# this file has no deps on Scorpion
import re
import json
import decimal
from scorpionsql.errfunc import (
AbsErrFunc, AvgErrFunc, CorrErrFunc, CountErrFunc, MaxErrFunc,
MinErrFunc, StdErrFunc, SumErrFunc, Var)
from scorpionsql.sql import Query, Select, SelectAgg, SelectExpr
# JSON Encoder
class SummaryEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, float):
if o == float('inf'):
return 1e100
elif o == float('-inf'):
return -1e100
if isinstance(o, decimal.Decimal):
return float(o)
if hasattr(o, 'isoformat'):
s = o.isoformat()
if not s.endswith("Z"):
s += 'Z'
return s
return super(SummaryEncoder, self).default(o)
def where_to_sql(where_json, negate=False):
is_type = lambda s, types: any([t in s for t in types])
l = []
args = []
for clause_json in where_json:
if 'sql' in clause_json:
ctype = clause_json['type']
col = clause_json['col']
vals = clause_json['vals']
if not vals:
if is_type(ctype, ['num', 'int', 'float', 'double', 'date', 'time']):
q = "%%s <= %s and %s <= %%s" % (col, col)
tmp = []
vals = list(vals)
if None in vals:
tmp.append("(%s is null)" % col)
realvals = list(filter(lambda v: v is not None, vals))
if len(realvals) == 1:
tmp.append("(%s = %%s)" % col)
elif len(realvals):
tmp.append("(%s in %%s)" % col)
q = ' or '.join(tmp)
q = ' and '.join(filter(bool, l))
if negate and q:
q = "not(%s)" % q
return q, args
__agg2f__ = {
'avg': AvgErrFunc,
'std': StdErrFunc,
'stddev': StdErrFunc,
'stddev_samp': StdErrFunc,
'stddev_pop': StdErrFunc,
'min': MinErrFunc,
'max': MaxErrFunc,
'sum': SumErrFunc,
'corr': CorrErrFunc,
'count': CountErrFunc,
'abs': AbsErrFunc
def parse_agg(s):
parse an aggregation SELECT clause e.g., avg(temp) as foo
into dictionary of function name, column, and alias components
# print(s)
p = re.compile(
d = p.match(s).groupdict()
klass = __agg2f__[d['func'].strip()]
expr = str(d['col'])
cols = [col.strip() for col in expr.split(',')]
varlist = [Var(col) for col in cols]
# print(klass)
# print(cols)
# print(varlist)
func = klass(varlist)
return {
'fname': d['func'],
'func': func,
'cols': cols,
'alias': d.get('alias', '') or d['func']
def expr_from_nonagg(s):
remove alias component of a nonaggregation SELECT clause
if ' as ' in s:
return ' as '.join(s.split(' as ')[:-1])
return s
def create_sql_obj(db, qjson):
x = qjson['x']
ys = qjson['ys']
# sql = qjson['query']
# dbname = qjson['db']
table = qjson['table']
negate = qjson.get('negate', False)
where_json = qjson.get('where', []) or []
basewheres_json = qjson.get('basewheres', []) or []
where, args = where_to_sql(where_json, negate)
basewheres, baseargs = where_to_sql(basewheres_json, False)
where = ' and '.join(filter(bool, [where, basewheres]))
select = Select()
nonagg = SelectExpr(x['alias'], [x['col']], x['expr'], x['col'])
for y in ys:
d = parse_agg(y['expr'])
agg = SelectAgg(
y['alias'], d['func'], d['cols'], y['expr'], d['cols'][0])
parsed = Query(
return parsed, args
def pick(iterable, key):
return [item[key] for item in iterable]