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Test Coverage
# UCB Senior Class Map
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# Running Project Locally
0. clone repo
1. brew update (optional)
2. gem install bundler
3. bundle install
4. rake db:create
5. rake db:migrate
6. rails server

check: localhost:3000

If you ruby is out of date:
1. \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable –ruby   
2. rvm install ruby-2.2.2   

If you are running locally:   
lsof -i tcp:3000   
kill -9 [pid]  

deployment to heroku! Make sure you know how to deploy!  
1.heroku login    
2. enter your account login and password  
3. heroku git:remote -a ucb-senior-map  
4. git push heroku master  

@ project owner: make sure your group members are added as collaborators