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Test Coverage
**This document is from a time when the very early prototype was still using MySQL. We keep it around for reference and maybe some day it will be updated to the current model. So bear in mind that this information is outdated and not in any way implemented.**

# Backend Data Scheme

## Entities

### Customer / Organisation

* `name` (string)
* _Indexing configuration_

### Author

* `name` (string)
* `e-mail address` (string)
* 1..n :arrow_right: Organisation
* _possible extension: account information for login_

### Article

* `permalink url`
* m..n :arrow_left: :arrow_right: Author

### Article Version

* `client version` (string)
* `internal version` (int) _for ordering of arbitrary client version string, like UUIDs_

### Article Tags

* `text` (string)
* 1..n :arrow_right: Article

### Article Element

* `order` (int) _to keep the element order within an article_
* `type` (enum) _like "headline", "image", "paragraph"_
* `metadata` (json) _element specific data like "text" for a paragraph or "caption" for an image_
* 1..n :arrow_right: Article Version

### User Feedback

* `date` (datetime)
* `metadata` (json) _tracking information specific to this feedback_
* 1..n :arrow_right: User

### User Comment

* `text` (string)
* m..n :arrow_left: :arrow_right: Article Element
* 1..n :arrow_right: User Feedback

### User

* `user_name` _or *null* if anonymous_
* `real_name` _or *null* if anonymous_
* `e-mail address`
* `cookie_id` (string) hash value from session cookie
* `metadata` (json) _other information_
* _possible extension: account information for login_

## Possible extensions

* Account information for login on `Author` and `User`
* `Administrators` table for users with privileges; cross-referenced with `Author` or individual?
* Messaging between `Author`s and `User`s