const messages = () => {
return {
general: {
welcomeMessage: '',
youHaveQuestions: 'You have an unfinished in-take form to complete.',
botStatusOnline: 'Questionnaire bot Online',
toTheBeginning: 'You have exited to the main menu.'
testMessage: 'test answer',
help: {
whereToBegin: 'Don\'t know what to do? Just write "bot" in the chat, after that I will ask you a question and to answer it, write the keyword "bot" then your answer',
secondStep: 'For an answer, write the first word "bot" and then your answer'
errors: {
requestError: 'An error occurred during the request, please try again later.',
payment: {
paymentError: 'Please transfer the coin to the message',
getRandomItemError: 'Sorry, there was an error getting the items list, that\'s awful',
transferTokenError: 'An error occurred while transferring the token',
wrongAmount: 'You have not sent enough coins, please send the required amount',
userPaymentVerifyErr: 'An error occurred while checking user payment'
answerNumError: 'Error, you entered the wrong date, please try again',
editAnswerError: 'An error occurred while saving the response'
merchantBot: {
startMessages: [
'Hi, I’m the Merchant and will help you to get some unique Items in no time!\n\nBest prices this part of the galaxy!\n\nLet me get some details for you.',
chooseDetails: 'Now, the Collection is called and these are the details:'
bot: {
answeredAllQuestions: 'That’s all, thank you for your patience!\nShall we verify the inputs?',
answerSaved: 'Your answer has been successfully saved!',
tnxForTransaction: 'Thank you very much for your donation )',
editAnswerNum: 'Enter your answer number',
sendOnlyNumbers: 'Please enter only numbers',
sendYouAnswer: 'Enter your new answer',
tnxYouVerify: 'Thank you for verification. You have ',
helloMessageNewUser: 'Hi! Looks like you’re new to the system.\n\nFirst, we should fill out the In-take form with you.\n\nThere are 27 mandatory questions plus some optional questions.\n\nIt takes between 5 and 10 minutes to fill out the mandatory part.',
helloMessageWithoutIntake: 'Hi! Looks like you have not finished your in-take form.\n\nSimply tap the “Complete the In-take form” button below in order to finalize this.',
helloMessage: 'How can I help you today?',
helloMessageButtons: [
name: 'Go ahead - fill the In-take form',
value: 'In-take form'
name: 'Medications',
value: 'Medications'
name: 'Allergies',
value: 'Allergies'
name: 'Medical reports',
value: 'Medical reports',
notDisplayedValue: "MedicalReports"
helloMessageABtn: 'Go ahead - fill the In-take form',
helloMessageBBtn: 'Complete the In-take form',
helloMessageCBtn: 'My profile (In-take form)',
showExisting: 'I’m showing entries 1-5 out of total 10 entries as buttons below.',
buttons: {
Allergies: [
"name": "Review existing allergies",
"value": "Review existing allergies"
"name": "Add a new allergy",
"value": "Add a new allergy"
"name": "🚪 Go back to main menu",
"value": "leave"
Medications: [
"name": "Review existing medications",
"value": "Review existing medications"
"name": "Add a new medication",
"value": "Add a new medication"
"name": "🚪 Go back to main menu",
"value": "leave"
MedicalReports: [
"name": "Add a new report",
"value": "Add a new report"
"name": "Review all existing reports",
"value": "Review all existing reports"
"name": "Search by specific doctor",
"value": "Search by specific doctor",
"notDisplayedValue": "Doctor:"
"name": "Browse by date starting from most recent",
"value": "Browse by date starting from most recent",
"notDisplayedValue": "Date:"
"name": "Search by type",
"value": "Search by type",
"notDisplayedValue": "Type:"
"name": "Search by kind",
"value": "Search by kind",
"notDisplayedValue": "Kind:"
"name": "🚪 Go back to main menu",
"value": "leave"
buttonsExisting: [
"name": "Show me more entries",
"value": "Show me more entries"
"name": "🚪 Go back to main menu",
"value": "leave"
oneAnswerButtons: [
"name": "Delete",
"value": "Delete"
"name": "🚪 Cancel",
"value": "leave"
youDontHaveAnswer: 'You don\'t have answers yet',
youAlreadyLooked: 'You have already looked at all your answers',
wrongQuestion: 'Wrong text entered',
deletedSuccessfully: "Deleted successfully"
export default messages();