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package goteamsnotify

import (

// MessageCardSectionFact represents a section fact entry that is usually
// displayed in a two-column key/value format.
type MessageCardSectionFact struct {

    // Name is the key for an associated value in a key/value pair
    Name string `json:"name"`

    // Value is the value for an associated key in a key/value pair
    Value string `json:"value"`

// MessageCardSectionImage represents an image as used by the heroImage and
// images properties of a section.
type MessageCardSectionImage struct {

    // Image is the URL to the image.
    Image string `json:"image"`

    // Title is a short description of the image. Typically, this description
    // is displayed in a tooltip as the user hovers their mouse over the
    // image.
    Title string `json:"title"`

// MessageCardSection represents a section to include in a message card.
type MessageCardSection struct {

    // Title is the title property of a section. This property is displayed
    // in a font that stands out, while not as prominent as the card's title.
    // It is meant to introduce the section and summarize its content,
    // similarly to how the card's title property is meant to summarize the
    // whole card.
    Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`

    // Text is the section's text property. This property is very similar to
    // the text property of the card. It can be used for the same purpose.
    Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`

    // ActivityImage is a property used to display a picture associated with
    // the subject of a message card. For example, this might be the portrait
    // of a person who performed an activity that the message card is
    // associated with.
    ActivityImage string `json:"activityImage,omitempty"`

    // ActivityTitle is a property used to summarize the activity associated
    // with a message card.
    ActivityTitle string `json:"activityTitle,omitempty"`

    // ActivitySubtitle is a property used to show brief, but extended
    // information about an activity associated with a message card. Examples
    // include the date and time the associated activity was taken or the
    // handle of a person associated with the activity.
    ActivitySubtitle string `json:"activitySubtitle,omitempty"`

    // ActivityText is a property used to provide details about the activity.
    // For example, if the message card is used to deliver updates about a
    // topic, then this property would be used to hold the bulk of the content
    // for the update notification.
    ActivityText string `json:"activityText,omitempty"`

    // Markdown represents a toggle to enable or disable Markdown formatting.
    // By default, all text fields in a card and its sections can be formatted
    // using basic Markdown.
    Markdown bool `json:"markdown,omitempty"`

    // StartGroup is the section's startGroup property. This property marks
    // the start of a logical group of information. Typically, sections with
    // startGroup set to true will be visually separated from previous card
    // elements.
    StartGroup bool `json:"startGroup,omitempty"`

    // HeroImage is a property that allows for setting an image as the
    // centerpiece of a message card. This property can also be used to add a
    // banner to the message card.
    // Note: heroImage is not currently supported by Microsoft Teams
    // https://stackoverflow.com/a/45389789
    // We use a pointer to this type in order to have the json package
    // properly omit this field if not explicitly set.
    // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11939
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18088294/how-to-not-marshal-an-empty-struct-into-json-with-go
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33447334/golang-json-marshal-how-to-omit-empty-nested-struct
    HeroImage *MessageCardSectionImage `json:"heroImage,omitempty"`

    // Facts is a collection of MessageCardSectionFact values. A section entry
    // usually is displayed in a two-column key/value format.
    Facts []MessageCardSectionFact `json:"facts,omitempty"`

    // Images is a property that allows for the inclusion of a photo gallery
    // inside a section.
    // We use a slice of pointers to this type in order to have the json
    // package properly omit this field if not explicitly set.
    // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11939
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18088294/how-to-not-marshal-an-empty-struct-into-json-with-go
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33447334/golang-json-marshal-how-to-omit-empty-nested-struct
    Images []*MessageCardSectionImage `json:"images,omitempty"`

// MessageCard represents a legacy actionable message card used via Office 365
// or Microsoft Teams connectors.
type MessageCard struct {
    // Required; must be set to "MessageCard"
    Type string `json:"@type"`

    // Required; must be set to "https://schema.org/extensions"
    Context string `json:"@context"`

    // Summary is required if the card does not contain a text property,
    // otherwise optional. The summary property is typically displayed in the
    // list view in Outlook, as a way to quickly determine what the card is
    // all about. Summary appears to only be used when there are sections defined
    Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty"`

    // Title is the title property of a card. is meant to be rendered in a
    // prominent way, at the very top of the card. Use it to introduce the
    // content of the card in such a way users will immediately know what to
    // expect.
    Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`

    // Text is required if the card does not contain a summary property,
    // otherwise optional. The text property is meant to be displayed in a
    // normal font below the card's title. Use it to display content, such as
    // the description of the entity being referenced, or an abstract of a
    // news article.
    Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`

    // Specifies a custom brand color for the card. The color will be
    // displayed in a non-obtrusive manner.
    ThemeColor string `json:"themeColor,omitempty"`

    // Sections is a collection of sections to include in the card.
    Sections []*MessageCardSection `json:"sections,omitempty"`

