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This setting is used override the default database Model for saving notifications. Most users wouldn't need to override this
but it can be useful if you're trying to integrate django-notifs into an existing project that already has it's own Notificaiton model



``django-notifs`` is designed to support different backends for delivering notifications.
By default it uses the ``Synchronous`` backend which delivers notifications synchronously.

.. note::
   The Synchronous backend is not suitable for production because it blocks the request.
   It's more suitable for testing and debugging.
   To deliver notification asynchronously, please see the :doc:`backends section <./backends>`.



**This setting is only valid for the Celery, Channels and RQ backend**

This is the queue name for backends that have a "queue" functionality



Enable the retry functionality.

**The Retry functionality is only valid for the Celery and RQ backends**



The retry interval (in seconds) between each retry



The maximum number of retries for a notification