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<h1>Latest News</h1>


  <h2>2015-01-08: Who took it?</h2>

  <p>New feature: "taking" a PR will now, instead of <i>removing</i> it, simply
  <i>mark</i> it as being under review.&nbsp; (Also, I've ripped out what
  little JSON support there was; maybe I'll add a full API later -- <i>much</i>



  <h2>2013-06-30: Publicity, better UI, OAuth fix....</h2>

  <p>First, I decided to publicize it a bit more widely.&nbsp; It got a huge
  boost from being mentioned on <%= link_to('the Ruby5 podcast',
  'http://ruby5.envylabs.com/', target: '_new') %>, and also <%=
  link_to('Status Code', 'http://statuscode.org/', target: '_new') %>.</p>

  <p>One person who then found it, <%= link_to('Matthew Burket',
  'https://github.com/Mab879', target: '_new') %> did exactly as <%=
  link_to('Ruby5', 'http://ruby5.envylabs.com/', target: '_new') %> suggested:
  put together a pull-request to give PRR a much-needed facelift, and submitted
  it not only to <%= link_to("the PRR Github repo",
  'https://github.com/davearonson/pull-request-roulette', target: '_new') %>,
  but also to PRR itself.&nbsp; The timing and choice of framework were
  perfect, as I've been intending to check out the light-weight <%=
  link_to('Zurb Foundation', 'http://foundation.zurb.com/', target: '_new') %>
  (at least, compared to <%= link_to('Twitter Bootstrap',
  'http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/', target: '_new') %>), which he

  <p>He also submitted a PR to add a sign-in button, but it didn't work...
  but it's not his fault.&nbsp; It didn't work because my OAuth setup was
  basically broken, except for in a before_filter.&nbsp; So, while he gets
  credit for at least adding that little button, I then did a bunch of fixing
  and rearranging to make OAuth logins work right.&nbsp; (And a little



  <h2>2013-05-05: Yup, sure enough, <%= link_to('OAuth', 'http://oauth.net/',
  target: '_new') %> problems....</h2>

  <p>While trying to simplify some things about the <%= link_to('OAuth',
  'http://oauth.net/', target: '_new') %> login process, so that I could more
  easily test the features that require login, I screwed it up... and since the
  <%= link_to('OAuth', 'http://oauth.net/', target: '_new') %> login itself is
  so hard to test, I hadn't done so yet, so no tests broke.&nbsp; So, that's
  why the production site has been unavailable for a couple days.&nbsp;
  :-(&nbsp; If anybody out there knows how to test <%= link_to('OAuth',
  'http://oauth.net/', target: '_new') %> login capability, using <%=
  link_to('RSpec', 'http://rspec.info/', target: '_new') %> and <%=
  link_to('Capybara', 'https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara', target: '_new')
  %>, <i>without</i> dragging in much additional tooling, please let me
  know.&nbsp; Thanks!</p>

  <p>Also, the previous arrangement of having the authorization occur on
  submission of a new PR, wasn't quite working, resulting in losing the PR you
  submit before logging in.&nbsp; I have now moved it to when you go
  <i>into</i> the new-URL form, so you come back there cleanly and nothing is



  <h2>2013-05-04: FINALLY some styling!</h2>

  <p>I have finally added some basic styling.&nbsp; Eventually I'll try to find
  some nice freely-usable graphics of a roulette wheel and/or table, but for
  now the basic idea is a green background like the felt of a roulette table,
  and most other things being in white on alternating red and black backgrounds
  like the numbers on the wheel.&nbsp; I'm not sure yet of the color of text on
  the main background, nor any fonts.&nbsp; Visual design is a weak point of
  mine; I'm more of a back-end developer.&nbsp; (Not that there's anything
  wrong with that!)&nbsp; Feel free to make suggestions, but please keep it



  <h2>2013-05-02: CodeClimate approves!</h2>

  <p>I pointed <%= link_to('CodeClimate', 'https://codeclimate.com', target:
  '_new') %> at the <%= link_to('Github', 'https://github.com', target: '_new')
  %> repo for <%= link_to('Pull Request Roulette', root_path) %> (at <%=
  'https://github.com/davearonson/pull-request-roulette', target: '_new')
  %>).&nbsp; It got a 4.0 "GPA", the highest possible!&nbsp; W00t!&nbsp; The
  README file now proudly sports the resulting badge.</p>



  <h2>2013-04-30: Duplicate PR rejection</h2>

  <p><%= link_to('Pull Request Roulette', root_path) %> now rejects attempts to
  submit pull requests that it already knows about.</p>



  <h2>2013-04-28: Github Login integration</h2>

  <p><%= link_to('Pull Request Roulette', root_path) %> now makes you sign into
  <%= link_to('Github', 'https://github.com', target: '_new') %>, authorizing
  here via <%= link_to('OAuth', 'http://oauth.net/', target: '_new') %> before
  you can add or take (delete) a pull request.&nbsp; Third-party authorization
  is rather tricky, and testing it doubly so, so I predict occasional problems
  with this.&nbsp; :-(</p>



  <h2>2013-04-27: Basic Github integration</h2>

  <p><%= link_to('Pull Request Roulette', root_path) %> now rejects pull
  requests that don't exist, or have been closed.</p>



  <h2>2013-04-23: Basic Spammerproofing</h2>

  <p>A few more bits functionality have been added.&nbsp; Mainly, since the
  system would otherwise be horribly abusable by spammers, it now rejects URLs
  that are not at least in the right format to be a <%= link_to('Github',
  'https://github.com', target: '_new') %> pull request.</p>



  <h2>2013-04-23: 3... 2... 1... LAUNCH!</h2>

  <p>The basic functionality of <%= link_to('Pull Request Roulette', root_path)
  %> launched today.&nbsp; Only the absolutely necessary functionality (adding
  and removing something from a list of URLs), and no styling at all, has been
  included.&nbsp; If you don't grok the name, it's sort of an homage to <%=
  link_to('Chat Roulette', 'http://chatroulette.com', target: '_new') %>.</p>


<%= link_to('Home', root_path) %>