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Test Coverage

# Put your own certificate and private key at /ssl/nginx.crt and /ssl/nginx.key
# respectively on the host to have them picked up by the nginx container.

# The order of `--volumes-from` is important. The last one wins.
# `logs`, `data`, `db` are all based on the same image, so they have
# conflicting `VOLUME` declarations.
# - The standard postgres image declares the volume `/var/lib/postgresql/data`.
# - datahuborg/postgres inherits that and adds the volume `/user_data`.
# - The `logs` container below adds volumes for three log directories.
# When `db` includes volumes from `logs`, all five of those paths are overlaid
# in place of `db`'s content. Adding `data` last then overlays its content for
# the original two paths.
# This is necessary because only the postgres image has a postgres user with a
# logs directory that the user can write to, and the volume to the postgres
# data path is declared in the base postgres image, so having one requires the
# other.

if (( EUID != 0 )); then
   echo "Script must be run as root."
   exit 126

echo "Creating \"datahub_dev\" Docker network if needed..."
docker network create datahub_dev 2> /dev/null

echo "Creating Docker containers..."
echo "(1/6) Creating \"logs\" - Data container for all server logs"
docker create --name logs \
    -v /var/log/postgresql \
    -v /var/log/gunicorn \
    -v /var/log/nginx \
    --entrypoint /bin/true \
echo "(2/6) Creating \"data\" - Data container for Postgres db and user_data uploads"
docker create --name data \
    --entrypoint /bin/true \
echo "(3/6) Creating \"db\" - Postgres server"
docker create --name db \
    --volumes-from logs \
    --volumes-from data \
    --net=datahub_dev \
echo "(4/6) Creating \"app\" - gunicorn server hosting DataHub"
docker create --name app \
    --env 'USER=vagrant' \
    --volumes-from logs \
    --volumes-from data \
    --net=datahub_dev \
    -v /vagrant:/datahub \
    # gunicorn browser.wsgi --config=provisions/gunicorn/
echo "(5/6) Creating \"web\" - nginx http proxy"
docker create --name web \
    --volumes-from logs \
    --volumes-from app \
    -v /ssl/:/etc/nginx/ssl/ \
    --net=datahub_dev \
    -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
echo "(6/6) Creating \"phantomjs\" - PhantomJS remote web driver for Selenium tests"
docker create --name phantomjs \
    --env 'USER=vagrant' \
    --net=datahub_dev \
    wernight/phantomjs \
    phantomjs --webdriver=8910
echo "Done."