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Copyright 2019-2022 (c) Dappros Ltd, registered in England & Wales, registration number 11455432. All rights reserved.
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at https://github.com/dappros/ethora/blob/main/LICENSE.
Note: linked open-source libraries and components may be subject to their own licenses.

import Realm from 'realm';
import {databaseOptions} from './allSchemas';
import * as schemaTypes from '../../constants/realmConstants';

async function checkTransactionExist(transactionHash, callback) {
  // const realm = new Realm(databaseOptions)
  const realm = await Realm.open(databaseOptions);

  let transactionObject = realm.objects(schemaTypes.TRANSACTION_SCHEMA);
  if (
    ).length > 0
  ) {
  } else callback(false);

export const getTransaction = async hash => {
  try {
    const realm = await Realm.open(databaseOptions);
    const transaction = realm.objectForPrimaryKey(schemaTypes.TRANSACTION_SCHEMA, hash);
    return transaction;
  } catch (error) {
    return false;
export const addTransaction = async transaction => {
  try {
    const realm = await Realm.open(databaseOptions);
    realm.write(() => {
      realm.create(schemaTypes.TRANSACTION_SCHEMA, transaction);
  } catch (error) {
export const insertTransaction = data =>
  new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    data.map(item => {
      if (!item.nftTotal) item.nftTotal = '0';
      const data = {
        blockNumber: item.blockNumber ? item.blockNumber : 0,
        from: item.from ? item.from : 'N/A',
        fromFirstName: item.fromFirstName ? item.fromFirstName : 'N/A',
        fromLastName: item.fromLastName ? item.fromLastName : 'N/A',
        toFirstName: item.toFirstName ? item.toFirstName : 'N/A',
        toLastName: item.toLastName ? item.toLastName : 'N/A',
        timestamp: item.timestamp ? item.timestamp : 'N/A',
        to: item.to ? item.to : 'N/A',
        tokenId: item.tokenId ? item.tokenId : 'N/A',
        tokenName: item.tokenName ? item.tokenName : 'N/A',
        transactionHash: item.transactionHash ? item.transactionHash : 'N/A',
        type: item.type ? item.type : 'N/A',
        value: item.value ? item.value : 'N/A',
        nftTotal: item.nftTotal || 0,
        receiverBalance: item.receiverBalance,
        senderBalance: item.senderBalance,
        nftPreview: item.nftPreview ? item.nftPreview : 'null',
        nftFileUrl: item.nftFileUrl || 'null',
      checkTransactionExist(item.transactionHash, async callback => {
        if (!callback) {
          const realm = await Realm.open(databaseOptions);

          const date = new Date(item.timestamp);
          item.timestamp = date;
          item.tokenId = item.tokenId === undefined ? 'Ether' : item.tokenId;
          item.tokenName = !item.tokenName ? 'Ether' : item.tokenName;
          item.nftPreview = item.nftPreview ? item.nftPreview : 'null';
          // const realm = new Realm(databaseOptions)
          realm.write(() => {
            realm.create(schemaTypes.TRANSACTION_SCHEMA, data);
        } else {
          return null;

export const queryAllTransactions = () =>
  new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const realm = await Realm.open(databaseOptions);

    // const realm = new Realm(databaseOptions)
    let transactions = realm
      .filtered(`tokenName!="${' '}" SORT(timestamp ASC)`);