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//  UniqueElementsGraph.swift
//  SwiftGraph
//  Copyright (c) 2018 Ferran Pujol Camins
//  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
//  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
//  You may obtain a copy of the License at
//  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
//  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
//  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
//  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
//  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
//  limitations under the License.

public typealias UnweightedUniqueElementsGraph<V: Equatable & Codable> = UniqueElementsGraph<V, UnweightedEdge>
public typealias WeightedUniqueElementsGraph<V: Equatable & Codable, W: Equatable & Codable> = UniqueElementsGraph<V, WeightedEdge<W>>

/// An implementation Graph that ensures there are no pairs of equal vertices and no repeated edges.
open class UniqueElementsGraph<V: Equatable & Codable, E: Edge & Equatable>: Graph {
    public var vertices: [V] = [V]()
    public var edges: [[E]] = [[E]]() //adjacency lists

    public init() {

    /// Init the Graph with vertices, but removes duplicates. O(n^2)
    required public init(vertices: [V]) {
        for vertex in vertices {
            _ = self.addVertex(vertex) // make sure to call our version
    /// Add a vertex to the graph if no equal vertex already belongs to the Graph. O(n)
    /// - parameter v: The vertex to be added.
    /// - returns: The index where the vertex was added, or the index of the equal vertex already belonging to the graph.
    public func addVertex(_ v: V) -> Int {
        if let equalVertexIndex = indexOfVertex(v) {
            return equalVertexIndex
        return vertices.count - 1

    /// Add an edge to the graph. Only allow the edge to be added once
    /// - parameter e: The edge to add.
    /// - parameter directed: If false, undirected edges are created.
    ///                       If true, a reversed edge is also created.
    ///                       Default is false.
    public func addEdge(_ e: E, directed: Bool = false) {
        if !self.edgeExists(e) {
        if !directed {
            let reversedEdge = e.reversed()
            if !edgeExists(reversedEdge) {

extension UniqueElementsGraph where E == UnweightedEdge {

    private func addEdgesForPath(withIndices indices: [Int], directed: Bool) {
        for i in 0..<indices.count - 1 {
            addEdge(fromIndex: indices[i], toIndex: indices[i+1], directed: directed)

    /// Initialize an UniqueElementsGraph consisting of path.
    /// The resulting graph has the vertices in path and an edge between
    /// each pair of consecutive vertices in path.
    /// If path is an empty array, the resulting graph is the empty graph.
    /// If path is an array with a single vertex, the resulting graph has that vertex and no edges.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - path: An array of vertices representing a path.
    ///   - directed: If false, undirected edges are created.
    ///               If true, edges are directed from vertex i to vertex i+1 in path.
    ///               Default is false.
    public static func withPath(_ path: [V], directed: Bool = false) -> UniqueElementsGraph {
        let g = UniqueElementsGraph(vertices: path)

        guard path.count >= 2 else {
            return g

        let indices = path.map({ g.indexOfVertex($0)! })
        g.addEdgesForPath(withIndices: indices, directed: directed)
        return g

    /// Initialize an UniqueElementsGraph consisting of cycle.
    /// The resulting graph has the vertices in cycle and an edge between
    /// each pair of consecutive vertices in cycle,
    /// plus an edge between the last and the first vertices.
    /// If path is an empty array, the resulting graph is the empty graph.
    /// If path is an array with a single vertex, the resulting graph has the vertex
    /// and a single edge to itself if directed is true.
    /// If directed is false the resulting graph has the vertex and two edges to itself.
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - cycle: An array of vertices representing a cycle.
    ///   - directed: If false, undirected edges are created.
    ///               If true, edges are directed from vertex i to vertex i+1 in cycle.
    ///               Default is false.
    public static func withCycle(_ cycle: [V], directed: Bool = false) -> UniqueElementsGraph {
        let g = UniqueElementsGraph(vertices: cycle)

        guard cycle.count >= 2 else {
            if let v = cycle.first {
                let index = g.addVertex(v)
                g.addEdge(fromIndex: index, toIndex: index)
            return g

        let indices = cycle.map({ g.indexOfVertex($0)! })
        g.addEdgesForPath(withIndices: indices, directed: directed)
        g.addEdge(fromIndex: indices.last!, toIndex: indices.first!, directed: directed)
        return g

    private struct QueueElement<V> {
        let v: V
        let previousIndex: Int

    /// Construct a UniqueElementsGraph by repeatedly applying a recursion function to a vertex and adding them to the graph.
    /// The recursion function is only called on a vertex when visited for the first time.
    /// - Parameter recursion: A function that returns the neighbouring vertices for a given visited vertex.
    /// - Parameter initialVertex: The first vertex to which the recursion function is applied.
    public static func fromRecursion(_ recursion: (V) -> [V], startingWith initialVertex: V) -> UniqueElementsGraph {
        return self.fromRecursion(recursion, selectingVertex: { $0 }, startingWith: initialVertex)

    /// Construct a UniqueElementsGraph by repeatedly applying a recursion function to some elements and adding the corresponding vertex to the graph.
    /// The recursion function is only called on an element when visited for the first time.
    /// - Parameter recursion: A function that returns the neighbouring elements for a given visited element.
    /// - Parameter vertexFor: A function that returns the vertex that will be added to the graph for each visited element.
    /// - Parameter initialElement: The first element to which the recursion function is applied.
    public static func fromRecursion<T>(_ recursion: (T) -> [T], selectingVertex vertexFor: (T) -> V, startingWith initialElement: T) -> UniqueElementsGraph {
        let g = UniqueElementsGraph(vertices: [])

        let queue = Queue<QueueElement<T>>()

        recursion(initialElement).forEach { v in
            queue.push(QueueElement(v: v, previousIndex: 0))

        while !queue.isEmpty {
            let element = queue.pop()
            let (e, previousIndex) = (element.v, element.previousIndex)
            let u = vertexFor(e)
            let uIndex = g.indexOfVertex(u) ?? {

                let uIndex = g.vertices.count - 1

                recursion(e).forEach { v in
                    queue.push(QueueElement(v: v, previousIndex: uIndex))
                return uIndex

            g.addEdge(fromIndex: previousIndex, toIndex: uIndex, directed: true)

        return g

extension UniqueElementsGraph where V: Hashable, E == UnweightedEdge {
    public static func withPath(_ path: [V], directed: Bool = false) -> UniqueElementsGraph {
        let g = UniqueElementsGraph()

        guard path.count >= 2 else {
            if let v = path.first {
                _ = g.addVertex(v)
            return g

        let indices = g.indicesForPath(path)
        g.addEdgesForPath(withIndices: indices, directed: directed)
        return g

    public static func withCycle(_ cycle: [V], directed: Bool = false) -> UniqueElementsGraph {
        let g = UniqueElementsGraph()

        guard cycle.count >= 2 else {
            if let v = cycle.first {
                let index = g.addVertex(v)
                g.addEdge(fromIndex: index, toIndex: index)
            return g

        let indices = g.indicesForPath(cycle)
        g.addEdgesForPath(withIndices: indices, directed: directed)
        g.addEdge(fromIndex: indices.last!, toIndex: indices.first!, directed: directed)
        return g

    private func indicesForPath(_ path: [V]) -> [Int] {
        var indices: [Int] = []
        var indexForVertex: Dictionary<V, Int> = [:]

        for v in path {
            if let index = indexForVertex[v] {
            } else {
                let index = addVertex(v)
                indexForVertex[v] = index
        return indices