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// LESERKRITIKK v2 (aka Reader Critics)
// Copyright (C) 2017 DB Medialab/Aller Media AS, Oslo, Norway
// https://github.com/dbmedialab/reader-critics/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import * as Cheerio from 'cheerio';

import ArticleAuthor from 'base/ArticleAuthor';

import AbstractIteratingParser from 'app/parser/AbstractIteratingParser';
import IteratingParserItem from 'app/parser/IteratingParserItem';

import { getOpenGraphAuthors } from 'app/parser/util/AuthorParser';
import { getOpenGraphModifiedTime } from 'app/parser/util/VersionParser';
import { getArticleCategory } from 'app/parser/util/CategoryParser';

abstract class AbstractLabradorParser extends AbstractIteratingParser {

    // Implement AbstractParser

    protected parseVersion() : Promise <string> {
        return Promise.resolve(getOpenGraphModifiedTime(this.select));

    protected parseByline() : Promise <ArticleAuthor[]> {
        return Promise.resolve(getOpenGraphAuthors(this.select));

    protected parseCategory() : Promise <string> {
        return Promise.resolve(getArticleCategory(this.select));

    // Implement AbstractIteratingParser

    protected getArticleContentScope() : string {
        return 'main[role="main"]';

    protected getParsedElementNames() : string[] {
        return [
    protected elementWithinSection($element){
        return $element.parents('aside').hasClass('has-section-title');

    protected elementAnnounce($element) {
        return  $element.hasClass('text-darkgrey')
            || $element.parents('aside').hasClass('article-announce');

    protected isMainTitle(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        const withinHeader = select(item.elem).parents('header').length === 1;

        return item.text.length > 0 && withinHeader
            && (item.name === 'h1' || item.name === 'h2' )
            && (select(item.elem).attr('itemprop') === 'headline');

    protected isSubTitle(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        const withinHeader = select(item.elem).parents('header').length === 1;

        return item.text.length > 0 && withinHeader
            && (item.name === 'h1' || item.name === 'h2')
            && (select(item.elem).attr('itemprop') === 'alternativeHeadline');

    protected isLeadIn(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        const $element = select(item.elem);

        return item.name === 'p'
            && $element.attr('itemprop') === 'description'
            && $element.hasClass('standfirst')
            && item.text.length > 0;

    protected isFeaturedImage(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        // Fail-fast if this isn't a figure element
        if (!this.isFigure(item, select)) {
            return false;

        // The only way to figure out if a <figure> is a featured image on
        // Labrador CMS is to look at its parent element. If by climbing up the
        // DOM tree we find a <header> element, then this is a featured image.
        // If that container is missing, it's just a plain inline figure.
        const parents : string[] = select(item.elem)
            .map(thisEl => thisEl.name);

        return parents.includes('header');

    protected isSubHeading(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        return item.name === 'h2'
            && item.text.length > 0
            && item.css.length === 0;

    protected isParagraph(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        const $element = select(item.elem);
        const withinArticle = $element.parents('article').length === 1;

        return item.name === 'p'
            && withinArticle
            && !this.elementWithinSection($element)
            && !this.elementAnnounce($element)
            && item.text.length > 0;

    protected isFigure(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        // Check if a video element is present, then this doesn't count as an image/figure
        const hasVideo : boolean = select(item.elem).children('div[class="flex-video"]').length === 1;

        return !hasVideo
            && item.name === 'figure'
            && select(item.elem).attr('itemtype') === 'http://schema.org/ImageObject';

    protected isSectionParagraph(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        const $element = select(item.elem);

        return (item.name === 'p' || item.name === 'ul' ||  item.name === 'ol' )
            && this.elementWithinSection($element)
            && !this.elementAnnounce($element)
            && item.text.length > 0;

    protected isSectionTitle(
        item : IteratingParserItem,
        select : Cheerio
    ) : boolean {
        const $element = select(item.elem);

        return item.name === 'h5'
            && item.css.includes('section-title')
            && this.elementWithinSection($element)
            && !this.elementAnnounce($element)
            && item.text.length > 0;


export default AbstractLabradorParser;