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# <img src="extension/icon.png" width="48" align="left">rawkit

**rawkit** grabs the chrome inspector URL returned from the `node --inspect` command and immediately opens devtools. No more *clicking*, *selecting*, *copying*/*pasting* or *navigating*. Just run the command and jump into debugging.

## Installation & Usage

$ npm install -g rawkit
$ rawkit example.js

#### With [npx](https://www.npmjs.com/package/npx)
$ npx rawkit example.js

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/459713/29084045-d01c953a-7c38-11e7-9711-a2875d81f1c1.gif" width="100%" alt="tutorial">

## Features

- ✅ Works offline
- ✅ Supports `nodemon` & reloading
- ✅ Supports legacy Node `<v7.x` debugging protocols & devtools

## Options

By default, running `rawkit` can detect any `main` script that's been defined in the current working directory's `package.json` and run that. It also will detect the version of Node.js you're running to determine whether or not to fallback to older `debug` APIs.

#### `--inspect-brk` or `b`

To break on the first line of the application code.

#### `--inspect-port` or `p`

The debugger port. Defaults to 9229.

#### `--canary` or `c`

Open the devtools in canary.

#### `--nodemon` or `n`

Use [`nodemon`](https://github.com/remy/nodemon) to run/watch your node process & reload when files change. **rawkit** supports all the default configuration options for `nodemon` including `execMap` inside your project's `package.json` or `nodemon.json` files.

#### `--silent` or `s`

Hide stdout/stderr output from child process in the terminal window.

#### `--executable=[name]` or `e`

Specify the name of the executable. Defaults to `google chrome`.

> **Note:** `--executable` is an experimental feature as rawkit typically does all the work to determine the right executable to use based on your operating system and any other arguments or environmental configuration.

## FAQ

### Chrome opens to a blank page?
You may have some issues if your version of Chrome has recently updated and it and/or your OS hasn't be restarted. Quick fix here is to just try restarting Chrome and/or restarting your machine. This was identified in the [`opn`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/opn/issues/83) project.

### Do I need to install a Chrome Extension?

**rawkit** will automatically launch a splash page asking you to install a corresponding Chrome Extension the first time you run it. If you don't want to install the extension (not recommended, as the extension comes with some nice-to-have behaviors) AND are using a Mac, you can install [chrome-cli](https://github.com/prasmussen/chrome-cli) to get around this. **rawkit** will automatically detect if `chrome-cli` exists on your machine and use that to open/launch chrome once it's installed.

$ brew install chrome-cli

> **Note:** Unfortunately, opening internal Chrome links, externally, is not possible without an aid at the moment (ie. urls that contain `chrome://` or `chrome-devtools://` in this case). This is most likely a security feature. That said, you can use a Chrome Extension as a proxy to make this work. Check out the [RESEARCH.md](https://github.com/darcyclarke/rawkit/blob/master/RESEARCH.md) for more information.