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Test Coverage

 - Added `responsetime` assertion #58
 - Added `responseTime` to `ChakramResponseObject` #60
 - Introduced `del` alias #61

 - Added support for expect's second custom message argument #56
 - Exposes tv4's schemaBanUnknown and schemaCyclicCheck options #52
 - Exposes tv4's getSchemaMap method #43

 - Identifies all schema errors #38
 - Exposes tv4's addFormat method #39
 - Added debugging functionality #30

 - Updating dependencies
 - Fails schema validation if a referenced schema is missing #32

 - Updating dependencies

 - Allows equality checks for NULLs in JSON #24

 - Added ability to set default options for requests #21

 - Allowing pre-registration of JSON schemas

 - Improved schema error messages #14
 - Updated dependencies #15

 - Added "comprise" and "comprised" chain elements which should be used instead of "include" for subset JSON assertions
 - Simplified plugin interface

 - Added callback support for JSON and header assertions