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# StreamDL



![CodeQL Analysis](https://github.com/dangeroustech/streamdl/actions/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml/badge.svg)

Monitor and Download Streams from a Variety of Websites

## Why This Exists

Because there are certain streaming websites that don't store historic VODs.
This is sad.
As a nerd, you probably have terabytes of storage somewhere, right?
Why not get some use out of it? Archivists everywhere, rejoice!

## Usage

  usage: Monitor and Download Streams from a Variety of Websites

  optional arguments:
  -h,               --help      show this help message and exit
  -l    LOGPATH,    --logpath   LOGPATH
                                Logfile to use (defaults to working dir)
  -ll   LOGLEVEL,   --loglevel  Log level to set (defaults to INFO)
  -o    OUTDIR,     --outdir    OUTDIR
                                Output file location without trailing slash
                                (defaults to working dir)
  -m    MOVEDIR,    --movedir   MOVEDIR
                                Directory to move files to after downloading
  -c    CONFIG,     --config    CONFIG
                                Config file to use
  -r    REPEAT,     --repeat    REPEAT
                                Time to repetitively check users, in minutes
  -q    QUALITY,    --quality   Quality of stream to download
                                (best, 1080p, >720p)

## Install

### Docker

- Built on Docker 19.03.4
- Built on Docker-Compose 1.24.1

If you'd like to tweak individual parameters, the Dockerfile provided can be used.

Edit the Environment variables in `docker-compose.yml.example` to modify script functionality.

Otherwise, just rename it to `docker-compose.yml` and run `docker compose up -d`.

Logs are piped to stdout by default so that `docker compose logs` works.
_If you know what you're doing, you can change this value in `entrypoint.sh`._
_Make sure to rebuild the container with `docker compose build` after editing this._

### Bare Metal

- Python 3.10 or newer
- ffmpeg
- poetry (`pip install poetry` _or_ `pip3 install poetry` _depending on your system_)

#### Example Run

- `user@box$: git clone https://github.com/dangeroustech/streamdl && cd streamdl`
- `user@box$: poetry install`
- `user@box$: poetry run python streamdl.py -c ./cofnig/config.yml -r 5`

## Config File

Basic YAML format. See `config/config.yaml.example` for a couple of test sites.

- site: twitch.tv
  - name: kaypealol
    quality: best
  - name: day9tv
    quality: worst
- site: mixer.com
  - name: ninja
    quality: best

## Env File

To use the `.env` file:

1. Locate the `.env.example` file.
2. Rename it to `.env` and confirm that the variables are to your liking.
For instance, `STREAMDL_GRPC_PORT=50051` sets the gRPC port for the StreamDL service.
3. To modify any variable, open the `.env` file, change the value, and save the file.
For example, to change the gRPC port, you might modify the line to `STREAMDL_GRPC_PORT=50052`.