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# Sidekiq::Statistic

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Improved display of statistics for your Sidekiq workers and jobs.

## Screenshots

### Index page:

### Worker page with table (per day):

## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'sidekiq-statistic'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

## Usage

### Using Rails

Read [Sidekiq documentation](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Monitoring#rails) to configure Sidekiq Web UI in your `routes.rb`.

When Sidekiq Web UI is active you're going be able to see the option `Statistic` on the menu.

### Using a standalone application

Read [Sidekiq documentation](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Monitoring#standalone) to configure Sidekiq in your Rack server.

Next add `require 'sidekiq-statistic'` to your `config.ru`.

``` ruby
# config.ru
require 'sidekiq/web'
require 'sidekiq-statistic'

use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: 'some unique secret string here'
run Sidekiq::Web

## Configuration

The Statistic configuration is an initializer that GEM uses to configure itself. The option `max_timelist_length`
is used to avoid memory leak, in practice, whenever the cache size reaches that number, the GEM is going
to remove 25% of the key values, avoiding inflating memory.

``` ruby
Sidekiq::Statistic.configure do |config|
  config.max_timelist_length = 250_000

## Supported Sidekiq versions

Statistic support the following Sidekiq versions:

-   Sidekiq 6.
-   Sidekiq 5.
-   Sidekiq 4.
-   Sidekiq 3.5.

### /api/statistic.json
Returns statistic for each worker.

  * `dateFrom` - Date start (format: `yyyy-mm-dd`)
  * `dateTo` - Date end (format: `yyyy-mm-dd`)

$ curl http://example.com/sidekiq/api/statistic.json?dateFrom=2015-07-30&dateTo=2015-07-31

# =>
    "workers": [
        "name": "Worker",
        "last_job_status": "passed",
        "number_of_calls": {
          "success": 1,
          "failure": 0,
          "total": 1
        "runtime": {
          "last": "2015-07-31 10:42:13 UTC",
          "max": 4.002,
          "min": 4.002,
          "average": 4.002,
          "total": 4.002


### /api/statistic/:worker_name.json
Returns worker statistic for each day in range.

  * `dateFrom` - Date start (format: `yyyy-mm-dd`)
  * `dateTo` - Date end (format: `yyyy-mm-dd`)

$ curl http://example.com/sidekiq/api/statistic/Worker.json?dateFrom=2015-07-30&dateTo=2015-07-31

# =>
  "days": [
      "date": "2015-07-31",
      "failure": 0,
      "success": 1,
      "total": 1,
      "last_job_status": "passed",
      "runtime": {
        "last": null,
        "max": 0,
        "min": 0,
        "average": 0,
        "total": 0


## Update statistic inside middleware
You can update your worker statistic inside middleware. For this you should to update `sidekiq:statistic` redis hash.
This hash has the following structure:
* `sidekiq:statistic` - redis hash with all statistic
  - `yyyy-mm-dd:WorkerName:passed` - count of passed jobs for Worker name on yyyy-mm-dd
  - `yyyy-mm-dd:WorkerName:failed` - count of failed jobs for Worker name on yyyy-mm-dd
  - `yyyy-mm-dd:WorkerName:last_job_status` - string with status (`passed` or `failed`) for last job
  - `yyyy-mm-dd:WorkerName:last_time` - date of last job performing
  - `yyyy-mm-dd:WorkerName:queue` - name of job queue (`default` by default)

For time information you should push the runtime value to `yyyy-mm-dd:WorkerName:timeslist` redis list.

## How it works
 <summary>Big image 'how it works'</summary>


## Contributing
1. Fork it ( https://github.com/davydovanton/sidekiq-statistic/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request