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Test Coverage
// LESERKRITIKK v2 (aka Reader Critics)
// Copyright (C) 2017 DB Medialab/Aller Media AS, Oslo, Norway
// https://github.com/dbmedialab/reader-critics/
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
// version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
// this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

const {
} = require('../test-tools-frontend');

const timeToWait = 5000;

// CSS selectors for the various probed elements

const elArticle = 'article#article-el-2';

const elContent = `${elArticle} p`;
const elFeedbackForm = `${elArticle} form`;
const elTextArea = `${elFeedbackForm} fieldset.text textarea`;
const elLinkInput = `${elFeedbackForm} fieldset.link input`;
const elLinkOl = `${elFeedbackForm} fieldset.link ol`;
const elLinkLi0 = `${elFeedbackForm} fieldset.link ol li:nth-child(1)`;
const elLinkLi1 = `${elFeedbackForm} fieldset.link ol li:nth-child(2)`;
const elLinkLi2 = `${elFeedbackForm} fieldset.link ol li:nth-child(3)`;

const elEditBtn = `${elArticle} footer .button.edit`;

const elFormSaveBtn = `${elFeedbackForm} .button.save`;
const elFormCancelBtn = `${elFeedbackForm} .button.cancel`;

// Some text snippets for display and input fields

const changedText = 'Bavaria lorem ipsum dolor Kreiz Birnbaum fix Hollastaudn';
const linkText0 = 'http://www.wikipedia.org/0';
const linkText1 = 'http://www.wikipedia.org/1';
const linkText2 = 'http://www.wikipedia.org/2';

describe('ArticleEditForm URLs coverage tests', () => {
    let thePage;

    // Set up the test page and extract some of the text values for
    // later use. The test case was split up into before() and it(..)
    // because Nightwatch evaluates the complete function chain inside
    // a testcase before actually executing it. This means that
    //  let cyaLater;
    //  browser.url('http://something')
    //  .getValue('#elem', (res) => { cyaLater = res.value })
    //  .doSomethingElse()
    //  .assert.value('#elem', cyaLater);
    // will not work. By the time reference to the variable "cyaLater"
    // is evaluated, it is still undefined. Only when the test then gets
    // executed, the variable will be set. Chicken and egg problem.
    // Workaround? Split up the test case. Another workaround is to use
    // .perform() functions for these "late evaluations", but that blows
    // up the code.

    before((browser, done) => {
        thePage = openPage(browser, '/fb?articleURL=https://www.dagbladet.no&version=1')

        // Wait for elements to render
            .waitForElementVisible('body', timeToWait)
            .waitForElementVisible('div#app section#content', timeToWait)
            .waitForElementVisible('section#content > article.title', timeToWait)

            .perform(() => done());

    after((browser, done) => browser.end().perform(() => done()));

    // Check if URL input in <ArticleEditForm> works properly:
    // On press 'Return' key value has to save into state and clear input (way 1).
    // If any data is entered into field and press 'Lagre' button it also
    // should be saved

    it('should open the form and set URL\'s by two ways', (browser) => {
        // Click "Edit" button
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes hidden

            // Change the content of the text field. Needed to save changes
            // TODO Remove this after RC-50 is solved
            .setValue(elTextArea, changedText)

            // Change the content of the link field and press Enter
            .setValue(elLinkInput, linkText0)

            // Click outside the form to remove focus from the text field

            // Check if content has changed
            .assert.value(elLinkInput, linkText0)

            // Press "Enter" key on input
            .sendKeys(elLinkInput, browser.Keys.RETURN)

            // Change the content of the link field and press Enter for the second URL
            .setValue(elLinkInput, linkText1)

            // Click outside the form to remove focus from the text field

            // Check if content has changed
            .assert.value(elLinkInput, linkText1)

            // Press "Enter" key
            .sendKeys(elLinkInput, browser.Keys.RETURN)

            // Change the content of the link field without press Enter
            .setValue(elLinkInput, linkText2)

            // Click outside the form to remove focus from the text fields

            // Check if content has changed
            .assert.value(elLinkInput, linkText2);

        // Click "Save" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

    // Check if the links in form are the same we entered before on next open
    // of the <ArticleEditForm>.

    it('should open the form and display the links entered before', (browser) => {
        // Click "Edit" button
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes visible

            // Check if the fields contain that links we had entered
            .assert.containsText(elLinkOl, linkText0)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkOl, linkText1)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkOl, linkText2);

    // Check if the links in form are the same ordered we entered them before

    it('should display the links entered before are in a correct order', (browser) => {
        // Check if the fields contain that links we had entered
        thePage.assert.containsText(elLinkLi0, linkText0)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi1, linkText1)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi2, linkText2);

        // Click "Cancel" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait);

    // Check if we can remove URLs from the list

    it('should remove the link', (browser) => {
        // Click "Edit" button
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes visible

            // Check the form doesn't contain that link we had removed

        // Click "Save" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait);

    // Check if removed URL is not in a list on next open of <ArticleEditForm>

    it('should removed URL not be in a list on next open', (browser) => {
        // Click "Edit" button
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes visible

            // Check if the fields contain that links we had entered
            // and not contain link we removed. TExt of linkText2 has to
            // be in elLinkLi1. elLinkLi2 has to not be in a form

            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi0, linkText0)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi1, linkText2)

            // Add link back.
            .setValue(elLinkInput, linkText1);

        // Click "Save" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait);

    // Check if the links in form are the same ordered we added them
    // after remove one of them

    it('should display the links entered in a correct order after remove one of them', (browser) => {
        // Check if the fields contain that links we had entered
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes visible

            // Check the order of links is right
            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi0, linkText0)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi1, linkText2)
            .assert.containsText(elLinkLi2, linkText1);

        // Click "Cancel" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait);

    // Check if we can discard removing URLs from the list

    it('should not remove the link on discard', (browser) => {
        // Click "Edit" button
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes visible

            // Check the form doesn't contain that link we had removed

            // Click "Cancel" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes hidden

            // Click "Edit" button
            .waitForElementVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait)

            // Check if the form becomes visible


        // Click "Cancel" button
            .waitForElementNotVisible(elFeedbackForm, timeToWait);