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// LESERKRITIKK v2 (aka Reader Critics)
// Copyright (C) 2017 DB Medialab/Aller Media AS, Oslo, Norway
// https://github.com/dbmedialab/reader-critics/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import {
} from 'base';

import { ArticleDocument } from 'app/db/models';
import { ArticleOptions } from 'base/ArticleOptions';
import { ArticleURL } from 'base/ArticleURL';
import { BasicPersistingService } from '../BasicPersistingService';
import { ObjectID } from 'app/db';

 * The Article Service persists Article objects to the database and keeps
 * references to the relevant Website and User objects.
 * Website: the article belongs to a site where it was downloaded from, this
 * site has to exist in our database and will be referenced to the new object.
 * User: each article has a byline with one or more authors, consisting of pairs
 * or "name" and "email" strings. To query articles written by a certain person
 * or find out the right person to send an e-mail to if feedback was produced,
 * article authors will be mapped to User objects in the database.
 * The database schema uses a unique constraint for identifying articles which
 * consists of the article "url" and "version" strings.
 * Since articles never need to be updated, this service has no functions for
 * doing that. However, they might get deleted from the database at some point,
 * if no feedback references to this article/version exist.
 * (For example: a user opens the feedback page, article gets parsed and stored;
 * then the user closes the browser without send feedback)

export interface ArticleService extends BasicPersistingService <Article> {
     * Fetch the raw article data from a remote source. It is returned as a string
     * and indended to be validated and processed through a parser.
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
    download(url : ArticleURL) : Promise <string>;

     * Check if the article with the specified version exists in the database.
    exists(url : string|ArticleURL, version : string) : Promise <boolean>;

     * Fetch uses #download() first to get the raw article data from the remote
     * source and at the same time, requests a new parser instance from the
     * ParserService. The parser implementation is controlled by the Website
     * setting. Afterwards, the raw article is parsed and returned.
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
    fetch(website : Website, url : ArticleURL) : Promise <Article>;

     * Query one article from the database, use the two properties "url" and
     * "version" which uniquely identify an object in the database collection.
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
    get(url : string|ArticleURL, version : string, populated? : boolean) : Promise <Article>;

     * Save a new Article object to the database and reference it with its origin
     * Website. The "authors" array in the Article will be taken and users for
     * these authors will be created, should they not already exist, and then
     * referenced.
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
     * @throws DuplicateError If that Article already exists (unique constraint)
    save(website : Website, article : Article) : Promise <Article>;

     * Saves a new Article from which there is already an existing, older version
     * in the database. Aditionally to what #save() does, this function also puts
     * a reference to this new Article on the old object in the database. This
     * will effectively create a chain or linked list of referenced objects as
     * new versions come in.
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
        website : Website,
        newArticle : Article,
        oldID : ObjectID
    ) : Promise <Article>;

     * Does the same as save() but uses find+update with an upsert flag in the
     * query. Existing articles will not be overwritten but rather ignored, so
     * no DuplicateError is thrown.
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
    upsert(website : Website, article : Article) : Promise <Article>

    getRangeWithFBCount(skip: number,
            limit: number,
            sort: Object,
            search?: string
    ): Promise <ArticleDocument[]>

     * Get an Article by it's ID
     * @throws EmptyError if ID not set
    getByID(ID : ObjectID) : Promise <Article>

     * Get amount of Articles
    getAmount(search?: string) : Promise <number>

     * Query a list of article IDs which should be polled for updates, according
     * to the provided parameters.
     * The IDs are returned as strings to make post processing easier.
     * @param latestCreated Article creation date: earlier than or equal to this
     * @param earliestCreated Article creation date: later than this
     * @param latestPoll Article last poll date: earlier than this
     * @throws EmptyError If one of the mandatory parameters is missing.
        latestCreated : Date,
        earliestCreated : Date,
        latestPoll : Date
    ) : Promise <PollUpdateData[]>

     * Get all articles within the given time span which have not received
     * updates yet.
    getUnrevised (
        website : Website,
        latestCreated : Date,
        earliestCreated : Date
    ) : Promise <Article[]>

     * Add another feedback object reference
    addFeedback(article : Article, feedback : Feedback) : Promise <void>

     * Helper function to match feedback items with article items
    getRelatedArticleItem(article : Article, item : FeedbackItem) : ArticleItem

     * Set various options and flags on an article.
    setOptions(article : Article, options : ArticleOptions) : Promise <void>

export interface PollUpdateData {
    ID: string,
    url: string,
    version: string,

export default ArticleService;