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# gaudi Documentation Features

## gaudi Library Documentation

Since both rake and gaudi are Ruby code there is a built-in facility for
generating [RDoc](https://ruby.github.io/rdoc) documentation.

The `doc:gaudi` rake task will automatically generate the reference
documentation for the build system code under `system_config.out/doc/gaudi`.

It uses `doc/BUILDSYSTEM.md` as the main page, a file that is created when using
the gaudi gem to scaffold a project.

## Graphs

gaudi is meant to cover all responsibility areas of an extended build system (as
[explained elsewhere](BUILDSYSTEMS.md)).

![Areas of Responsibility](/doc/images/BuildSystem.png)

On a mature build system the number of tasks can quickly become overwhelming. To
improve the management of these gaudi provides a task to create graphs of these
and their dependencies (using the
[graphviz dot format](http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) and the
[graph](https://github.com/seattlerb/graph) gem).

`rake doc:graph:gaudi` can be used to create the diagram (as

One organizational measure is to group the build system's tasks by namespaces.
If the following responsibility-to-namespace mapping is utilized, then the
colours in the generated graph will match the colours of the overview image.

|Static Analysis|`lint`|
|Unit Testing|`unit`|

In addition the `doc` namespace is assigned the brown variant in the colour

The colour pallete used is
[Brewer scheme Set 1 of 9-class](http://colourbrewer2.org/#type=qualitative&scheme=Set1&n=9).


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