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#include <ruby.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <page_rank_sparse_native.h>

const size_t NODE_LIST_SIZE = sizeof(NodeListStruct);
const size_t EDGE_LIST_SIZE = sizeof(EdgeListStruct);
const size_t NODE_SIZE = sizeof(NodeStruct);
const size_t EDGE_SIZE = sizeof(EdgeStruct);
const size_t GRAPH_SIZE = sizeof(GraphStruct);

static const rb_data_type_t graph_typed_data = {
  { 0, free_graph, },
  0, 0,


void Init_sparse_native() {
  VALUE PageRankModule, SparseNativeClass;

  PageRankModule = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("PageRank"));
  SparseNativeClass = rb_const_get(PageRankModule, rb_intern("SparseNative"));

  rb_define_alloc_func(SparseNativeClass, sparse_native_allocate);
  rb_define_private_method(SparseNativeClass, "_add_edge", sparse_native_add_edge, 3);
  rb_define_private_method(SparseNativeClass, "_calculate", sparse_native_calculate, 3);

VALUE sparse_native_allocate(VALUE self) {
  Graph g = malloc(GRAPH_SIZE);

  // Grab a reference to the hash type used by a generic Ruby {}
  // which accepts any key and any value.  We'll need this type to create
  // a st_table in which to put arbitrary VALUE keys.  This hash type
  // should be a static constant and thus should be safe to utilize without
  // fear of garbage collection.
  const struct st_hash_type *objhash = rb_hash_tbl(rb_hash_new(), "page_rank_sparse_native.c", 40)->type;

  g->node_count = 0;
  g->nodes = NULL;
  g->dangling_nodes = NULL;
  g->node_lookup = st_init_table_with_size(objhash, 0);

  return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(self, &graph_typed_data, g);

VALUE sparse_native_add_edge(VALUE self, VALUE source, VALUE dest, VALUE weight) {
  Graph g;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, GraphStruct, &graph_typed_data, g);
  add_edge_with_labels(g, source, dest, NUM2DBL(weight));
  return Qnil;

VALUE sparse_native_calculate(VALUE self, VALUE max_iterations, VALUE damping, VALUE tolerance) {
  Graph g;
  VALUE ranks;

  TypedData_Get_Struct(self, GraphStruct, &graph_typed_data, g);
  calculate(g, FIX2INT(max_iterations), NUM2DBL(damping), NUM2DBL(tolerance));

  ranks = rb_hash_new();
  sort_and_normalize_ranks(g, rb_hash_dset, ranks);
  return ranks;

void rb_hash_dset(VALUE hash, VALUE key, double value) {
  rb_hash_aset(hash, key, DBL2NUM(value));


void free_graph(void *data) {
  Graph g = (Graph)data;
  free_node_list(g->nodes, free_node);
  free_node_list(g->dangling_nodes, NULL);

void free_node(Node n) {
  free_edge_list(n->source_edges, free_edge);

void free_node_list(NodeList nodes, void (*free_item)(Node)) {
  while (nodes != NULL) {
    NodeList tmp = nodes;
    nodes = nodes->next;
    if (free_item) {

void free_edge(Edge e) {
  // Assume source node was allocated elsewhere and will be free'd elsewhere

void free_edge_list(EdgeList edges, void (*free_item)(Edge)) {
  while (edges != NULL) {
    EdgeList tmp = edges;
    edges = edges->next;
    if (free_item) {


Node add_node(Graph g, VALUE label) {
  NodeList tmp = malloc(NODE_LIST_SIZE);

  tmp->node = malloc(NODE_SIZE);
  tmp->node->label = label;
  tmp->node->source_edges = NULL;
  tmp->node->rank = 0.0;
  tmp->node->prev_rank = 0.0;
  tmp->node->outbound_weight_total = 0.0;

  tmp->next = g->nodes;
  g->nodes = tmp;
  g->node_count += 1;

  return tmp->node;

Node add_dangling_node(Graph g, Node n) {
  NodeList tmp = malloc(NODE_LIST_SIZE);

  tmp->node = n;
  tmp->next = g->dangling_nodes;
  g->dangling_nodes = tmp;

  return n;

