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  <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/166798/32507751-425ba9a8-c3e0-11e7-9a23-2a3568764b56.png" alt="Cli.Fyi"/>

# Cli.Fyi
This is the source-code for: https://cli.fyi

**Cli.fyi** lets you to quickly retrieve information about emails, IP addresses, URLs and lots more from the command line (or Browser)

 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/daveearley/cli.fyi.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/daveearley/cli.fyi)
## Supported Queries
- Crypto Currency Prices
- Email Address Information
- IP Address Information
- Media/URL Information
- Client Information
- String Hash Values
- Domain Name Information
- Date/Time Information
- Programming Language Links
- Country Information
- Popular Emojis

## Contribution
Contributions are more than welcome. If you think there's a query that could be added please create an issue first. You can find more info on contributing [here](CONTRIBUTING.md).

## License
Cli.fyi is licenced under the [MIT License](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license).

## Bugs :bug: , Security Issues :lock:
Please create an issue for non-security issues. If an issue requires immediate attention please email dave@earley.email