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2 days
Test Coverage
 * @fileOverview Background service running for the wallet
'use strict';

define(['model/keyring', 'backend/port', 'dwutil/currencyformat', 'dwutil/tasks/transaction', 'bitcoinjs-lib', 'util/btc', 'util/stealth', 'sjcl'],
function(IdentityKeyRing, Port, CurrencyFormatting, TransactionTasks, Bitcoin, BtcUtils, Stealth, sjcl) {

  function WalletService(core) {
    var keyRing = new IdentityKeyRing();
    var self = this;
    this.name = 'wallet';
    var heightTimeout;
    var lastTimestamp;

    // Some scope variables
    var currentIdentity = false;

    this.currentHeight = 0;

    // Wallet port
    Port.listen('wallet', function() {
      }, function(port) {
          // Client connected
          if (currentIdentity && keyRing.identities.hasOwnProperty(currentIdentity)) {
              port.postMessage({'type': 'ready', 'identity': currentIdentity});
      }, function(port) {
          // Client disconnected

    /* Identities

    var startIdentity = function(identity, callback) {
        if (heightTimeout) {
            heightTimeout = false;
        currentIdentity = identity.name;

        //Load up tasks

        // Inform gui and other services
        identity.history.update = function() { Port.post('gui', {name: 'update'}); };
        var ts = identity.store.get('lastTimestamp');
        if (ts) {
            lastTimestamp = ts;
            BtcUtils.setLastTimestamp(lastTimestamp.height, lastTimestamp.timestamp);
            Port.post('gui', {type: 'timestamps', height: lastTimestamp.height, timestamp: lastTimestamp.timestamp});
        self.blockDiff = BtcUtils.blockDiff;

        Port.post('wallet', {'type': 'ready', 'identity': identity.name});
        Port.post('wallet', {'type': 'loaded', 'identity': identity.name});

        callback ? callback(identity) : null;

    this.createIdentity = function(name, network, secret, password, callback) {
        console.log("[wallet] Create identity", name);
        if (currentIdentity) {
            Port.post('wallet', {'type': 'closing', 'identity': currentIdentity});
        var identity = keyRing.createIdentity(name, network, secret, password);
        startIdentity(identity, callback);

    this.renameIdentity = function(newName, callback) {
        var identity = core.getCurrentIdentity();
        var oldName = currentIdentity;
        // Need to set this here since it won't be got automatically from the store change.
        identity.name = newName;
        keyRing.rename(oldName, newName, function() {
            currentIdentity = newName;
            Port.post('wallet', {'type': 'rename', 'oldName': oldName, 'newName': newName});
            callback ? callback() : null;

    this.reloadIdentity = function(store, callback) {
        if (store.name !== currentIdentity) {
            throw new Error('This is not the running identity!');
        Port.post('wallet', {'type': 'closing', 'identity': currentIdentity});
        keyRing.save(store.name, store, function() {
            keyRing.get(store.name, function(identity) {
                startIdentity(identity, callback);

    this.loadIdentity = function(idx, callback) {
        var name = keyRing.availableIdentities[idx];
        if (currentIdentity !== name) {
            Port.post('wallet', {'type': 'closing', 'identity': currentIdentity});
            console.log("[wallet] Load identity", name);
            keyRing.get(name, function(identity) {
                startIdentity(identity, callback);

    // Get an identity from the keyring
    this.getIdentity = function(idx) {
        if (idx === null || idx === undefined) {
            return self.getCurrentIdentity();
        var name = keyRing.availableIdentities[idx];
        currentIdentity = name;
        return keyRing.identities[name];

    this.getCurrentIdentity = function() {
        return keyRing.identities[currentIdentity];

    // Notify frontend of history row updates
    var notifyRow = function(walletAddress, row, height) {
        var identity = core.getCurrentIdentity();
        var title;
        var value = row.total;

        if (value > 0) {
            if (height) {
                title = "Received";
            } else {
                title = "Receiving (unconfirmed)";
        } else {
            if (height) {
                title = "Sending";
            } else {
                title = "Sending (unconfirmed)";
        var task = TransactionTasks.processRow(value, row, height);

        // Post the balance update to the gui so it can be updated
        var pocketId = identity.wallet.pockets.getAddressPocketId(walletAddress);

        // task.outPocket can be a number so we need to check for undefined
        if (pocketId !== undefined) {
            var pocketType = identity.wallet.pockets.getPocketType(walletAddress.type);
            var outPocket = identity.wallet.pockets.getPocket(pocketId, pocketType);
            if (outPocket) {
                title = outPocket.name + ': ' + title;
        var formattedValue = CurrencyFormatting.format(value);

        // Port the the os notification service
        core.service.notifier.post(title, formattedValue);

        Port.post('gui', {type: 'balance', pocketId: pocketId});

    // Callback for when an address was updated
    var onAddressUpdate = function(walletAddress, addressUpdate) {
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();

