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    This plugin show a Pinterest like responsive gallery.

    Example of strings that evoke the plugin:
    {# gallery src=[contact_improvisation/gallery_1] width=[400] height=[300] #}
    {# gallery src=[1/background_homepage] width=[400] height=[300] #}

namespace App\Classes;

class GalleryClass
     *  Returns the plugin parameters.
     * @param  array  $matches  result from the regular expression on the string from the article
     * @return array $ret          the array containing the parameters
    public function getParameters($matches, $storagePath, $publicPath)
        $ret = [];

        // Get Paths
        $sitePath = '/';
        $siteUrl = $publicPath;

        // Get activation string parameters (from article)
        $ret['token'] = $matches[0];
        $subDir = $matches[2];
        $ret['photo_width'] = $matches[4];
        $ret['photo_height'] = $matches[6];

        // Directories
        $ret['images_dir'] = $publicPath.'/images/'.$subDir.'/';
        $ret['thumbs_dir'] = $publicPath.'/images/'.$subDir.'/thumb/';

        // Thumbnails size
        $ret['thumbs_size']['width'] = 300;
        $ret['thumbs_size']['height'] = 300;

        // URL variables
        $ret['gallery_url'] = '/images/'.$subDir.'/';
        $ret['thumb_url'] = '/images/'.$subDir.'/thumbs/';

        return $ret;

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Generate a single thumbnail file from an image.
     * @param  array  $src  path of the original image
     * @param  array  $dest  path of the generated thumbnail
     * @param  array  $desired_width  width of the thumbnail
     * @return create a file
    public function generate_single_thumb_file($src, $dest, $desired_width, $desired_height)
        // Read the source image
        $source_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($src);

        // Get width and height of the original image
        $width = imagesx($source_image);
        $height = imagesy($source_image);

        // find the "desired height" of this thumbnail, relative to the desired width
        //$desired_height = floor($height*($desired_width/$width));

        // now thumbnails are square so is the same of width
        //$desired_height = $desired_width;

        // Horizontal image
        if ($width > $height) {
            $desired_width = 400;
            $desired_height = floor($height * ($desired_width / $width));
        // Vertical image
        else {
            $desired_height = 500;
            $desired_width = floor($width * ($desired_height / $height));

        // Create a new, "virtual" image
        $virtual_image = imagecreatetruecolor($desired_width, $desired_height);

        // Copy source image at a resized size
        imagecopyresampled($virtual_image, $source_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $desired_width, $desired_height, $width, $height);

        //Create the physical thumbnail image to its destination
        imagejpeg($virtual_image, $dest);

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Generate all the thumbnails of the gallery.
     * @param  string  $images_dir  images dir on the server
     * @param  string  $thumbs_dir  thumb dir on the server
     * @param  array  $image_files
     * @return generate thumbnail files
    public function generateThumbs($images_dir, $thumbs_dir, $thumbs_size, $image_files)
        // Thumbnails size
        $thumbs_width = $thumbs_size['width'];
        $thumbs_height = $thumbs_size['height'];

        //  Create thumbs dir
        if (! is_dir($thumbs_dir)) {

        // Generate missing thumbs
        if (count($image_files)) {
            $index = 0;
            foreach ($image_files as $index => $file) {
                $thumbnail_image = $thumbs_dir.$file;
                if (! file_exists($thumbnail_image)) {
                    $extension = $this->get_file_extension($thumbnail_image);
                    if ($extension) {
                        //echo $images_dir." ".$file." ".$thumbnail_image." ".$thumbs_width;
                        $this->generate_single_thumb_file($images_dir.$file, $thumbnail_image, $thumbs_width, $thumbs_height);

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Create images array.
     * @param  array  $image_files  array with all the image names
     * @param ***array $dest              path of the generated thumbnail
     * @param ****array $desired_width     width of the thumbnail
     * @return $ret    array with the images datas
    public function createImagesArray($image_files, $image_data, $gallery_url)
        //dump($image_data, "image data");

        // Order by image name

        $ret = [];

        foreach ($image_files as $k => $image_file) {
            $ret[$k]['file_path'] = $gallery_url.$image_file;
            $ret[$k]['thumb_path'] = $gallery_url.'thumb/'.$image_file;
            $ret[$k]['description'] = $image_data[$image_file]['description'];
            $ret[$k]['video_link'] = $image_data[$image_file]['video'];

        return $ret;

