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Test Coverage
/* eslint-disable no-undef */

const randomFiveDigitnumber = () => {
  return Math.floor(Math.random() * 90000) + 10000;

describe('create new room', () => {
  //default operation before test suite starts

  //this function will launch the app.
  beforeAll(async () => {
    await device.launchApp();

  //once the app launches, the react server is reloaded so that any old instance is deleted and freshly started
  beforeEach(async () => {
    await device.reloadReactNative();
  //default operation before test suite starts

  //assumes that user is already login. If not then run login.test.js file to login with default account.

  const newRoomName = `TestRoom${randomFiveDigitnumber()}`;
  const roomDescription = 'Test description';
  it('should create a new room', async () => {
    //the following action will tap on the hamburger menu in the Main header
    await element(by.id('mainHeaderMenuButton')).tap();

    //the following assertion checks if the menu component is visible
    await expect(element(by.id('mainHeaderMenu'))).toBeVisible();

    //the following action will tap on the menu item named 'New Room' with testID as 'itemNewRoom'
    await element(by.id('itemNewRoom')).tap();

    //the following assertion will check if "NewChatScreen" is visible
    await expect(element(by.id('NewChatScreen'))).toBeVisible();

    //the following actions will fill new chat name and description
    await element(by.id('newChatName')).typeText(newRoomName);
    await element(by.id('chatDescription')).typeText(roomDescription);

    //the following action will tap on create/submit button
    await element(by.id('createNewChat')).tap();

    //the following assertion will check if "ChatScreen" is visible
    await expect(element(by.id('ChatScreen'))).toBeVisible();