        // Get variables from the update
        var height = addressUpdate.height;
        var tx = addressUpdate.tx;
        // var block_hash = addressUpdate.block_hash;

        if (addressUpdate.address !== walletAddress.address) {
            // not for us..
            console.log("Invalid address update!!!!!");

        // Process
        var row = identity.tx.process(tx, height);

        // Show a notification for incoming transactions
        if (row) {
            notifyRow(walletAddress, row, height);

    /* History and address subscription
    function historyFetched(err, walletAddress, history, doSubscribe) {
        if (err) {
            core.servicesStatus.syncing -= 1;
            core.servicesStatus.obelisk = 'error';
            console.log("[wallet] Error fetching history for", walletAddress.address);
        core.servicesStatus.obelisk = 'ok';
        var client = core.getClient();
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();

        // pass to the wallet to process outputs
        if (history.length) {
            identity.wallet.processHistory(walletAddress, history);

            // start filling history

            if (TransactionTasks.processHistory(history, self.currentHeight)) {
                // some task was updated
        if (!doSubscribe) {
        // now subscribe the address for notifications
        client.subscribe(walletAddress.address, function(err, res) {
            core.servicesStatus.syncing -= 1;
            // fill history after subscribing to ensure we got all histories already (for now).
            var pocketId = identity.wallet.pockets.getAddressPocketId(walletAddress);
            Port.post('gui', {type: 'balance', pocketId: pocketId});
        }, function(addressUpdate) {
            onAddressUpdate(walletAddress, addressUpdate);

    // Start up history for an address
    this.initAddress = function(walletAddress) {
        var client = core.getClient();
        if (!client) {
            // TODO manage this case better
            console.log("trying to init address but not connected yet!... skipping :P");
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();

        if (!core.servicesStatus.syncing) {
            core.servicesStatus.syncing = 0;
        core.servicesStatus.syncing += 1;
        var fromHeight = walletAddress.height+1;
        // Now fetch history
        client.fetch_history(walletAddress.address, fromHeight, function(err, res) { historyFetched(err, walletAddress, res, true); });

    // Unsusbscribe an address from the backend
    this.removeAddress = function(walletAddress, callback) {
        var client = core.getClient();
        // Unsubscribe the address
        client.unsubscribe(walletAddress.address, function() {
            callback ? callback() : null;
    // Handle a block header arriving from obelisk
    function handleBlockHeader(height, headerHex) {
        var header = BtcUtils.decodeBlockHeader(headerHex);

        BtcUtils.setLastTimestamp(height, header.timestamp);
        self.blockDiff = BtcUtils.blockDiff;
        lastTimestamp = {height: height, timestamp: header.timestamp};
        core.getCurrentIdentity().store.set('lastTimestamp', lastTimestamp);
        Port.post('gui', {type: 'timestamps', value: lastTimestamp});

    function fetchMissingHistory(prevHeight, newHeight) {
        console.log("[wallet] requesting missing history", prevHeight, newHeight);
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();
        // get balance for addresses
        Object.keys(identity.wallet.pubKeys).forEach(function(pubKeyIndex) {
            var walletAddress = identity.wallet.pubKeys[pubKeyIndex];
            if (identity.settings.scanPocketMaster || walletAddress.index.length > 1) {
                var client = core.getClient();
                var fromHeight = walletAddress.height+1;
                // Now fetch history
                client.fetch_history(walletAddress.address, fromHeight, function(err, res) { historyFetched(err, walletAddress, res, false); });

    this.fetchMissingHistory = fetchMissingHistory;

    // Handle height arriving from obelisk
    function handleHeight(err, height) {
        if (height !== self.currentHeight) {
            // If new height is more than 2 previous height we will
            // request history from obelisk
            if (self.currentHeight && height > self.currentHeight+2) {
                fetchMissingHistory(self.currentHeight, height);
            self.currentHeight = height;
            console.log("[wallet] height fetched", height);
            core.servicesStatus.syncing += 1;
            Port.post('wallet', {type: 'height', value: height});
            Port.post('gui', {type: 'height', value: height});
            var client = core.getClient();
            client.fetch_block_header(height, function(err, data) {
                core.servicesStatus.syncing -= 1;
                if (!err) {
                    handleBlockHeader(height, data);
                } else {
                   console.log("[wallet] error fetching block header", err, height);

    this.fetchHeight = function() {
        if (heightTimeout) {
            console.log("[wallet] warning, height timeout launched but still active!");

        var client = core.getClient();

        // Run again in one minute to get last height (gateway doesn't give this yet..)
        heightTimeout = setInterval(function() {
            var client = core.getClient();
            if (client && client.connected) {
        }, 60000);

    this.handleInitialConnect = function() {
        console.log("[wallet] initial connect");
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();
        core.servicesStatus.syncing = 0;


