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# GDB-Ruby

It's time for Ruby lovers to use Ruby in gdb and gdb in Ruby!

Achieve two things in one gem:

1. Launching Ruby interactive shell (pry) in gdb.
2. gdb Ruby-binding, i.e. communicate with gdb in Ruby scripts.

# Use Ruby in gdb

We provide a binary `gdb-ruby` (a Ruby script actually) with usage exactly the same as a normal gdb,
while has two extra commands: `ruby` and `pry`!

See examples below:

$ gdb-ruby -q bash
Reading symbols from bash...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) help ruby
Evaluate a Ruby command.
There's an instance 'gdb' for you. See examples.

Syntax: ruby <ruby code>

    ruby p 'abcd'
    # "abcd"

Use gdb:
    ruby puts gdb.break('main')
    # Breakpoint 1 at 0x41eed0

Method defined will remain in context:
    ruby def a(b); b * b; end
    ruby p a(9)
    # 81
(gdb) help pry
Enter Ruby interactive shell.
Everything works like a charm!

Syntax: pry

    # [1] pry(#<GDB::EvalContext>)>

## Integrate with other gdb extensions

Completely *NO* effort if you want to use **gdb-ruby** with other gdb extensions.

For example, I usually use the plugin [gef](https://github.com/hugsy/gef) with gdb.
Everything works as usual when integrated with **gdb-ruby**:

Launching with `$ gdb-ruby -q bash`


# Use gdb in Ruby

Communicate with gdb in your Ruby script.

## Useful methods

Basic usage is use `execute` to do anything you want to execute inside gdb,
while **gdb-ruby** provides some useful methods listed as following:

* `break`: Set break points. Alias: `b`
* `run`: Run. Alias: `r`
* `register`: Get value by register's name. Alias: `reg`
* `text_base`: Get current running program's text base, useful for a PIE binary.
* `pid`: Get the process id of running process.
* `read_memory`: Read process's memory, with friendly type casting. Alias: `readm`
* `write_memory`: Write process's memory, useful for dynamic analysis. Alias: `writem`
* `interact`: Back to normal gdb interactive mode.

All of these methods are fully documented at [online doc](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/david942j/gdb-ruby/master/GDB/GDB), go for it!

## Examples

Play with argv using **gdb-ruby**.

This script does:
1. Set a break point at `main`.
2. Get argv using `register` and `read_memory`.
3. Change argv using `write_memory`.

require 'gdb'

# launch a gdb instance
gdb = GDB::GDB.new('bash')

# 1. set breakpoint
#=> "Breakpoint 1 at 0x41eed0"
gdb.run('-c "echo cat"')

# 2. get argv pointers
rdi = gdb.reg(:rdi)
#=> 3
rsi = gdb.reg(:rsi)
argv = gdb.readm(rsi, rdi, as: :u64)
argv.map { |c| '0x%x' % c }
#=> ['0x7fffffffe61b', '0x7fffffffe625', '0x7fffffffe628']

# 3. overwrite argv[2]'s 'cat' to 'FAT'
gdb.writem(argv[2] + 5, 'FAT') # echo FAT

puts gdb.execute('continue')
# Continuing.
# [Inferior 1 (process 32217) exited normally]

Set a break point, run it, and back to gdb interactive mode.

require 'gdb'

# launch a gdb instance
gdb = GDB::GDB.new('bash')
# set breakpoints
# to show the process do stop at the breakpoint
gdb.execute('info reg rip')
#=> "rip            0x41eed0\t0x41eed0 <main>"

# interaction like normal gdb!

# Installation

Available on RubyGems.org!

$ gem install gdb

# Development

git clone https://github.com/david942j/gdb-ruby
cd gdb-ruby
bundle exec rake

# Bugs & Feedback

Feel free to file an issue if you find any bugs.
Any feature requests and suggestions are welcome! :grimacing:

# Growing up

**gdb-ruby** is under developing, give it a star and [watch](https://github.com/david942j/gdb-ruby/subscription)
for latest updates!