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// LESERKRITIKK v2 (aka Reader Critics)
// Copyright (C) 2017 DB Medialab/Aller Media AS, Oslo, Norway
// https://github.com/dbmedialab/reader-critics/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import * as moment from 'moment';

import { isString, pick, pickBy } from 'lodash';
import { URL } from 'url';

import ArticleURL from 'base/ArticleURL';
import Website from 'base/Website';

import { ObjectID } from 'app/db';
import { WebsiteModel } from 'app/db/models';

import {
} from 'app/db/common';

import emptyCheck from 'app/util/emptyCheck';
import { NotFoundError } from 'app/util/errors';

 * Returns a single Website object if the exact name is found in the database.
 * "name" is the primary key on the websites collection.
export function get(name : string) : Promise <Website> {
    return wrapFindOne(WebsiteModel.findOne({ name }));

export function getByID(id : ObjectID|string) : Promise <Website> {
    return wrapFindOne(WebsiteModel.findOne({ _id: id }));

export function identify(articleURL : ArticleURL|string) : Promise <Website> {

    const url = new URL(isString(articleURL) ? articleURL : articleURL.href);
    const hostname = url.hostname;

    return wrapFindOne (WebsiteModel.findOne({ 'hosts': hostname }));

export function save(website : Website) : Promise <Website> {
    return wrapSave(new WebsiteModel(website).save());

export function update(name : string, data: Website) : Promise <Website> {
    emptyCheck(name, data);
    const {layout, overrideSettings} = data;
    // Get only data we expect to update
    const updateData = pick(data,['name', 'hosts', 'chiefEditors', 'sectionEditors',
        'parserClass', 'escalateThreshold']);
    // Remove empty

    return WebsiteModel.findOne({ name })
        .then(wsite => {
            if (!wsite) {
                throw new Error(`No such website ${name}`);
            const resWrite = Object.assign(wsite, pickBy(updateData));

            if (layout && 'templates' in layout) {
                let updatedLayout = pick(layout.templates,['feedbackPage', 'feedbackNotificationMail']);
                updatedLayout = pickBy(updatedLayout);
                resWrite.layout.templates = Object.assign({}, wsite.layout.templates, updatedLayout);
            if (overrideSettings) {
                if ('settings' in overrideSettings) {
                    const updatedSettings = pick(overrideSettings.settings,
                        ['feedback', 'escalation', 'section']);
                    resWrite.overrideSettings.settings = Object.assign(
                        {}, wsite.overrideSettings.settings, updatedSettings);
                if ('overrides' in overrideSettings) {
                    const updatedOverrides = pick(overrideSettings.overrides,
                        ['feedbackEmail', 'sectionFeedbackEmail', 'fallbackFeedbackEmail', 'escalationEmail']);
                    resWrite.overrideSettings.overrides = Object.assign(
                        {}, wsite.overrideSettings.overrides, pickBy(updatedOverrides));
            return wrapSave(resWrite.save());

export function getToRunUnrevisedDigest(nowDate : Date) : Promise <Website[]> {
    const lastRunEarlierThan = moment(nowDate).subtract(22, 'hours').toDate();

    return wrapFind(WebsiteModel.find({
        '$and': [
            // Get all website where the digest flag is activated
                'unrevisedDigest.isActive': true,
            // Query based on lastRun-timestamp
                '$or': [
                    // If the job wasn't run yet, the timestamp is empty
                        'unrevisedDigest.lastRun': null,
                    // Otherwise check if the last run is at least 20 hours past (DST changes!)
                        'unrevisedDigest.lastRun': {
                            '$lte': lastRunEarlierThan,
            }, // $or
            // Now check if this is run past the "cron hour"
                'unrevisedDigest.cronHour': {
                    '$lte': moment(nowDate).hour(),
        ], // $and

export function setUnrevisedDigestLastRun(website : Website) : Promise <void> {
    return wrapFindOne(WebsiteModel.findOneAndUpdate(
        { _id : website.ID },
            '$set': {
                'unrevisedDigest.lastRun': new Date(),

 * Delete website entry by ID. Null - if not found, website object if found is returned.
export function doDeleteWebsite(id: String) : Promise <any> {
    return WebsiteModel.findOneAndRemove({ '_id': id })
        .then(res => (res === null)
            ? Promise.reject(new NotFoundError('Website not found'))
            : Promise.resolve(res)