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A simple gem to send email through gmail

require 'gmail_sender'

g = GmailSender.new("gmail_account_user_name", "gmail_account_password")
# you can attach any number of files, but there are limits for total attachments size
g.send(:to => "someone@domain.com",
       :subject => "The subject",
       :content => "The mail body")

Notice that the `:to` key accepts an email array so you can send the message to many receivers.
You can specify the content type which is `text/plain` by default.

g.send(:to => "someone@domain.com",
       :subject => "The subject",
       :content => "<img src='http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0d/Simpsons_FamilyPicture.png'/>",
       :content_type => 'text/html')

To use your google apps domain instead of gmail.com include the complete sender email instead of just the user name:

g = GmailSender.new("gmail_account_user_name@yourdomain.com", "gmail_account_password")

Command line usage

You can also use gmail_sender from the command line. First you need to create `~/.gmail` with this content (YAML):

receiver_email: default_receiver@gmail.com
sender_user: gmail_account_user_name
sender_password: gmail_account_password

Is advisable to use a different sender account than your main email address so that it's not so bad if someone reads your configuration file and gets your password.

### Examples

To send your directory list to the default receiver:

ls | gmail

You can specify some parameters like in this example which doesn't use pipes:

gmail -t hansel@gmail.com gretel@hotmail.com -s "the subject" -c "the content"

You can send attachments by using the -a option (this example assumes that you have a receiver_email set in the `~/.gmail` file so the `-t` is not needed):

gmail -c "the attachments" -a ./VERSION ./gmail_sender.gemspec

To send html content use the ct option

gmail -c "<img src='http://host/image.png'/>" -ct text/html


gem install gmail_sender


tlsmail if running Ruby 1.8.6

Major contributors

* Daniel Cadenas - Maintainer
* Felipe Coury
* iwakura
* saks
* elcuervo