from datetime import datetime
from dhis2 import Api, setup_logger, logger
Log every orgunit but use paging instead of fetching the whole result at once.
Print a warning if the organisation unit was opened after January 1st 1990.
# Create a Api object
api = Api("play.dhis2.org/dev", "admin", "district")
# setup the logger
def check_opening_date(org_unit):
ou_name = org_unit["name"]
ou_uid = org_unit["id"]
ou_opening_date = org_unit["openingDate"][:-13]
# parse the opening date to a Python date
opening_date = datetime.strptime(ou_opening_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
msg = "Organisation Unit '{}' ({}) was opened {} 1990-01-01 on {}"
# compare date and print message
if opening_date > datetime(year=1990, month=1, day=1):
logger.warn(msg.format(ou_name, ou_uid, "AFTER", ou_opening_date))
logger.debug(msg.format(ou_name, ou_uid, "BEFORE", ou_opening_date))
def main():
# get 50 organisation units per call to the API
for page in api.get_paged(
"organisationUnits", params={"fields": "id,name,openingDate"}
# loop through the organisation units received
for ou in page["organisationUnits"]:
if __name__ == "__main__":