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Copyright 2019-2022 (c) Dappros Ltd, registered in England & Wales, registration number 11455432. All rights reserved.
You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at https://github.com/dappros/ethora/blob/main/LICENSE.
Note: linked open-source libraries and components may be subject to their own licenses.

export const loginURL = '/users/login';

export const tokenEtherBalanceURL = '/wallets/balance/';

export const etherTransferURL = '/ethers/transfer';

export const tokenTransferURL = '/tokens/transfer';

export const transactionURL = '/explorer/transactions?';

export const registerUserURL = '/users';

export const checkPushSubscribe = '/subscriptions/deviceId/';

export const subscribePushNotification = '/subscriptions/deviceId/';

export const getListOfEmails = '/users/emails';

export const addOrDeleteEmail = '/users/emails';

export const checkEmailExist = '/users/checkEmail/';
export const checkWalletExist = '/users/checkExtWallet/';
export const referralRoute = '/users/referral';

export const fileUpload = '/files/';
export const nftTransferURL = '/tokens/items';

export const itemTransferURL = '/tokens/transfer/items';
export const nfmtTransferURL = '/tokens/items/nfmt/transfer';
export const nfmtCollectionTransferURL = '/tokens/items/nfmt/transferOwnership';

export const refreshTokenURL = '/users/login/refresh';
export const resetPasswordURL = '/users/forgot';
export const changeUserData = '/users/';
export const otherProfileBalance = '/users/profile/';

export const shareLink = '/shareLink/';

export const docsURL = '/docs';
export const otherUserProfileURL = '/user/profile/';