Edge add_edge(Node source, Node destination, double weight) {
  EdgeList tmp = malloc(EDGE_LIST_SIZE);

  tmp->edge = malloc(EDGE_SIZE);
  tmp->edge->source = source;
  tmp->edge->weight = weight;

  tmp->next = destination->source_edges;
  destination->source_edges = tmp;
  source->outbound_weight_total += weight;

  return tmp->edge;

Edge add_edge_with_labels(Graph g, VALUE source_label, VALUE dest_label, double weight) {
  Node source, dest;

  source = lookup_node(g, source_label);
  dest = lookup_node(g, dest_label);

  return add_edge(source, dest, weight);

Node lookup_node(Graph g, VALUE label) {
  Node n;

  if (!st_lookup(g->node_lookup, (st_data_t)label, (st_data_t *)&n)) {
    n = add_node(g, label);
    st_add_direct(g->node_lookup, (st_data_t)label, (st_data_t)n);
  return n;


void calculate_start(Graph g) {
  NodeList nodes;
  Node source, destination;
  EdgeList edges;
  Edge e;

  for (nodes = g->nodes; nodes != NULL; nodes = nodes->next) {
    destination = nodes->node;

    // If there is no outband, this is a "dangling" node
    if (destination->outbound_weight_total == 0.0) {
      add_dangling_node(g, destination);

    // Normalize all source edge weights
    for (edges = destination->source_edges; edges != NULL; edges = edges->next) {
      e = edges->edge;
      source = e->source;
      e->weight = e->weight / source->outbound_weight_total;

    // Set the initial rank
    destination->prev_rank = 0;
    destination->rank = 1.0 / g->node_count;

void calculate_step(Graph g, double damping) {
  NodeList nodes, dangling_nodes;
  Node source, destination;
  EdgeList edges;
  Edge e;

  // Set prev rank to rank for all nodes
  for (nodes = g->nodes; nodes != NULL; nodes = nodes->next) {
    destination = nodes->node;
    destination->prev_rank = destination->rank;

  // Re-destribute the rankings according to weight
  for (nodes = g->nodes; nodes != NULL; nodes = nodes->next) {
    destination = nodes->node;
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (edges = destination->source_edges; edges != NULL; edges = edges->next) {
      e = edges->edge;
      source = e->source;
      sum += source->prev_rank * e->weight;
    for (dangling_nodes = g->dangling_nodes; dangling_nodes != NULL; dangling_nodes = dangling_nodes->next) {
      source = dangling_nodes->node;
      sum += source->prev_rank / g->node_count;
    destination->rank = damping * sum + (1 - damping) / g->node_count;

// Calculate the Euclidean distance from prev_rank to rank across all nodes
double prev_distance(Graph g) {
  double sum_squares = 0.0;

  for (NodeList nodes = g->nodes; nodes != NULL; nodes = nodes->next) {
    Node n = nodes->node;
    double rank_diff = n->prev_rank - n->rank;
    sum_squares += rank_diff * rank_diff;

  return sqrt(sum_squares);

void calculate(Graph g, int max_iterations, double damping, double tolerance) {

  while (max_iterations != 0) { // If negative one, allow to go without limit
    calculate_step(g, damping);
    if (prev_distance(g) < tolerance) {

int node_compare(const void *v1, const void *v2) {
  double rank1 = (*(Node *)v1)->rank;
  double rank2 = (*(Node *)v2)->rank;
  double cmp = rank2 - rank1; // Decreasing order
  if (cmp < 0) return -1;
  if (cmp > 0) return 1;
  return 0;

void sort_and_normalize_ranks(Graph g, void (*callback)(VALUE, VALUE, double), VALUE callback_arg) {
  NodeList nodes;
  Node n;
  double sum = 0.0;
  unsigned long i;
  Node *tmp;

  i = g->node_count;
  tmp = malloc(g->node_count * sizeof(Node));
  for (nodes = g->nodes; nodes != NULL; nodes = nodes->next) {
    n = nodes->node;
    tmp[--i] = n;
    sum += n->rank;

  qsort(tmp, g->node_count, sizeof(Node), node_compare);

  for (i = 0; i < g->node_count; i++) {
    n = tmp[i];
    callback(callback_arg, n->label, n->rank / sum);
