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EOTS::email_kind "all", to: ENV["EMAIL_DESTINATION"] do

  EOTS::field(:name, "What is your name?", :section => :header,
              :required => true, :autofocus => true)

  EOTS::field(:email, "What is your email address?", :section => :header,
              :type => :email, :required => true,
              :caption => "Make sure this is correct, else I might not be able to contact you!")

  EOTS::field(:subject, "What is the subject?", :section => :header,
              :required => true)

  EOTS::field(:not_spambot, "I am not a spambot", :section => :footer,
              :type => :checkbox, :required => true,
              :custom_error => "You must tell me you are not a spambot")

  EOTS::footer "The questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required."

  EOTS::email_kind "general" do

    EOTS::header "You want to get in touch with me for some other reason?  Okay."

    EOTS::field(:info, "What do you want to tell me (max 1000 characters)?",
                :required => true, :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 1000,
                :cols => 60, :rows => 20)


  EOTS::email_kind "other" do

    EOTS::field(:other, "Anything else to tell or ask me?",
                :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                :cols => 60, :rows => 5, :section => :footer)

    EOTS::email_kind "list_signup" do

      EOTS::header "You want to be on my list of people to ping next time I'm coming available?  Great!  Just fill out this form."

      EOTS::field(:company, "What company are you representing?", :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:type, "Is that a staffing/recruiting firm, the end client, or what?",
                  :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:source, "Where did you hear about me?")


    EOTS::email_kind "feedback" do

      EOTS::header "You want to give me some feedback?  Great, that helps me improve, and serve you better.  Embarassed?  An email address is required... but if you want to be anonymous, nothing's forcing you to be truthful there...."

      EOTS::field(:how_i_did, "Overall, how did I do (max 300 characters)?",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5)

      EOTS::field(:liked, "What in particular did you really like (max 300 characters)?",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5)

      EOTS::field(:suggestions, "Any specific suggestions for improvement (max 300 characters)?",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5)

      EOTS::field(:quote, "Please give me a good quote I can use on my web site (max 300 characters):",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5)

      EOTS::field(:refer, "Who else you think would benefit from my services (max 300 characters)?",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5)

      EOTS::footer "Thank you very much, and please recommend me to your friends!"


    EOTS::email_kind "hire_me" do

      # TODO: figure out a way to stick rails paths in the text!
      EOTS::header "You want to hire me for a project?&nbsp; Great!&nbsp; (If it isn't one I'd be interested in, but you want my help finding someone, please see the <a href=\"/contact/referral_request\">referral request page</a>.)&nbsp; This web site should answer most of your questions, but I have many for you.&nbsp; Let's get some of the usual ones out of the way."

      EOTS::field(:location, "Where is the work to be done?", :required => true,
                  :caption => "I only work remotely, or within about 15 miles of Fairfax City, VA")

      EOTS::field(:length, "How long is this engagement for?", :required => true,
                  :caption => "I accept engagements from one week to one year")

      EOTS::field(:per_week, "About how many hours a week do you need from me?",
                  :required => true,
                  :caption => "I generally work up to about 30-35 hours a week, "\
                  "but will do 40 hour weeks briefly")

      EOTS::field(:type, "What types of arrangement are acceptable?", :required => true,
                  :caption => "E.g., temp-W2, 1099, or non-corp B2B; I don't do \"permanent\" and am not incorporated")

      EOTS::field(:reqs, "What skills are required (and at what level(s))?",
                  :required => true,
                  :caption => "See the Technologies page for what I will do, and be realistic")

      EOTS::field(:bonuses, "What other skills would be helpful?")

      EOTS::field(:dev_kind, "Is this new development, bugfixes, adding features, or what?")

      EOTS::field(:purpose, "What is the project intended to accomplish?")

      EOTS::field(:biz_purpose, "Why -- i.e., what is the business value?")

                  "What are the tools, processes, and other environmental factors?",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5)

                  "What can you tell me about the company?",
                  :type => :textarea, :maxlength => 300,
                  :cols => 60, :rows => 5,
                  :caption => "I understand third party recruiters won't want to reveal the client, but the industry, age, and size would be useful")

      EOTS::field(:teamsize_then, "How big is the team going to be?")

      EOTS::field(:teamsize_now, "How big is the team already?")

      EOTS::field(:rate, "What rate are you willing to pay?",
                  :caption => "Include whether that's W2, 1099, or B2B.  Sorry to get mercenary about it so quickly, but we can save a lot of time by finding out ASAP how much overlap our ranges have.")


    EOTS::email_kind "referral_request" do

      EOTS::header "You're a recruiter, you have an opening, and you know it's not one I'm interested in, but you want my help finding people, right?&nbsp; Sure.&nbsp; Just fill out this form."

      EOTS::field(:skills, "What skills do you need (and at what level(s))?",
                  :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:location, "Where is the work to be done?", :required => true,
                  :caption => "Please be as precise as possible")

      EOTS::field(:type, "What types of arrangement are acceptable?", :required => true,
                  :caption => "E.g., permanent, temp-W2, 1099, C2C, non-corp B2B, CTH, TTP, etc.")

      EOTS::field(:rate, "What rate/salary are you willing to pay?", :required => true)


    EOTS::email_kind "subcontract_request" do

      EOTS::header "You want me to subcontract work to you?&nbsp; Probably not.&nbsp; I only subcontract to people whose work I know well, and most of my subcontract requests are from people I've never even heard of.&nbsp; If we really do know each other, go ahead and fill out this form.&nbsp; Otherwise, please don't waste both my time and yours."

      EOTS::field(:skills, "What skills do you have (and at what level(s))?",
                  :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:location, "Where are you located?", :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:turf, "Where are you willing to work?", :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:rate, "What rate do you need?", :required => true)

      EOTS::field(:biz_kind, "What type of business you have?",
                  :required => true,
                  :caption => "E.g., sole proprietor, partnership, LLC, corporation")

      EOTS::field(:jurisdiction, "Where is your business located, for legal purposes?",
                  :required => true,
                  :caption => "E.g., maybe you live in CA but your biz is organized in DE")

