh the id. Value of 10 would mean to refresh the session after the
     * 10th request made by the client. Not that reliable for situations involving many background AJAX queries that
     * would alter the count.
    public const MODE_REQUEST = 'request';

     * Defines the refresh mode to be used for the session. Can either be none, probability, interval or request. Each
     * mode will consider the refresh rate differently. See constants for more information.
     * @var string
    private string $refreshMode;

     * Defines the refresh rate value associated with the configured mode. Determines when the session identifier should
     * be refreshed for security purposes.
     * @var int
    private int $refreshRate;

    public function __construct(string $refreshMode, int $refreshRate)
        $this->refreshMode = $refreshMode;
        $this->refreshRate = $refreshRate;

     * Initiates expiration policies for the current session based on automated
     * refreshes after nth requests and/or after a certain time interval.
    public function configure(): void

     * Retrieves the current session identifier.
     * @return string|null
    public function getId(): ?string
        return session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE ? session_id() : null;

     * Determines if the session needs to be refreshed either because the maximum number of allowed requests has been
     * reached, the timeout has finished or the probability matches.
     * @return bool
    public function isObsolete(): bool
        return $this->isRefreshNeededByProbability()
            || $this->isRefreshNeededByRequest()
            || $this->isRefreshNeededByInterval();

    public function getRefreshMode(): string
        return $this->refreshMode;

    public function getRefreshRate(): int
        return $this->refreshRate;

    private function isRefreshNeededByInterval(): bool
        if ($this->refreshMode == self::MODE_INTERVAL && isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_LAST_ACTIVITY])) {
            $timeDifference = time() - $_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_LAST_ACTIVITY];
            if ($timeDifference >= $this->refreshRate) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private function isRefreshNeededByRequest(): bool
        if ($this->refreshMode == self::MODE_REQUEST && isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_REFRESH_COUNT])) {
            if ($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_REFRESH_COUNT] <= 1) {
                $_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_REFRESH_COUNT] = $this->refreshRate;
                return true;
        return false;

     * Determines if the probability test of session refresh succeeded according to the desired percent.
     * @return bool
    private function isRefreshNeededByProbability(): bool
        if ($this->refreshMode == self::MODE_PROBABILITY) {
            if ($this->refreshRate == 0) {
                return false;
            $rand = ((float) mt_rand() / (float) mt_getrandmax()) * 100;
            if ($this->refreshRate == 100 || $rand <= $this->refreshRate) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private function setupRefreshOnNthRequests(): void
        if ($this->refreshMode != self::MODE_REQUEST) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            if (isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_REFRESH_COUNT])) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
        if (!isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_REFRESH_COUNT])) {
            $_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_REFRESH_COUNT] = $this->refreshRate + 1;

    private function setupRefreshOnInterval(): void
        if ($this->refreshMode != self::MODE_INTERVAL) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            if (isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_LAST_ACTIVITY])) {
            // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
        if (!isset($_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_LAST_ACTIVITY])) {
            $_SESSION[self::SESSION_KEY_LAST_ACTIVITY] = time();