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Test Coverage
 * datahub.thrift
 * IDL for DataHub Core DB Services
 * @author: Anant Bhardwaj
 * @date: 10/09/2013

namespace cocoa datahub
namespace cpp datahub
namespace go datahub
namespace java datahub
namespace py datahub
namespace rb datahub

/* Constants */

// version info
const double VERSION = 1.0

/* DataHub Core */

// connection parameters
struct ConnectionParams {
  1: optional string client_id,
  2: optional string seq_id,
  3: optional string user,
  4: optional string password,
  5: optional string app_id,
  6: optional string app_token,
  7: optional string repo_base,

// connection info -- must be passed in every execute_sql call
struct Connection {
  1: optional string client_id,
  2: optional string seq_id,
  3: optional string user,
  4: optional bool is_app,
  5: optional string repo_base,
  6: optional i64 cursor,

// a tuple
struct Tuple {
  1: optional list <binary> cells,

// a result set (list of tuples)
struct ResultSet {
  1: required bool status,
  2: optional Connection con,
  3: optional i64 num_tuples,
  4: optional i64 num_more_tuples,
  5: optional list <Tuple> tuples,
  6: optional list <string> field_names,
  7: optional list <string> field_types,

// Error in DB Operation
exception DBException {
  1: optional i32 error_code,
  2: optional string message,
  3: optional string details,

// service APIs
service DataHub {
  double get_version()

  Connection open_connection (
      1: ConnectionParams con_params) throws (1: DBException ex)

  ResultSet create_repo (
      1: Connection con, 2: string repo_name) throws (1: DBException ex)

  ResultSet list_repos(1: Connection con) throws (1: DBException ex)

  ResultSet delete_repo (
      1: Connection con,
      2: string repo_name,
      3: bool force_if_non_empty) throws (1: DBException ex)

  ResultSet list_tables (
      1: Connection con, 2: string repo_name) throws (1: DBException ex)

  ResultSet get_schema (
      1: Connection con, 2: string table_name) throws (1: DBException ex)

  ResultSet execute_sql (
      1: Connection con,
      2: string query,
      3: list <binary> query_params) throws (1: DBException ex)

  bool close_connection (1: Connection con) throws (1: DBException ex)