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Get images files name array.
     * @param  $images_dir  the images dir on the server
     * @return array $ret           array containing all the images file names
    public function getImageFiles($images_dir)
        $ret = $this->get_files($images_dir);

        return $ret;

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Prepare the gallery HTML.
     * @param  array  $images  Images array [file_path, short_desc, long_desc]
     * @param  array  $bootstrapDeviceImageWidth  array that contain the sizes of the images
     *                                            for the four kind of bootrap devices classes ()
     *                                            xs (phones), sm (tablets), md (desktops), and lg (larger desktops)
     * @param ****array $desired_width     width of the thumbnail
     * @return string $ret             the HTML to print on screen
    public function prepareGallery($images)
        // Animate item on hover
        $itemClass = 'animated';

        // Create Grid—A—Licious grid (id=devices) and print images
        $ret = "<div class='gallery'>";

        foreach ($images as $k => $image) {
            // Get item link
            $imageLink = ($image['video_link'] == null) ? $image['file_path'] : $image['video_link'];
            $videoPlayIcon = ($image['video_link'] == null) ? '' : "<i class='far fa-play-circle'></i>";

            $ret .= "<div class='item ".$itemClass."'>";
            $ret .= "<a href='".$imageLink."' data-fancybox='images' data-caption='".$image['description']."'>";
            $ret .= "<img src='".asset($image['thumb_path'])."' />";
            $ret .= $videoPlayIcon;
            $ret .= '</a>';
            $ret .= '</div>';

        $ret .= '</div>';

        return $ret;

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Returns files from dir.
     * @param  string  $images_dir  The images directory
     * @param  array  $exts  the file types (actually doesn't work the thumb with png, it's to study why)
     * @return array $files             the files array
    public function get_files($images_dir, $exts = ['jpg'])
        $files = [];

        if ($handle = opendir($images_dir)) {
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                $extension = strtolower($this->get_file_extension($file));
                if ($extension && in_array($extension, $exts)) {
                    $files[] = $file;

        return $files;

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Returns a file's extension.
     * @param  string  $file_name  the file name
     * @return string the extension
    public function get_file_extension($file_name)
        return substr(strrchr($file_name, '.'), 1);

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Turn array of the metches after preg_match_all function (taken from - https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match-all.php).
     * @param  array  $file_name  the file name
     * @return array $ret             the extension
    public function turn_array($m)
        for ($z = 0; $z < count($m); $z++) {
            for ($x = 0; $x < count($m[$z]); $x++) {
                $ret[$x][$z] = $m[$z][$x];

        return $ret;

    // **********************************************************************

     *  Return the post body with the gallery HTML instead of the found snippet.
     * @param  array  $file_name  the file name
     * @return array $ret             the extension
    public function getGallery($postBody, $storagePath, $publicPath)
        // Find plugin occurrences
        $ptn = '/{# +gallery +(src|width|height)=\[(.*)\] +(src|width|height)=\[(.*)\] +(src|width|height)=\[(.*)\] +#}/';

        if (preg_match_all($ptn, $postBody, $matches)) {
            // Trasform the matches array in a way that can be used
            $matches = $this->turn_array($matches);

            foreach ($matches as $key => $single_gallery_matches) {
                // Get plugin parameters array
                $parameters = $this->getParameters($single_gallery_matches, $storagePath, $publicPath);

                if (is_dir($parameters['images_dir'])) {
                    // Get images file name array
                    $image_files = $this->getImageFiles($parameters['images_dir']);

                    if (! empty($image_files)) {
                        // Get images data from excel
                        //$image_data = $this->getImgDataFromExcel($parameters['images_dir']);
                        $image_data = null;
                        // Generate thumbnails files
                        $this->generateThumbs($parameters['images_dir'], $parameters['thumbs_dir'], $parameters['thumbs_size'], $image_files);

                        // Create Images array [file_path, short_desc, long_desc]
                        $images = $this->createImagesArray($image_files, $image_data, $parameters['gallery_url']);

                        // Prepare Gallery HTML
                        $galleryHtml = $this->prepareGallery($images);
                    } else {
                        $galleryHtml = "<div class='alert alert-warning' role='alert'>The directory specified exist but it doesn't contain images</div>";
                } else {
                    $galleryHtml = "<div class='alert alert-warning' role='alert'>Image directory not found</div>";

                // Replace the TOKEN found in the article with the generatd gallery HTML
                $postBody = str_replace($parameters['token'], $galleryHtml, $postBody);

        return $postBody;