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# Reader Critics

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Reader Critics is a tool made by Norwegian [Dagbladet](https://www.dagbladet.no/) with support from the [Google DNI](https://digitalnewsinitiative.com/dni-projects/leserkritikk-reader-critics/) fund, designed to enable the readers to give precise and constructive criticism to journalistic work.

This is the completely rewritten version of _Leserkritikk_, made with [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and [ReactJS](https://reactjs.org/) as its cornerstones, among lots of other things. It has been launched to production on [dagbladet.no](https://www.dagbladet.no/) as of December 2016.

## Table of Contents

* [Application Architecture](doc/application-architecture.md) ‒ What it consists of in general
* [Glossary](doc/glossary.md) ‒ Set some vocabulary straight first
* [Project Structure](doc/project-structure.md) ‒ Explanation of most folders in / and some of the files
* [Project Setup](doc/project-setup.md) ‒ Instructions how to get from the checkout to a running system
* [Conventions](doc/conventions.md) ‒ Project guidelines for developers
* [Tests](doc/tests.md) ‒ Everything that needs to be known about automated tests of this thing
* [Feedback Overview](doc/feedback-sequence-overview.md) ‒ Workflow and common lifecycle of an article feedback
* [Backend Service Layer](doc/backend-service-layer.md) ‒ The formidable backend abstraction layer
* [Localization](doc/localization.md) ‒ Multi language support

## Credits

* **[Christoph Schmitz](https://github.com/christ0ph) ‒ Product owner and marketing**
* **[Philipp Gröschler](https://github.com/phgroe) ‒ Lead developer and architect**
* [Dimitriy Borshchov](https://github.com/GrimStal) ‒ Full stack everything genie (the diff library!)
* [Dmitry Marchenko](https://github.com/tcat) ‒ React wizard, Admin UI and all over the frontend
* [Dmitry Pogorelovsky](https://github.com/zetmann) ‒ Full stack on API and Admin UI, eagle eye
* [Eric Myhre](https://github.com/warpfork) ‒ DevOps madman in the background
* [Ole Nedrebrø](https://github.com/olenedr) ‒ Project prototype, TypeScript initiator
* [Ørjan Ommundsen](https://github.com/obliadp) ‒ DevOps sorcerer, automating all the things
* [Sebastian Brage Hansen](https://github.com/sbhansen) ‒ UI/UX and frontend design
* [Simen Berge](https://github.com/egreb) ‒ Project prototype and good old Leserkritikk v1
* [Tibor Vukovic](https://github.com/tiborv) ‒ Taming Wercker and Docker
* [Valeriy Donika](https://github.com/DonikaV) ‒ All things Frontend and a little bit of everything

## License

**Copyright © 2017-18 DBmedialab / Aller Media AS** (Oslo, Norway)

Licensed under the [GNU General Public License (GPL) v3](LICENSE.txt).