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# Copyright 2015-present MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Modifications copyright (C) 2018 davidlatwe
# Modifide some doc string, change module name form `pymongo` to `montydb`.
# Removed `_raise_if_unacknowledged` since `acknowledged` will always return
# True.

class _WriteResult(object):
    """Base class for write result classes."""

    __slots__ = ("__acknowledged",)

    def __init__(self):
        self.__acknowledged = True

    def acknowledged(self):
        return self.__acknowledged

class InsertOneResult(_WriteResult):
    """The return type for :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.insert_one`.

    __slots__ = ("__inserted_id", "__acknowledged")

    def __init__(self, inserted_id, *args):
        self.__inserted_id = inserted_id
        super(InsertOneResult, self).__init__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "InsertOneResult(%s)" % repr(self.__inserted_id)

    def inserted_id(self):
        """The inserted document's _id."""
        return self.__inserted_id

class InsertManyResult(_WriteResult):
    """The return type for :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.insert_many`.

    __slots__ = ("__inserted_ids", "__acknowledged")

    def __init__(self, inserted_ids, *args):
        self.__inserted_ids = inserted_ids
        super(InsertManyResult, self).__init__()

    def __repr__(self):
        return "InsertManyResult(\n  {}\n)".format(
            ",\n  ".join(repr(i) for i in self.__inserted_ids))

    def inserted_ids(self):
        """A list of _ids of the inserted documents, in the order provided.

        .. note:: If ``False`` is passed for the `ordered` parameter to
          :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.insert_many` the server
          may have inserted the documents in a different order than what
          is presented here.
        return self.__inserted_ids

class UpdateResult(_WriteResult):
    """The return type for :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.update_one`,
    :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.update_many`, and

    __slots__ = ("__raw_result", "__acknowledged")

    def __init__(self, raw_result, *args):
        self.__raw_result = raw_result
        super(UpdateResult, self).__init__()

    def raw_result(self):
        """The raw result document returned by the server."""
        return self.__raw_result

    def matched_count(self):
        """The number of documents matched for this update."""
        if self.upserted_id is not None:
            return 0
        return self.__raw_result.get("n", 0)

    def modified_count(self):
        """The number of documents modified.

        .. note:: modified_count is only reported by MongoDB 2.6 and later.
          When connected to an earlier server version, or in certain mixed
          version sharding configurations, this attribute will be set to
        return self.__raw_result.get("nModified")

    def upserted_id(self):
        """The _id of the inserted document if an upsert took place. Otherwise
        return self.__raw_result.get("upserted")

class DeleteResult(_WriteResult):
    """The return type for :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.delete_one`
    and :meth:`~montydb.collection.Collection.delete_many`"""

    __slots__ = ("__raw_result", "__acknowledged")

    def __init__(self, raw_result, *args):
        self.__raw_result = raw_result
        super(DeleteResult, self).__init__()

    def raw_result(self):
        """The raw result document returned by the server."""
        return self.__raw_result

    def deleted_count(self):
        """The number of documents deleted."""
        return self.__raw_result.get("n", 0)

class BulkWriteResult(_WriteResult):
    """An object wrapper for bulk API write results."""

    __slots__ = ("__bulk_api_result", "__acknowledged")

    def __init__(self, bulk_api_result, *args):
        """Create a BulkWriteResult instance.

          - `bulk_api_result`: A result dict from the bulk API
        self.__bulk_api_result = bulk_api_result
        super(BulkWriteResult, self).__init__()

    def bulk_api_result(self):
        """The raw bulk API result."""
        return self.__bulk_api_result

    def inserted_count(self):
        """The number of documents inserted."""
        return self.__bulk_api_result.get("nInserted")

    def matched_count(self):
        """The number of documents matched for an update."""
        return self.__bulk_api_result.get("nMatched")

    def modified_count(self):
        """The number of documents modified.

        .. note:: modified_count is only reported by MongoDB 2.6 and later.
          When connected to an earlier server version, or in certain mixed
          version sharding configurations, this attribute will be set to
        return self.__bulk_api_result.get("nModified")

    def deleted_count(self):
        """The number of documents deleted."""
        return self.__bulk_api_result.get("nRemoved")

    def upserted_count(self):
        """The number of documents upserted."""
        return self.__bulk_api_result.get("nUpserted")

    def upserted_ids(self):
        """A map of operation index to the _id of the upserted document."""
        if self.__bulk_api_result:
            return dict((upsert["index"], upsert["_id"])
                        for upsert in self.bulk_api_result["upserted"])