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Darkwallet Development

You are welcome to participate in the development by contributing or forking the code at:


For normal wallet development you can just modify the .js files, no need for fancy compilers :).

Note the wallet has a long running background process, so after modifying files (specially for
backend/ and model/ files) you may need to restart the background page.

The background process ties up the wallet behaviour for any number of open tabs.

Check the following wiki page for information on getting to the debug consoles of the darkwallet:


Code organization

The code is structured as follows:

src/js/            Code Root
├── backend        Background page specific code (runs on the background)
│   ├── channels    Communication channels and transport
│   └── services    Backend services
├── frontend        User facing code (runs on the tabs, tied to html, uses angular)
│   ├── controllers    Angular controllers
│   ├── directives    Angular directives
│   ├── filters        Angular filters
│   ├── popup        Code for the popup area on the topbar
│   └── scripts        Content scripts
├── model        Storage related core, and generic model functionality.
└── util        Generic utils
    └── ng        Angular utils

Frontend development
From the frontend, You use the Darkwallet global object to access main objects for the

The "main" files for the frontend are the src/js/frontend/controllers/ files, wallet.js is the
top level controller at the moment.

Backend development
The "main" file for the backend is src/js/backend/main.js.

The backend hosts several services (src/js/backend/services/) taking care of different aspects
of the application.

Frontend and backend communication

The frontend and backend processes use "Ports" for communication. The backend opens several service
ports, where the frontend areas can connect. This ensures callbacks are properly disconnected when
tabs are closed or controllers are destroyed, so we just get notifications from the backend on these

To command the backend, the frontend can access directly in most situations, so just start on Darkwallet
and move down.


### Translating

If you want to help translating the app to more languages go to our [transifex project](https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/darkwallet/)

### Developers

You can make a string translatable using the "_" filter:

<p>{{'This string is translated to the system language'|_}}<p>

You can use **strong** and *emphasis* markdown formatting syntax:

<p ng-bind-html="('I love *darkwallet*'|_)"></p>

Javascript errors are also translatable, separing the parameters using | inside the same string.

throw new Error('Test error with some colors: {0}, {1} and {2}|'+['red', 'green', 'blue'].join('|'));

When you add or modify a language string, run the following command:

$ npm run i18n-update

Having transifex client downloaded and [configured](http://docs.transifex.com/developer/client/setup#configuration), you can:

$ tx push -s # Push the sources
$ tx pull -t # Pull the translations


We use the tool `karma` to run the tests.

All the following commands should be done from the darkwallet root folder.

### Setup your environment

$ npm -d install
$ npm install -g karma-cli # you may need sudo here

### Running the tests

$ karma start test/karma.conf.js


We use [semver](http://semver.org) to version our releases, you can read
the specification in their web.

We also use [git flow](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/)
branching model, so you can assume that the code in the master branch is stable
and the bleeding edge is in the develop branch.

We use git flow util in order to realize it. It can be downloaded using apt:

$ sudo apt-get install git-flow

Javascript tasks

To update or modify dependencies you may need the following information:

### Adding/Upgrading dependencies with bower
If you want to add/upgrade a dependency, use bower.

$ bower install angular --save # --save option modify bower.json file

Read [bower documentation](http://bower.io) for more info.

CSS Hacking

Our css is generated from the files in the *sass* folder, so any changes should be done there instead of in the *css* folder.

### Setup your SASS compiling environment:

Make sure you have nodejs installed, then on the darkwallet root folder, do:

$ npm install -g grunt-cli bower # you may need sudo here
$ npm install
$ bower update


Then build with *grunt build* or just run *grunt* and it will keep watching for changes on the sass folder.

Icon set

You can use the following cheatsheet to look for icon codes:

 - http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/

Search other icon sets for useful icons:

 - http://icomoon.io


 - unsystem dev