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Test Coverage
Chakram Module
@module chakram
var chakram = require("chakram");

var Q = require('q'),
    extend = require('extend-object'),
    methods = require('./methods.js'),
    plugins = require('./plugins.js'),
    debug = require('./debug.js'),
    tv4 = require('tv4');

var exports = module.exports = {};
extend(exports, methods, plugins, debug);

var recordedExpects = [];

Chakram assertion constructor. Extends chai's extend method with Chakram's HTTP assertions.
Please see {@link http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/ chai's API documentation} for details on the default chai assertions and the {@link ChakramExpectation} documentation for the Chakram HTTP assertions.
@param {*} value - The variable to run assertions on, can be a {@link ChakramResponse} promise
@param {string} message - A custom assertion message passed to Chai
@returns {chakram-expectation} A Chakram expectation object
@alias module:chakram.expect
var expect = chakram.expect;
it("should support chakram and chai assertions", function () {
    var google = chakram.get("http://google.com");
    return chakram.wait();
exports.expect = function(value, message) {
    if(plugins.chai === null) {
    if (value !== undefined && value !== null && value.then !== undefined) {
        var test = plugins.chai.expect(value, message).eventually;
        return test;
    } else {
        return plugins.chai.expect(value, message);   

Returns a promise which is fulfilled once all promises in the provided array are fulfilled.
Identical to {@link https://github.com/kriskowal/q/wiki/API-Reference#promiseall Q.all}.
@param {Promise[]} promiseArray - An array of promises to wait for
@returns {Promise}
@alias module:chakram.all
exports.all = Q.all;

Returns a promise which is fulfilled once all promises in the provided array are fulfilled.
Similar to {@link https://github.com/kriskowal/q/wiki/API-Reference#promiseall Q.all}, however, instead of being fulfilled with an array containing the fulfillment value of each promise, it is fulfilled with the fulfillment value of the last promise in the provided array. This allows chaining of HTTP calls.
@param {Promise[]} promiseArray - An array of promises to wait for
@returns {Promise}
@alias module:chakram.waitFor
it("should support grouping multiple tests", function () {
    var response = chakram.get("http://httpbin.org/get");
    return chakram.waitFor([
exports.waitFor = function(promiseArray) {
    return Q.all(promiseArray).then(function(resolvedArray) {
        var deferred = Q.defer();
        deferred.resolve(resolvedArray[resolvedArray.length - 1]);
        return deferred.promise;

Returns a promise which is fulfilled once all chakram expectations are fulfilled.
This works by recording all chakram expectations called within an 'it' and waits for all the expectations to finish before resolving the returned promise.
@returns {Promise}
@alias module:chakram.wait
it("should support auto waiting for tests", function() {
    var response = chakram.get("http://httpbin.org/get");
    return chakram.wait();
exports.wait = function() {
    return exports.waitFor(recordedExpects);

Option for turning on tv4's "ban unknown properties" mode.
@alias module:chakram.schemaBanUnknown
chakram.schemaBanUnknown = true;
exports.schemaBanUnknown = false;

Option for turning on tv4's option to check for self-referencing objects.
@alias module:chakram.schemaCyclicCheck
chakram.schemaCyclicCheck = true;
exports.schemaCyclicCheck = false;

Exposes tv4's add schema method. Allows the registration of schemas used for schema validation.
@alias module:chakram.addSchema
chakram.addSchema('http://example.com/schema', { ... });
exports.addSchema = tv4.addSchema;

Exposes tv4's get schemaMap method. Allows to check the mapping schema object.
@alias module:chakram.getSchemaMap
exports.getSchemaMap = tv4.getSchemaMap;

Exposes tv4's add format method. Allows add custom format for schema validation.
@alias module:chakram.addSchemaFormat
chakram.addSchemaFormat('decimal-digits', function (data, schema) {
    if (typeof data === 'string' && !/^[0-9]+$/.test(data)) {
        return null;
    return "must be string of decimal digits";
exports.addSchemaFormat = tv4.addFormat;

var warnUser = function (message) {
    if (this.currentTest.state !== 'failed') {
        this.test.error(new Error(message));

var checkForUnfulfilledExpectations = function () {
    for(var ct = 0; ct < recordedExpects.length; ct++) {
        if(recordedExpects[ct].isFulfilled !== undefined && recordedExpects[ct].isFulfilled() === false) {
            warnUser.call(this, "Some expectation promises were not fulfilled before the test finished. Ensure you are waiting for all the expectations to run");

afterEach(function() {
    recordedExpects = [];