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Test Coverage
<!-- See --> <!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 MD041 -->
<details><summary>If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives</summary>

If items relate to a ...
* binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all).

  Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file.

  File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files.

  `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [](
../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using).

* well-formed pattern.

  If you can write a [pattern](
) that would match it,
  try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file.

  Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines.

  Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.


<!-- adoption information-->
:steam_locomotive: If you're seeing this message and your PR is from a branch that doesn't have check-spelling,
please merge to your PR's base branch to get the version configured for your repository.