"""Work with Docker images as local paths.
This module provides support for saving a Docker image in a local directory and
then loading it on-the-fly before calling `docker run ...`. The motivation for
this is that it allows the components of an image to be tracked as objects in a
DataLad dataset.
Run `python -m datalad_container.adapters.docker --help` for details about the
command-line interface.
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path as op
import subprocess as sp
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
from datalad.utils import on_windows
lgr = logging.getLogger("datalad.containers.adapters.docker")
# Note: A dockerpy dependency probably isn't worth it in the current
# state but is worth thinking about if this module gets more
# complicated.
# FIXME: These functions assume that there is a "docker" on the path
# that can be managed by a non-root user. At the least, this should
# be documented somewhere.
def save(image, path):
"""Save and extract a docker image to a directory.
image : str
A unique identifier for a docker image.
path : str
A directory to extract the image to.
# Use a temporary file because docker save (or actually tar underneath)
# complains that stdout needs to be redirected if we use Popen and PIPE.
if ":" not in image:
image = f"{image}:latest"
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as stream:
# Windows can't write to an already opened file
sp.check_call(["docker", "save", "-o",, image])
with, mode="r:") as tar:
if not op.exists(path):
lgr.debug("Creating new directory at %s", path)
elif os.listdir(path):
raise OSError("Directory {} is not empty".format(path))
def is_within_directory(directory, target):
abs_directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
abs_target = os.path.abspath(target)
prefix = os.path.commonprefix([abs_directory, abs_target])
return prefix == abs_directory
def safe_extract(tar, path=".", members=None, *, numeric_owner=False):
for member in tar.getmembers():
member_path = os.path.join(path,
if not is_within_directory(path, member_path):
raise Exception("Attempted Path Traversal in Tar File")
tar.extractall(path, members, numeric_owner=numeric_owner)
safe_extract(tar, path=path)"Saved %s to %s", image, path)
def _list_images():
out = sp.check_output(
["docker", "images", "--all", "--quiet", "--no-trunc"])
return out.decode().splitlines()
def get_image(path, repo_tag=None, config=None):
"""Return the image ID of the image extracted at `path`.
manifest_path = op.join(path, "manifest.json")
with open(manifest_path) as fp:
manifest = json.load(fp)
if repo_tag is not None:
manifest = [img for img in manifest if repo_tag in (img.get("RepoTags") or [])]
if config is not None:
manifest = [img for img in manifest if img["Config"].startswith(config)]
if len(manifest) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No matching images found in {manifest_path}")
elif len(manifest) > 1:
raise ValueError(
f"Multiple images found in {manifest_path}; disambiguate with"
" --repo-tag or --config"
with open(op.join(path, manifest[0]["Config"]), "rb") as stream:
return hashlib.sha256(
def load(path, repo_tag, config):
"""Load the Docker image from `path`.
path : str
A directory with an extracted tar archive.
repo_tag : str or None
`image:tag` of image to load
config : str or None
"Config" value or prefix of image to load
The image ID (str)
# FIXME: If we load a dataset, it may overwrite the current tag. Say that
# (1) a dataset has a saved neurodebian:latest from a month ago, (2) a
# newer neurodebian:latest has been pulled, and (3) the old image have been
# deleted (e.g., with 'docker image prune --all'). Given all three of these
# things, loading the image from the dataset will tag the old neurodebian
# image as the latest.
image_id = "sha256:" + get_image(path, repo_tag, config)
if image_id not in _list_images():
lgr.debug("Loading %s", image_id)
cmd = ["docker", "load"]
p = sp.Popen(cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
with, mode="w|", dereference=True) as tar:
tar.add(path, arcname="")
out, err = p.communicate()
return_code = p.poll()
if return_code:
lgr.warning("Running %r failed: %s", cmd, err.decode())
raise sp.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd, output=out)
lgr.debug("Image %s is already present", image_id)
if image_id not in _list_images():
raise RuntimeError(
"docker image {} was not successfully loaded".format(image_id))
return image_id
# Command-line
def cli_save(namespace):
save(namespace.image, namespace.path)
def cli_run(namespace):
image_id = load(namespace.path, namespace.repo_tag, namespace.config)
prefix = ["docker", "run",
# FIXME: The -v/-w settings are convenient for testing, but they
# should be configurable.
"-v", "{}:/tmp".format(os.getcwd()),
"-w", "/tmp",
if not on_windows:
# Make it possible for the output files to be added to the
# dataset without the user needing to manually adjust the
# permissions.
prefix.extend(["-u", "{}:{}".format(os.getuid(), os.getgid())])
if sys.stdin.isatty():
cmd = prefix + namespace.cmd
lgr.debug("Running %r", cmd)
def main(args):
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog="python -m datalad_container.adapters.docker",
description="Work with Docker images as local paths")
"-v", "--verbose",
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands")
# Don't continue without a subcommand.
subparsers.required = True
subparsers.dest = "command"
parser_save = subparsers.add_parser(
help="save and extract a Docker image to a directory")
"image", metavar="NAME",
help="image to save")
"path", metavar="PATH",
help="directory to save image in")
# TODO: Add command for updating an archive directory.
parser_run = subparsers.add_parser(
help="run a command with a directory's image")
"--repo-tag", metavar="IMAGE:TAG", help="Tag of image to load"
help="Config value or prefix of image to load"
"path", metavar="PATH",
help="run the image in this directory")
"cmd", metavar="CMD", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
help="command to execute")
namespace = parser.parse_args(args[1:])
level=logging.DEBUG if namespace.verbose else logging.INFO,
if __name__ == "__main__":
except Exception as exc:
lgr.exception("Failed to execute %s", sys.argv)
if isinstance(exc, sp.CalledProcessError):
excode = exc.returncode
excode = 1