        // get balance for addresses
        Object.keys(identity.wallet.pubKeys).forEach(function(pubKeyIndex) {
            var walletAddress = identity.wallet.pubKeys[pubKeyIndex];
            if (identity.settings.scanPocketMaster || walletAddress.index.length > 1) {

    this.getKeyRing = function() {
        return keyRing;

     * Send a transaction into the mixer
    this.mixTransaction = function(newTx, metadata, password, callback) {
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();
        var task = {tx: newTx.toHex(),
                    state: 'announce',
                    total: metadata.total,
                    label: metadata.label,
                    fee: metadata.fee,
                    recipients: metadata.recipients,
                    change: metadata.change,
                    timeout: 60, // timeout in secs
                    start: Date.now()/1000,
                    myamount: metadata.myamount};

        // Gather private keys for this task
        var privKeys = {};
        var failed = metadata.utxo.some(function(utxo) {
            var address = identity.wallet.getWalletAddress(utxo.address);
            if (!address) {
                callback({message: 'No keys found for some addresses', type: 'keys'});
                return true; // to break out of the some loop
            else if (!privKeys.hasOwnProperty(address.index)) {
                try {
                    // Stealth backwards comp workaround, 0.4.0
                    Stealth.quirk = address.quirk;
                    identity.wallet.getPrivateKey(address, password, function(privKey) {
                        privKeys[address.index] = privKey.toBytes().slice(0);
                    Stealth.quirk = false;
                } catch (e) {
                    Stealth.quirk = false;
                    callback({data: e, message: 'Password incorrect!', type: 'password'});
                    return true; // to break out of the some loop
        if (failed) {

        // Store privkeys in the task encrypted for the session
        var safe = core.service.safe;
        var txHash = Bitcoin.convert.bytesToString(newTx.getHash());
        var taskPassword = safe.set('send', txHash, password);
        task.privKeys = sjcl.encrypt(taskPassword, JSON.stringify(privKeys));

        // Add the task to model
        identity.tasks.addTask('mixer', task);

        // Now start the task in the mixer service
        var mixerService = core.service.mixer;

        // Sign the transaction to have a fallback in case the mixing fails

        this.signTransaction(newTx.clone(), metadata, password, function(err, signed) {
            if (!err && signed.type === 'signed') {
                task.fallback = signed.tx.toHex();
                // Callback for calling process
                callback(null, {task: task, tx: newTx, type: 'mixer', privKeys: privKeys});
            } else {

     * Perform fallback operations for a failed task
    this.sendFallback = function(type, task) {
        if (type === 'mixer') {
            if (!task.fallback) {
                console.log("no fallback for this task!!", task);
            var tx = Bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(task.fallback);
            task.state = 'finished';
            task.progress = 100;

            var hash = tx.getId();
            var spendTask = TransactionTasks.processSpend(hash, task.total, task.recipients, task.label);
            self.broadcastTx(tx, spendTask, function(err, data) {console.log(err,data);});
        } else {
            console.log("[wallet] Calling fallback for unknown type", task);

     * Sign a transaction, then broadcast or add task to gather sigs
    this.signTransaction = function(newTx, metadata, password, callback, broadcast) {
        var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();
        // Otherwise just sign and lets go
        identity.tx.sign(newTx, metadata.utxo, password, function(err, pending) {
            if (err) {
                // There was some error signing the transaction
            } else if (pending.length) {
                // If pending signatures add task and callback with 2nd parameter
                var task = core.service.multisigTrack.spend(newTx.toHex(), pending);
                callback(null, {task: task, tx: newTx, type: 'signatures'});
            } else if (broadcast) {
                // Broadcast and add task
                var txHash = newTx.getId();
                if (metadata.label) {
                    identity.txdb.setLabel(txHash, metadata.label);
                var task = TransactionTasks.processSpend(txHash, metadata.total, metadata.recipients, metadata.label);
                self.broadcastTx(newTx, task, callback);
            } else {
                // Return the signed tx
                callback(null, {tx: newTx, type: 'signed'});

     * Broadcast the given transaction
     this.broadcastTx = function(newTx, task, callback) {
         // Broadcasting
         var serialized = newTx.toHex();

         if (task.label) {
             var hash = newTx.getId();
             core.getCurrentIdentity().txdb.setLabel(hash, task.label);
         var notifyTx = function(error, count, type) {
             if (error) {
                 console.log("Error sending tx: " + error, count, type);
                 callback({data: error, text: "Error sending tx"}, {type: type, count: count});
             } else {
                 TransactionTasks.processRadar(task, count);

                 // notify gui about radar updates
                 Port.post('gui', {type: type, count: count});

                 callback(null, {radar: count, type: type});
                 console.log("tx radar: " + count);
         console.log("send tx", newTx);
         console.log("send tx", serialized);
         var identity = self.getCurrentIdentity();
         identity.tx.process(serialized, 0);
         core.getClient().broadcast_transaction(newTx.toHex(), notifyTx);
  return WalletService;