// AddSection adds one or many additional MessageCardSection values to a
// MessageCard. Validation is performed to reject invalid values with an error
// message.
func (mc *MessageCard) AddSection(section ...*MessageCardSection) error {
    for _, s := range section {
        // bail if a completely nil section provided
        if s == nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("func AddSection: nil MessageCardSection received")

        // Perform validation of all MessageCardSection fields in an effort to
        // avoid adding a MessageCardSection with zero value fields. This is
        // done to avoid generating an empty sections JSON array since the
        // Sections slice for the MessageCard type would technically not be at
        // a zero value state. Due to this non-zero value state, the
        // encoding/json package would end up including the Sections struct
        // field in the output JSON.
        // See also https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11939
        switch {
        // If any of these cases trigger, skip over the `default` case
        // statement and add the section.
        case s.Images != nil:
        case s.Facts != nil:
        case s.HeroImage != nil:
        case s.StartGroup:
        case s.Markdown:
        case s.ActivityText != "":
        case s.ActivitySubtitle != "":
        case s.ActivityTitle != "":
        case s.ActivityImage != "":
        case s.Text != "":
        case s.Title != "":

            return fmt.Errorf("all fields found to be at zero-value, skipping section")

        mc.Sections = append(mc.Sections, s)

    return nil

// AddFact adds one or many additional MessageCardSectionFact values to a
// MessageCardSection
func (mcs *MessageCardSection) AddFact(fact ...MessageCardSectionFact) error {
    for _, f := range fact {
        if f.Name == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("empty Name field received for new fact: %+v", f)

        if f.Value == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("empty Name field received for new fact: %+v", f)

    mcs.Facts = append(mcs.Facts, fact...)

    return nil

// AddFactFromKeyValue accepts a key and slice of values and converts them to
// MessageCardSectionFact values
func (mcs *MessageCardSection) AddFactFromKeyValue(key string, values ...string) error {
    // validate arguments

    if key == "" {
        return errors.New("empty key received for new fact")

    if len(values) < 1 {
        return errors.New("no values received for new fact")

    fact := MessageCardSectionFact{
        Name:  key,
        Value: strings.Join(values, ", "),
    // TODO: Explicitly define or use constructor?
    // fact := NewMessageCardSectionFact()
    // fact.Name = key
    // fact.Value = strings.Join(values, ", ")

    mcs.Facts = append(mcs.Facts, fact)

    // if we made it this far then all should be well
    return nil

// AddImage adds an image to a MessageCard section. These images are used to
// provide a photo gallery inside a MessageCard section.
func (mcs *MessageCardSection) AddImage(sectionImage ...MessageCardSectionImage) error {
    for i := range sectionImage {
        if sectionImage[i].Image == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("cannot add empty image URL")

        if sectionImage[i].Title == "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("cannot add empty image title")

        mcs.Images = append(mcs.Images, &sectionImage[i])

    return nil

// AddHeroImageStr adds a Hero Image to a MessageCard section using string
// arguments. This image is used as the centerpiece or banner of a message
// card.
func (mcs *MessageCardSection) AddHeroImageStr(imageURL string, imageTitle string) error {
    if imageURL == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot add empty hero image URL")

    if imageTitle == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot add empty hero image title")

    heroImage := MessageCardSectionImage{
        Image: imageURL,
        Title: imageTitle,
    // TODO: Explicitly define or use constructor?
    // heroImage := NewMessageCardSectionImage()
    // heroImage.Image = imageURL
    // heroImage.Title = imageTitle

    mcs.HeroImage = &heroImage

    // our validation checks didn't find any problems
    return nil

// AddHeroImage adds a Hero Image to a MessageCard section using a
// MessageCardSectionImage argument. This image is used as the centerpiece or
// banner of a message card.
func (mcs *MessageCardSection) AddHeroImage(heroImage MessageCardSectionImage) error {
    if heroImage.Image == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot add empty hero image URL")

    if heroImage.Title == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot add empty hero image title")

    mcs.HeroImage = &heroImage

    // our validation checks didn't find any problems
    return nil

// NewMessageCard creates a new message card with fields required by the
// legacy message card format already predefined
func NewMessageCard() MessageCard {
    // define expected values to meet Office 365 Connector card requirements
    // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/actionable-messages/message-card-reference#card-fields
    msgCard := MessageCard{
        Type:    "MessageCard",
        Context: "https://schema.org/extensions",

    return msgCard

// NewMessageCardSection creates an empty message card section
func NewMessageCardSection() *MessageCardSection {
    msgCardSection := MessageCardSection{}
    return &msgCardSection

// NewMessageCardSectionFact creates an empty message card section fact
func NewMessageCardSectionFact() MessageCardSectionFact {
    msgCardSectionFact := MessageCardSectionFact{}
    return msgCardSectionFact

// NewMessageCardSectionImage creates an empty image for use with message card
// section
func NewMessageCardSectionImage() MessageCardSectionImage {
    msgCardSectionImage := MessageCardSectionImage{}
    return msgCardSectionImage