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# configuration-importer

This tool converts XML based parameter lists (e.g. provided by RESOL's Parameterization Tool RPT) into JavaScript source.

## Summary

Every controller has a varying set of parameters. To make it easier for the `Customizer` class to transfer configuration sets to and from the controller it needs to know which values can be accessed and how.

RESOL's own Parameterization Tool (RPT) solves this by distributing XML-based parameter lists in its installation destination directory.

Since the `Customizer` class cannot use those XML files directly they have to be converted to JavaScript data source code. And that is what this tool is for :)

## Installation

Just install the dependencies for the resol-vbus library and this tool:

    $ cd .../resol-vbus
    $ npm install
    $ cd tools/configuration-importer
    $ npm install
    $ mkdir rpt-files

## Usage

To add `Customizer` support for a new controller you need to follow these steps.

### Get the XML file from the RPT

Simply extract (or install) the RPT installer to get access to the `<product>-Menu.xml` of the controller you want to add. Copy that file over to the `.../resol-vbus/tools/configuration-importer/rpt-files` directory you created above.

### Run the converter tool

After copying the RPT XML file simply run the tool:

    $ cd .../resol-vbus/tools/configuration-importer
    $ node index.js <XML input filename> <JS output filename>

After successful conversion the tool will print the absolute path to the generated JavaScript file, which it stores under `.../resol-vbus/src/configuration-optimizers` by default.

### Write a configuration optimizer

Once the JavaScript data source file is created you need an additional JavaScript file: a `ConfigurationOptimizer`. The `ConfigurationOptimizer` takes the information from the data source file and wraps it in a resuable class. For larger controllers the `ConfigurationOptimizer` can be used to reduce the amount of values to transfer based on other configuration parameters. See the `.../resol-vbus/src/configuration-optimizers/resol-deltasol-mx-112-configuration-optimizer.js` for a non-trivial example.

If you have a small controller or do not exactly know which parameters depend on others it is sufficient to write a minimal `ConfigurationOptimizer` that simply wraps the data source file. See `.../resol-vbus/src/configuration-optimizers/resol-deltasol-cs-plus-xxx-configuration-optimizer.js` for a minimal implementation example.

Just save your `ConfigurationOptimizer` implementation in a file as `.../resol-vbus/src/configuration-optimizers/<vendor>-<product>-<version>-configuration-optimizer.js`.

### Add your configuration optimizer to the factory

The factory's source is located under `.../resol-vbus/src/configuration-optimizer-factory.js`.

### Write and run tests

See `.../resol-vbus/test/specs/configuration-optimizers/resol-deltasol-cs-plus-xxx-configuration-optimizer.spec.js` and others for inspiration.