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import { RenderCode } from "frontend/design-system/components/RenderCode";
import { Spacer } from "frontend/design-system/primitives/Spacer";
import { DocumentationRoot } from "../_base";

export function FormScriptDocumentation() {
  return (
        Forms scripts enable you to implement the complex form logic your
        business requirements require that the UI cannot achieve.
        In the <code>Form Scripts</code>, you will have access to the following
            : This gives you current form values.
            : The values are either{" "}
            <code>&quot;update&quot; | &quot;create&quot;</code> which allows
            you to condition the script for the creation or update form.
            : The current user details
            : The current entity details
        Form scripts are run on the client and they are not async so you
        can&apos;t make Promises or make network calls.{" "}
        We have three tabs where which do different things so let&apos;s start
        with the first
      <h3>1. Field State</h3>
        This allows you to hide or disable your form fields. Let&apos;s dive
        straight into examples
        input={`// This script will disable the "accountBalance" field.
return {
  accountBalance: {
    disabled: true

// This will hide the "accountBalance" field
return {
  accountBalance: {
    hidden: true

This will disable the "canRegister" field
when the value of "age" is less than 18
return {
  canRegister: {
    disabled: $.formValues.age < 18

This will hide the "whatCanWeDoBetter" field 
when the value of "rating" is equal than 5
return {
  whatCanWeDoBetter: {
    hidden: $.formValues.rating == 5

This will hide the "accountBalance" field 
when the current user is updating his account  
return {
  accountBalance: {
    hidden: $.auth.username === $.routeParams.entityId

There is no limit to the composition 
return {
  field1: {
    hidden: someLogic == true
  field2: {
    disabled: someLogic == false,
    hidden: someLogic == true,
  field3: {
    hidden: someLogic != true
        We use the field name, not the field label. For example, if you want to
        target the <code>accountBalance</code>, using{" "}
        <code>Account Balance </code>
        will not work or any label that is shown in the form. What is used is
        the database field name which is <code>accountBalance</code> any other
        label will not work.{" "}
      <h3>2. Before Submit</h3>
      <p>This tab enables you to do two different things.</p>
      <h5>1. Run custom validation</h5>
        Data validation can easily become complex and with this tab, you should
        be able to tame the complexity of your validation requirements.
        This is how it works, When a string is returned from this tab, then the
        value is seen as an error which will be shown to the user and the form
        will not be submitted.

This script will not allow users submit the form
and will be seeing the message in an alert,
return "You shall not pass"

For more practical use, you will want to wrap the text 
in a logic block and can it be as complex as needed
    $.formValues.age > 1000 && 
      $.formValues.planet != "Earth" ||
      $.formValues.technology == "Advance" 
  ) {
  return "Only Aliens can submit this form"

// This is plain Javascript so you can write functions too.
const customFunctionToReturnFalse = () => false

    return "Custom function returned false"

// Once the script validation gets to the bottom
// then it will be submitted`}

        The validations parsed from your database and the ones you added from
        the <code>Fields</code> tab will run first before the ones on this

      <Spacer />
      <h5>2. Modify the form values</h5>
        The second use for this tab to is modify the data you are submitting.
        This is how it works, If you return an <code>object</code>, then that
        object will be what will be submitted. This allows you to append and
        remove fields to the original submitted data.
Will add "createdById" to the form values that is to be submitted
return {
  createdById: $.auth.userId

Will add "createdAt" to the form values that is to be submitted
return {
  createdAt: new Date(),

You can compute fields to save
return {
  slug: $.formValues.title?.replaceAll(" ", "-").toLowerCase()
      <Spacer />
        Needless to say, you can combine both <code>Before Submit</code> usages
        to both validate data before submitting and transform the data when
        submitting in the same script.
 * Will validate the form and will throw the error when it returns a string
 * And will add "createdById" when the form is submitted
if($.formValues.age > 23 && ($.formValues.country != "Belgium" || $.formValues.height == 124 )){
  return "This is a weird requirement and DashPress can handle it"

return {
  createdById: $.auth.userId

      <h3>3. Initial Values</h3>
        This tab simply allows you to set the initial values for the create form
 * Will the follow values as intial values on the create form

return {
  price: 1000,
  status: "new",
  country: "US",
  isApproved: true
      <p>You will not have access to any variables here, so no `$.anything`</p>