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# QuickCSS
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⚡️-fast tiny CSS management tool sprinkled with API sugar

- fetch *computed* style values of elements.
- apply styles with either kebab-case or camel-case property names.
- automatic value conversion (`width:10 === '10px'`)
- automatic browser prefixing
- global style registration
- animation registration
- check CSS browser support with `.supports()` and `.supportsProperty()`
- simple `!important` flag application
- global style levels (i.e. overriding styles)

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
**Table of Contents**  *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*

- [Usage](#usage)
- [API](#api)
  - [`quickcss(element, property)`](#quickcsselement-property)
  - [`quickcss(element[], property, value[, important])`](#quickcsselement-property-value-important)
  - [`quickcss(element[], properties)`](#quickcsselement-properties)
  - [`quickcss.animation(name, frames)`](#quickcssanimationname-frames)
  - [`quickcss.register(rule[, level, important])`](#quickcssregisterrule-level-important)
  - [`quickcss.clearRegisered([level])`](#quickcssclearregiseredlevel)
  - [`quickcss.supports(property, value)`](#quickcsssupportsproperty-value)
  - [`quickcss.supportsProperty(property)`](#quickcsssupportspropertyproperty)
  - [`quickcss.normalizeProperty(property)`](#quickcssnormalizepropertyproperty)
  - [`quickcss.normalizeValue(property, value)`](#quickcssnormalizevalueproperty-value)
- [Value normalization](#value-normalization)
- [License](#license)

<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->

## Usage
var quickcss = require('quickcss')

// Fetch *computed* styles
quickcss(element, 'width') //=> 133.92px

// Apply styles
quickcss(element, 'width', 100) //=> 100px
quickcss(element, 'height', '50%') //=> 50%

// Multiple element application
quickcss(elements, 'font-size', 18) //=> 18px

// Multiple style application
quickcss(element, {
    'position': 'fixed',
    'fontWeight': 600,
    'line-height': '1.3em'

// !important flag
quickcss(element, 'opacity', 0.5, true) //=> opacity:0.5 !important

// Deleting style
quickcss(element, 'position', null) //=> 'static'

// Animation registration (with auto-prefixing)
quickcss.animation('spin', {
    '0%': {
        'opacity': 0.2,
        'transform': 'rotate(0deg)'
    '100%': {
        'opacity': 1,
        'transform': 'rotate(360deg)'

## API
### `quickcss(element, property)`
Returns the element's [computed](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/computed_value) value for the given property.

- **element**: DOM element object.
- **property**: CSS property in camel/kebab-case (`font-size` or `fontSize`).

// Assuming that {fontSize:'2.5em'}
quickcss(element, 'font-size') //=> 40px

### `quickcss(element[], property, value[, important])`
Formats and applies `value` for the given `property` on `element`.

- **element**: DOM element object or an array of elements.
- **property**: CSS property in camel/kebab-case (`font-size` or `fontSize`).
- **value**: value that will be applied to `property`. For some properties, values will be [normalized and translated](#value_normalization) to provide API sugar.
- **important**: optional boolean to control the addition of `!important` flag.

### `quickcss(element[], properties)`
Iterates over `properties`, using the key as the `property` and applies its value to the `element`.

- **element**: DOM element object or an array of elements.
- **properties**: A `{property:value}` pair object.
    - **property**: CSS property in camel/kebab-case (`font-size` or `fontSize`).
    - **value**: value that will be applied to `property`.

quickcss(elements, {
    'background-color': '#0f0f0f',
    fontSize: 12,
    opacity: 0.2

### `quickcss.animation(name, frames)`
Registers the provided animation which can be used globally on the page. All properties will be automatically prefixed if needed.

- **name**: name of the animation
- **frames**: an object containing `{step:properties}` pairs.
    - **step**: CSS step string e.g. `50%`
    - **properties**: A `{property:value}` pair object.

quickcss.animation('spin', {
    '0%': {
        'transform': 'rotate(0deg)'
    '100%': {
        'transform': 'rotate(360deg)'

quickcss(element, 'animation', 'spin 200ms linear 0ms infinite')

### `quickcss.register(rule[, level, important])`
Registers the provided `rule` object globally and returns the class name string which can be added to any element later.

- **rule**: A `{property:value}` pair object.
    - **property**: CSS property in camel/kebab-case (`font-size` or `fontSize`).
    - **value**: value that will be applied to `property`.
- **level**: the level to declare the rule under. The higher the level the higher the importance e.g. rules declared in level `2` will override rules declared in level `1` and `0`. Default level is `0`.
- **important**: boolean which when `true` will cause all declarations to be declared along with an `!important` flag.

var newClass = quickcss.register({
    width: 100,
    opacity: 0.5,
    color: '#000'

element.className += ` ${newClass}`
quickcss(element, 'width') //=> '100px'

### `quickcss.clearRegisered([level])`
Clears/erases all of the globally registered rules for the given `level`.

- **level**: the target level to clear styles of. Default level is `0`.

### `quickcss.supports(property, value)`
Checks if the provided `value` is a valid value for `property`.

### `quickcss.supportsProperty(property)`
Checks if the provided `property` is supported by the browser.

### `quickcss.normalizeProperty(property)`
Converts the property name into kebeb-case e.g. `'fontSize' -> `font-size``.

### `quickcss.normalizeValue(property, value)`
Converts the value to a valid CSS value e.g. `50 -> `50px``.

## Value normalization
For many properites you can supply a value with typeof `number` instead of `string` (i.e. `10 vs "10px"`) and the value will be automatically normalized to a `px` string. These properties include `width`, `height`, `margin-left`, `font-size`, `z-index`, and more (refer to [REQUIRES_UNIT_VALUE](https://github.com/danielkalen/quickcss/blob/master/src/constants.coffee)).

There is one property that receives slightly different normalization which is the `line-height` property. If a numerical value is provided, it will be converted to `em`.

quickcss(element, 'width', 10) //=> '10px'
quickcss(element, 'line-height', 10) //=> '10em'

## License
MIT © [Daniel Kalen](https://github.com/danielkalen)