from .base import FunctionalTest
import pages
from urllib import urlencode
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
import requests
class APITest(FunctionalTest):
def test_authorization_code_flow(self):
user_info = {
'username': 'delete_me_test',
'email': '',
'password': 'delete_me_test',
client_info = {
'name': 'Test App',
'client_type': 'confidential',
'authorization_type': 'code',
# redirect_uri needs to be to the server because PhantomJS doesn't
# like POST redirects to external hosts. Luckily these OAuth tests
# just need to grab the authorization code from the URL. It doesn't
# matter if the redirect is really followed.
'redirect_uri': self.server_url + '/gibberishURLForTestClient/',
# Go directly to the sign up page
self.browser.get(self.server_url + '/account/register')
registration_page = pages.RegistrationPage(self.browser)
# Create a new user
browse_page = registration_page.submit_form()
# Verify the account was created by seeing if we're on the browse page.
self.browser.current_url, r'/browse/',
msg="Failed to register user {0}".format(user_info['username']))
# Register a new OAuth client app as that user
apps_page = browse_page.go_to_create_app()
create_oauth_app_page = apps_page.go_to_register_app()
app_page = create_oauth_app_page.submit_form()
# Save this new client's details for later
# Log the user out
self.browser.get(self.server_url + '/')
browse_page = pages.BrowsePage(self.browser)
self.browser.current_url, r'/www/',
msg="Failed to log out user. "
"Should have been sent to the home page.")
# Now pretend to be that client app and ask the user to grant it
# authorization.
params = {
'response_type': 'code',
'client_id': client_info['client_id'],
'redirect_uri': client_info['redirect_uri'],
'scope': 'read write',
# Send user to authorization page
authz_url = "/oauth2/authorize/?" + urlencode(params)
self.browser.get(self.server_url + authz_url)
# Should first be redirected to login
self.browser.current_url, r'/account/login\?next',
msg="Should have been asked to log in first.")
# Log in
login_page = pages.LoginPage(self.browser)
# Should end up at the authorization page after a successful login
self.browser.current_url, r'/oauth2/authorize',
msg="Should have been redirected to the authorization page.")
authz_page = pages.AuthorizationPage(self.browser)
# Deny access first
# Should be sent to redirect_uri with an error=access_denied.
client_info['redirect_uri'] + "?error=access_denied",
msg="Should have been redirected to "
"the client's redirect URI on \"Cancel\".")
# Send user to authorization page again
self.browser.get(self.server_url + authz_url)
# Allow access this time
# Should be sent to redirect_uri with an auth code.
self.browser.current_url, client_info['redirect_uri'],
msg="Should have been redirected to "
"the client's redirect URI on \"Authorize\".")
# Pull the authorization code out of the redirect URL
redirect_url = self.browser.current_url
query = parse_qs(urlparse(redirect_url).query)
self.assertIn('code', query,
msg="Authorization redirect should include a code.")
auth_code = query['code']
# Exchange the authorization code for an access token
params = {
'code': auth_code,
'client_id': client_info['client_id'],
'client_secret': client_info['client_secret'],
'redirect_uri': client_info['redirect_uri'],
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
token_url = self.server_url + "/oauth2/token/"
request =, data=params)
self.assertEqual(200, request.status_code)
token_response = request.json()
self.assertIn('access_token', token_response)
access_token = token_response['access_token']
# Test an API endpoint without using the access token
request = requests.get(self.server_url + '/api/v1/user/')
self.assertEqual(401, request.status_code)
# Test an API endpoint using a gibberish access token
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer not1a2real3token'}
request = requests.get(self.server_url + '/api/v1/user/',
self.assertEqual(401, request.status_code)
# Test an API endpoint using the real access token
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
request = requests.get(self.server_url + '/api/v1/user/',
self.assertEqual(200, request.status_code)
response = request.json()
self.assertIn('username', response)
self.assertEqual(user_info['username'], response['username'])
# Revoke that token
# User is still logged in, no need to log in again
self.browser.get(self.server_url + '/')
browse_page = pages.BrowsePage(self.browser)
settings_page = browse_page.go_to_settings()
token_page = settings_page.go_to_token_management()
# Make sure there's only the one token we asked for
revocation_links = token_page.token_revocation_links()
self.assertEqual(1, len(revocation_links))
# Confirm deletion
confirm_page = pages.TokenRevocationPage(self.browser)
token_page = confirm_page.confirm_revocation()
# Make sure it's gone now
revocation_links = token_page.token_revocation_links()
self.assertEqual(0, len(revocation_links))
# Test an API endpoint using the revoked access token
request = requests.get(self.server_url + '/api/v1/user/',
self.assertEqual(401, request.status_code)
# Go to user's home page
self.browser.get(self.server_url + '/')
browse_page = pages.BrowsePage(self.browser)
# Go to settings
settings_page = browse_page.go_to_settings()
# Delete that user